Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:America’s
6-digit new Covid cases is a new high seen repeating itself for the last 2-3 days, probably due to multiple huge crowds nationwide gathering for the elections...
Cyprus is headed that way too
with over 50,000 cases per day and more if you were to multiply your stats by 320 to roughly equate to the same as the US population. That's without an election.
Why? ... ry/cyprus/

Poor little Paphitis... the Trump embarrassment has messed your head up pretty bad!

So Get Real...why is Cyprus in so much trouble?
No right or wrong answer here Get Real...just an admission on what your Chy-na Virus policy is in Cyprus.
Did Cyprus choose economy over Chy-na Virus safety? If it did, just like Trump did, then that's ok. 2 trains of thought here:
1) eradication and full on Chy-na Virus safety like Australia at the expense of the economy and livelihoods, or
2) economy which means livelihoods won't be impacted as much but you will be ravaged with Chy-na Virus carnage.
Cyprus must have taken the Trump approach? Correct?
I don't blame Cyprus. It chose not to destroy the livelihoods of the young. The price of course is death to a few hundred people. Not a decision that can be taken lightly. But a valid response just like the more extreme approach here in Australia. The cost here is economy and livelihoods but no carnage.
I just thought I'll help you out a bit.