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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
The bat virus was custom modified in a lab to suit the US’ needs.

It had to be able to infect humans (jump from bat to humans not naturally possible) in which they succeeded…


NB: Article is now locked but I did save an image of some of it back then.

Also... ... -outbreak/

It had to be able to discriminate races which they *thought* they had accomplished… ... ating-race

…but it didn’t last.

And I don’t know what else they aimed for.

With reference to the article: ... ating-race

I first note that the author is said to be “Tyler Durden”. Tyler Durden is the name of a character played by Brad Pitt in the film Fight Club and this is apparently an alias used by one or more writers at the Zero Hedge website. Of course, an article stands and falls by its arguments, but I am always a little suspicious when the author hides behind an alias especially when, as here, they are discussing matters that call for technical knowledge and I would like to know how qualified they are to do so. I would note that a great many eminent and qualified medical professionals have come out and questioned whether the virus is as dangerous as the official narrative claims and whether such extreme measures are warranted – the thousands of medical professionals who have added their signatures to the open letter from Belgian healthcare professionals and the Great Barrington Declaration being recent examples in question. Not a few, e.g. Dr Andrew Kaufman or Dr Iqbal Adil have been sacked or had their licences suspended for speaking out, so certain powerful forces certainly want to frighten the medical profession into silence. I find the arguments of qualified professionals who come out in public with their claims to be more persuasive, frankly.

Anyway, let’s look at the merits of the argument. As I understand it, the author cites an academic study which shows that the greater presence of a certain enzyme in the lungs of people from this region makes north east Asians more susceptible to the disease. Note in the first place it says they are more susceptible; it does not say that people of other “races” are immune and no evidence at all is offered that the virus was deliberately engineered to make it this way. In other words, if this is the only evidence available to prove that the US deep state engineered a virus that would only attack Asians and not Caucasians, it is pretty weak evidence. So, while as Professor Adam is reported as saying, “For certain infections there may be genetic differences in susceptibility” this is a far cry from claiming that it gives any group blanket immunity and if the virus has been engineered to act in this way, the onus still remains on the person making this claim to prove it, since naturally forming viruses can display this property, too.

The article dates back to March and a lot has happened since then. One of its arguments for the virus’s so-called racial bias is that the virus was not ravaging Africa, meaning that either intentionally or by design it somehow bypasses dark-skinned people as it rampages. Well, as far as I know Africa still seems to have been spared the worst effects of this “second black death” from which 99% of those affected recover, but it is widely reported that Afro-Americans have been disproportionately affected. Hence, the explanation may not be racial at all, but climatic and social, in that the virus may not spread well in very hot places and Afro-Americans are as a whole a highly disadvantaged section of the US population which thus has a poorer diet and worse housing, factors that may contribute to suffering harsher effects on contracting a disease. Yes, our anonymous author does cite Professor Rodney Adam, who says, ‘There is no current evidence to indicate that climate affects transmission,” but I would suggest that subsequent evidence has indicated that heat does affect its transmission.

So, overall, I would say that the cited article does provide some evidence from a non-peer reviewed article that Asians have higher susceptibility but a great deal more supporting evidence is needed to back up the argument that the US deep state consciously developed a virus that would target Asians alone, especially that showing that it was deliberately manufactured in this way, given that there may be, as Professor Adam has stated, genetic differences in susceptibility to naturally occurring viruses.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:31 am

Kikapu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
According to this formula, to control the masses, you need a “threat … whether real or promulgated, that threatens our very existence” and then “individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being.”

Surely this is the formula being played out under the hysteria over a disease that at worst is as deadly as the flu?

Yes Tim, but in order for the world leaders to “control the masses” by taking our rights away because of the “threat”, which is no worse than the flu as some claim, then the “threat” must remain in place in perpetuity in order to keep the sheep in line without rights. And what would the world leaders gain by doing that since the world economy would just get worse and worse until it will crumble to nothing. If there is no economy to speak of, then there would be no rich people left because soon they won’t have their billions either. Then you will have massive unemployment with riots and destruction where the rule of law cannot be maintained, to which anyone who might still have any kind of wealth and the “good life” would become victims to the masses.

Is the above scenario what the world leaders really want? :roll:

Does the “threat” have to remain in place in perpetuity in order to keep the sheep in line without rights? Well, perhaps, but the threat can change over time as one threat loses its effect. For example, have you noticed ever since the covid hysteria has been pumped up to the extent that this is virtually all the mainstream media now reports on, the issue of Islamist terrorism has instantaneously vanished from the scene? Yet, in its day it served a similar purpose. Look, for example at the assaults on civil liberties that took place in the USA under the Patriot Act: ... atriot-act . Additionally, once you have stripped people of their rights, it is harder for them to fight back and regain those rights. Especially, if as some believe, there is going to be something in that upcoming universally mandatory injection which in conjunction with 5G, being rolled out at breakneck speed, will facilitate previously unconceivable surveillance and control mechanisms that will make any kind of future rebellion or revolution by the masses impossible. You need to grasp such notions as the “great reset” and the “fourth industrial revolution” which, as I have shown, are on the lips of influential think tanks like the World Economic Forum to get an idea of the fundamental nature of the change to human social organization it is seemingly wished to engineer. Take the notion of the “fourth industrial revolution.” This is based on the premise that artificial intelligence will soon be capable of doing absolutely everything and human labour will become redundant and nobody will have jobs any more. Talk of “massive unemployment” will be meaningless because there will be no more employment. You can debate whether this is possible, but assuming for the sake of argument that this is what is coming, for one thing this means the end of capitalism as Marxists understand the term because there will be no exploitation of human labour. This would be a shift to a whole new way of organizing things. If the plan is to put everyone on very low basic universal income and reduce them to a subsistence level of existence, it is understandable that this may lead to major rebellion and possibly the global ruling classes do not wish to move in this direction without first having brought the masses under an unprecedented degree of control using the latest possibilities technology can offer, and this may explain why everything is being done to see to it that everyone is forced to take the injection. Don’t forget that prior to the so-called pandemic, protest movements against the effects of neo-liberalism were springing up in many places, not least the yellow vests protests in France, and all of these have been stifled as a result of the draconian measures that have been introduced. I don’t understand these “cutting off their own noses despite their faces” kinds of argument that the global ruling class cannot have such a plan because they will suffer too, bearing in mind the clear evidence that the superrich have done very well so far over the process, with billionaires on average having added twenty per cent to their net wealth this year so far. I would suggest they know fine well what they are doing, and will continue to see to it that things progress to their advantage and everyone else’s disadvantage, unless the latter wake up and start resisting. In a world in which artificial intelligence and robots do everything - and I will admit I have problems with this hypothesis – and the ruling class no longer has any need for the labour of the masses, I don’t see how they will suffer having greatly increased the degree to which they monopolize global wealth and power and having reduced the masses to a kind of neo-serfdom or neo-slavery in which they are under constant control and surveillance, possibly even geofenced, such that any risk of future revolution is removed. The paradigm in which the wealth of those at the top depends on those at the bottom having money to spend belongs to consumerist capitalism. The model being striven towards, it seems to me, is one in which those at the top have their needs met by machines and thus no longer need the working masses.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:18 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:So, overall, I would say that the cited article does provide some evidence from a non-peer reviewed article that Asians have higher susceptibility but a great deal more supporting evidence is needed to back up the argument that the US deep state consciously developed a virus that would target Asians alone, especially that showing that it was deliberately manufactured in this way, given that there may be, as Professor Adam has stated, genetic differences in susceptibility to naturally occurring viruses.

So you skipped the most damning evidence of a US lab/scientist boasting in 2015 of successfully modifying a corona-bat virus to jump from bats to humans smack on the border of China, eh...

Nice going! :)
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:41 pm


If you are still a HCQ skeptic, listen to Dr Brian Tyson, he’s on the frontline and treated 1700 covid patients.

The media loves to demonise it, but can Hydroxychloroquine save lives ?

The answer is absolutely. We’ve being doing this (treating patients with Hydroxychloroquine) since March this year, we’ve tested over 16,000 patients, we had about 1,700 positive cases that we treated. And as we went through it, we treat the people with Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc, and either Azithromycin or doxycycline depending upon their risk factors for developing cardiac arrhythmia.

We sent one patient to the hospital for four days, and we had a Zero mortality rate with over 1700 positive patients.

You treated over 1,700 people with Hydroxychloroquine and had zero deaths ?

Zero deaths.

So if everybody started using this (Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc), could we reopen the country tomorrow ?

We should be able to reopen the country even without using it. Most of the people don’t even need it. If you get sick, let’s start the treatment right away.

How are you using this when other doctors in California are afraid to.

We had really no choice, honestly. We had sick patients, whats the treatment, what’s were the alternates? The answer is there were no alternatives.

If the medical board wants to take my licence for using a proven drug that works, then I’m sure that a lawyer out there will be prepared to defend me. But I’m not going to let my patients die over politics, I’m just not going to allow that.

People say we should wait for a vaccine ..... what are your thoughts on waiting for a vaccine for a coronavirus ?

We don’t need a vaccine, we don’t need a vaccine. If you look at the populations, if you have a 99.7% chance of survival, what do you need a vaccine for ?

So in your experience as a doctor is this lockdown more harmful to the public health than the coronavirus ?

Absolutely, absolutely. It was supposed to be 2 weeks slow the curve, it turned into a 6 months complete lockdown But there is no science base behind that.

No one can live in lockdown forever. That’s not healthy for anyone....

We want the ability to choose for ourselves, to have a right to try medication if we (doctors & patients) feel it’s useful. Listen to the doctors on the frontline who are making these decisions who are treating these patients, and saying ‘hey this works’, then let’s use it. Not the opposite, of those not on the frontline telling us what we should be doing.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:59 pm

Queensland Premier (a so called left Laborite Democrat) just got caught with her pants down.

Some background: Queensland has zero COVID most days. Occasionally, they may get 1 or 2 COVID cases a week out of a population of nearly 6 million. All in Brisbane with a population of 2.5 million people. So it’s not a small city.

Queensland has a lock down. No one can cross into Queensland unless you are an approved essential worker.

They have elections there soon. The Government trying to stoke up fear and drum up support by telling the sheeple it is all tough on COVID to keep the flock safe.

As I said no one can get in. Well almost no one. If you have money or are one of the elites, you can go there without the 14 day isolation in a hotel.

Take for example the former CEO of JetStar (a QANTAS LCC Company). They can go without quarantine.

Also, Tom Hanks.

One rule for us and another rule for the wealthy and the elites.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:01 pm

Last edited by CrookedRiverGuy on Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:One rule for us and another rule for the wealthy and the elites.

You should come live in a decent state, rather than keeping up with those living conditions.

The last time I saw a police on close hold, I started wondering if something finally had happened in this town of mine. Apparently they were only helping a person with dementia that got lost.
By the way, no masks here. It isn't required any where. They encourage people to use it on public transport. Except for that, everything is normal.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:52 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
Paphitis wrote:One rule for us and another rule for the wealthy and the elites.

You should come live in a decent state, rather than keeping up with those living conditions.

The last time I saw a police on close hold, I started wondering if something finally had happened in this town of mine. Apparently they were only helping a person with dementia that got lost.
By the way, no masks here. It isn't required any where. They encourage people to use it on public transport. Except for that, everything is normal.

I am in a descent state.

Adelaide has a much more coherent administration. Like Queensland, it appears COVID has been successfully elliminated. And the state has opened up to ACT, NSW , NT, and NZ. They want to open up with WA and Queensland too but the looney left governments there are just stupid because they are exploiting COVID for political gain.

I do get to Brisbane most weeks still as an essential worker. So I’m allowed to go. That includes Melbourne too.

Much prefer the Canberra cycle though because I love the Challenger. Like driving a Lamborghini.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:31 am

Well it looks like WHO has done a back flip. Better late than never.

They concede COVID isn’t the lethal monster they thought it was and they no longer recommend lock downs.

But I guarantee you that the governments (such as Dan Andrews) who would always cite WHO advice will ignore the latest WHO recommendations and continue to claim lick downs are imperative for public safety. ... 7731c3da74
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:They concede COVID isn’t the lethal monster they thought it was and they no longer recommend lock downs.

The WHO did not say “Covid isn’t the lethal monster they thought it was”. Not at all.

They just did not agree with the lockdowns because of economic reasons, especially in the poorer countries. Stating the obvious really.

But lockdowns or not, as long as Covid virus keeps on increasing in numbers, the economy will suffer regardless, at home and abroad. Noway getting around it really for the moment.

But lockdowns hardly exists at the moment. Granted, quarantine rules are sort of a mini lockdowns for limited days on individuals when traveling to certain countries and again when returning home.
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