Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:The US and American citizens are really big on their freedoms right down to their rights to bear arms. All written up in the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights. .
Too bad Trump doesn’t believe in the Constitution since he is not prepared to hand over presidential powers peacefully if he loses the election next month.

That is just more false fear mongering!
Is that why Pence sidestepped the very question when asked to him during the debate with Harris.

The whole issue seems to revolve around Democrat corruption and cheating at elections such as when Democrat scrutineers through thousands of US Military ballots in the bin because they voted for Trump.
It was Trump warning the Democrats to not cheat.
That’s rubbish.
Trump wants to cover his ass, that if he loses it is because the Democrats cheated.
There has never been wide spread cheating in the US elections where it made a difference to the final result, other than of course Russia helping Trump win the 2016 elections.

You said the same things at the last election but it was the Democrats that were caught with their pants down.
And after Trump wins, you will be saying the same things again about Russian collusion, calls for impeachment.
When it comes to abiding by election results, it's always been the Democrats that are unwilling to abide by the will of the people.
Can you name any Democratic presidential candidate who contested the final count in any presidential election?
The Democrats spent the last 4 years contesting the 2016 results.
No. That is called campaigning for the 2020 elections.

Come on Kikapu! You know that isn’t true.
No POTUS in the history of the US had been vilified and persecuted as much as this one. Everything from impeachment’s, false accusations, smearing with allegations ranging from the serious right down to how he looks, talks, and his mannerisms. No POTUS has ever had to tolerate as much as Trump, not even Nixon who really did break the law.
The Democrats never accepted the 2016 results because they thought it was the election they couldn’t lose.
Even the campaign for 2020 just seems that Trump is all over it as a campaign master with Biden and Camela clearly out of their depth.
The way things are going, Prince will be POTUS for the 8 years after Trump and then after that it will be Trump Jr as POTUS for 8 years. Can you imagine the salt?