Londonrake wrote:Speaking as someone who knows. Who knows! And right now can prove he’s Covid negative, unlike you ordinary mortals.![]()
No, I can’t exactly recall the US bio weapon post GR refers to. I’m willing to bet though that it’s sourcing is about as credible as a flat earth. You would doubtless need to be a true believer, with a passionate desire to do so. Or of course a useful idiot.
You don’t hear a lot about it but the Chinese have a quite large and sophisticated disinformation branch of the PLA. Better than the Russians and that’s saying something, Certainly one of its early efforts was a story about the virus being released during a US army visit to Wuhan around that time. Distract/divert/delay. Eagerly lapped up on social media but a load of total bollocks. You could call it - more anti-US “theatrics”.
Chy-na must be held responsible for what it done. No one cares about the false allegations they made to put themselves in the clear, but the fact they knew full well Wuhan was in trouble and isolate the area from the rest of Chy-na and yet still allowed international travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world.
If some country is to be accused of BIO terrorism, then that country is Chy-na.