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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:01 am

The reasons (excuses) to not offer aid and refuge and support to those in the direst of need are legion. There is only one reason to do so.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:38 am

repulsewarrior wrote:

How To Tell If We're Beating COVID-19
1,950,900 views•Premiered Mar 27, 2020

Hi RW . I saw the chart / analysis that I first saw as a result of your post above in the 'main stream' media for the first time today. Here ... 66de1962b1

I also note the youtube video that explains the chart / analysis is up to nearly 5 million views. It was just over 2 when I first saw it as a result of your post.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:07 pm

Londonrake wrote:Cruising nowadays is pretty much a hoi polloi thing. You get all sorts TBH. The idea that it’s a rich man’s pursuit’s an anachronism. Well - they’ve even let me on a few. :lol:

Been on a couple myself and they are thoroughly fun. And very affordable and relaxing if you just want to chill out.

But at the same time, people shouldn't be traveling on these ships in this moment with the present circumstances of Chinese Flu, and any country is within its rights to turn the ships back.

One ship has costs us big and if that continues and we hop on the exponential trajectory again, which we are starting to flatten, then our Health Services will be breaking as we won't have enough Hospital beds, ICU beds and ventilators and then it goes to a triage system where Doctors are choosing who lives and who dies.

We are trying to avoid that situation as much as possible and if we can, avoid that terrible situation entirely. I think we have a great chance to achieve that. We are now classed in the same category as South Korea and Singapore. It seems there are 2 things that have worked in our favour. We have the second highest testing regime in the world behind South Korea and we are an island and have a natural God given defence. But to take advantage of our moat, we have to stop people importing the disease and it looks like this is what's happening.

1 Ship has had a dramatic impact in Australia. So many cases off that 1 ship. Now the authorities are instructing cruise ships to turn around and go back to their last port of departure. They will not be allowed to dock or enter Australian waters.

There is a great pie chart in the below link. A third of all our cases of Chinese Virus are from Cruise Ships. So the Government would commit suicide to let in another ship in. 9 ships have been turned around after been denied entry into Australia. Our Government has an obligation to look after its own citizens and its own citizens vote and they know that too. ... se-numbers

The cruise liners involved are being criticized for even commencing their cruise at this time and their is a lot of outrage among the people. There is a feeling that we are all at war now. The enemy being a virus that is difficult to control.

If any of these ships land in Australia, our Government is cactus.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:34 pm

Paphitis wrote: We are now classed in the same category as South Korea and Singapore.

When will you learn that this virus does not care about your BS. It has ZERO effect on it.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:07 pm

Kikapu wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Seems to me we always find 'reasons' to justify our choice to ignore the suffering of others. Be they refugees or cruise ship passengers or the truly impoverished.

Not so, Erol.

Refugees, migrants and the impoverished act in desperation, even though when some of their actions may not be recommended. Passengers on cruise ships however are only on a vacation in time of “war” against a virus. A little common sense would go a long way by these passengers and the cruise ship companies.

Poor planning on their part should not necessitate an emergency on others.

Sure would! Common sense would go a long way.

there is a real sense of war as you said. Our military has been enlisted to help out. My wife who works for a Department has 3 soldiers in her section protecting the staff and making sure they don't have contact with random public.

You will see soldiers at our airports and ports and they escort all international arrivals to the quarantine zone. The Government has set up these quarantine zones where they have hired entire hotels, resorts to house the quarantined and there is permanent security there which could be the army or privately hired security companies. No one allowed in or out. The Government provides food and medical checks,

They even send them to islands like Rottnest which featured on the latest tourism adds.

I am literally amazed at the response so far. People are feeling more confident now and following the rules, in the most part.

Our trajectory is flattening as well and it looks like we should get under 250 new cases today. So our numbers are in definate decline and that is without the latest most stringent restrictions on travel. We won't see those results for another 2 to 3 weeks.

They have also spent another 1 billion on our hospitals and bought more ventilators, opened new ICU units and they have manufactured 160 million surgical masks in Adelaide. We at one point were not manufacturing these basic things because we outsourced everything to China. It's amazing what can happen when you are at war.

The news here is a lot more buoyant these days as well. All in all, we are a lot more confident today than we were a week ago.

Australian cases were doubling every 4 days a week ago, then every 7 days 4 days ago, and now they are saying we are doubling every 13 days so the results are very encouraging and that is whilst also including the Ruby Princess incident which gave us 400 new cases alone and 5 deaths.

Our PM just said we will be fine, and second only to South Korea at this point.

Here is the trajectory from the Department of Health. You can see a clear trend developing.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:56 pm

Looks like they are making an example of another Cruise Ship in Fremantle which docked a few days ago.

They only allowed 800 passengers off who were given health checks, taken to Perth Airport and deported back to Germany just like that. Thanks for visiting Australia.

41 confirmed cases in a Perth Hospital and the rest stranded on the ship which has been told to leave but the Captain refuses to do so.

Hope they blacklist that company from ever coming to Australia ever again.

These Cruise ships are public enemy number 1 at the moment. ... r-BB11Zr1u
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:00 pm

Paphitis wrote:Here is the trajectory from the Department of Health. You can see a clear trend developing.


And here is a quick and dirty version of the same graph for South Korea that you claim Australia is now classed same as (classed as by whom ? the pixies at the end of your garden) ?


Anyway in the current environment and for my own sanity and mental health, as I can only take so much relentless egotistical, hypocritical, ignorant, self serving buffoonery and lies , and as it is next to impossible to avoid Trump given he is the POTUS, I am afraid I am going to have to take a leave of absence from this forum for a while.

Take care everyone, of yourselves and those around you and stay as safe as your can. Bye all. See you on the other side maybe.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:23 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Here is the trajectory from the Department of Health. You can see a clear trend developing.


And here is a quick and dirty version of the same graph for South Korea that you claim Australia is now classed same as (classed as by whom ? the pixies at the end of your garden) ?


Anyway in the current environment and for my own sanity and mental health, as I can only take so much relentless egotistical, hypocritical, ignorant, self serving buffoonery and lies , and as it is next to impossible to avoid Trump given he is the POTUS, I am afraid I am going to have to take a leave of absence from this forum for a while.

Take care everyone, of yourselves and those around you and stay as safe as your can. Bye all. See you on the other side maybe.

I was actually consideringleaving the CY Forum since Im tired of the constant stupidity of Paphitis. The entire Universe for instance refers to this virus as COVID-19 which is abbreviation of Corona Virus Desease. Ever since the US bufoon called it Chinese, this moron persists in calling it such in spite of the name used by the UN, the WHO and every single nation on the planet including all scientists and medical professionals. He has reduced the forum to a circus. He is a self opinionated prick and the quicker he once again waves us all goodbye the better for the Forum.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:30 pm

miltiades wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Here is the trajectory from the Department of Health. You can see a clear trend developing.


And here is a quick and dirty version of the same graph for South Korea that you claim Australia is now classed same as (classed as by whom ? the pixies at the end of your garden) ?


Anyway in the current environment and for my own sanity and mental health, as I can only take so much relentless egotistical, hypocritical, ignorant, self serving buffoonery and lies , and as it is next to impossible to avoid Trump given he is the POTUS, I am afraid I am going to have to take a leave of absence from this forum for a while.

Take care everyone, of yourselves and those around you and stay as safe as your can. Bye all. See you on the other side maybe.

I was actually consideringleaving the CY Forum since Im tired of the constant stupidity of Paphitis. The entire Universe for instance refers to this virus as COVID-19 which is abbreviation of Corona Virus Desease. Ever since the US bufoon called it Chinese, this moron persists in calling it such in spite of the name used by the UN, the WHO and every single nation on the planet including all scientists and medical professionals. He has reduced the forum to a circus. He is a self opinionated prick and the quicker he once again waves us all goodbye the better for the Forum.

Don't forget to tell us how THE MIGHTY EURO is doing before you leave CoCo! :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:40 pm

The Euro is doing very well arsehole !!
Did you mean the pound? Since the peasants vote in June 2016 it has lost around 20 cents on the euro.
Soon it will lose a lot more. Now, take my advice that shit comes out your arse, Currently the home of your brain, and not where you have a bucket at the ready.
What a Plonker !!
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