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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby B25 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:17 pm

Well the occupation regime has closed 2 crossing points and banned citizens from 22 countries including the UK.
Where are those Turkish cock suckers UCN to demonstrate against that closure???
These MFs need rounding up and shooting, traitors period.
Only pleasure i take in this decision is that those f lowlife scumbag cheapskate Brits can’t go over fir their daily dose if ass fuck and cheap goods.
May they all go to hell and take those UCN cunts with them.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:44 pm

They wouldn't go over there and protest their decision,

Because they risk being beaten up by grey wolves, thrown in jail or shot by the Turkish army.

They would only dare to make protests in "civilized" countries to unite now with an illegal Islamist pirate "state".
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:03 pm

...interesting; those links.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:19 pm

Cyprus, with its 14 confirmed cases has now climbed to #26.

This small number (14) does not matter much as long as it is supported by exponential growth.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:08 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
They didn't immediately lock down Wuhan. 8 Doctors in Wuhan were already treating patients with SARS like symptoms and they tried to alert colleagues and the Government, but the State didn't listen and they even reprimanded them. One of the Doctors has since died from Coronavirus.

Directly the Chinese KNEW what was happening they did lock down Wuhan ..... then virtually all the main cities/towns throughout China. The US, UK, EU are still not shut down! But this is what I am trying to impart to you ....... authority in both China and the US ignored the whistle blowers that had all the information.

I know you have an aversion to anything you can’t read about in the NYT or WP but by doing so you are doing just what you accuse China of doing and that is ignoring credible explanations. The following is not bashing the US, it is a credible explanation of where the virus most likely came from. If this is true then the cases in the US, yet to be indentified, could be orders of magnitude higher than accepted by the US administration.

Now expand that a bit? Trump has shut the door to Europe, or should I say Schengen Europe, presumably because it has free movement with no borders? So, here we have a credible explanation of the source likely being the US ...... but has Trump shut down internal travel within the US? There are no border controls between States either! The US still has not the slightest idea of how many US citizens are affected with this virus as they don’t even have the test kits to find out!

For his actions to have the effect Trump thinks they will, he has to also shut down the US ...... and that is not going to happen because of the effect on the Markets, which are already in a power dive. I am afraid that Trump has no more regard for the American people than your claim that China’s government has for theirs. At the end of the day this virus IS a health problem but the effect on The Markets is what is troubling those making the decisions.

Swallow your hatred of anything that might contradict your opinions ......... and read this. It is interesting.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus - By Larry Romanoff

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US - By Larry Romanoff

We don't need to shut down anything. It's not as if either country has a high incidence at this point in time.

All we need to do is shut down our borders to certain countries like China, Iran, Korea and Italy to reduce our risk.

Australia has closed its borders to Iran, China, Korea and Italy and may close its borders to more countries in the near future.

USA has closed down its borders to Shengen countries, Iran, China, and Korea with more to follow soon.

When Australia started to send Chinese Nationals to the Christmas Island Detention Centers and cancel all student VISAS, the Chinese were calling blue murder. They were beside themsleves trying to play down the risk and accuse us of over reacting.

There is no reason for the USA or Australia to be quarantined or closed down. If any country wants to close down their borders to the USA and Australia, they are free to do so. We don't particularly care or are worried. Both Australia and USA will not hesitate to close their borders to other countries.

Once again, you are wasting your time with those links. I don't read them.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
They didn't immediately lock down Wuhan. 8 Doctors in Wuhan were already treating patients with SARS like symptoms and they tried to alert colleagues and the Government, but the State didn't listen and they even reprimanded them. One of the Doctors has since died from Coronavirus.

Directly the Chinese KNEW what was happening they did lock down Wuhan ..... then virtually all the main cities/towns throughout China. The US, UK, EU are still not shut down! But this is what I am trying to impart to you ....... authority in both China and the US ignored the whistle blowers that had all the information.

I know you have an aversion to anything you can’t read about in the NYT or WP but by doing so you are doing just what you accuse China of doing and that is ignoring credible explanations. The following is not bashing the US, it is a credible explanation of where the virus most likely came from. If this is true then the cases in the US, yet to be indentified, could be orders of magnitude higher than accepted by the US administration.

Now expand that a bit? Trump has shut the door to Europe, or should I say Schengen Europe, presumably because it has free movement with no borders? So, here we have a credible explanation of the source likely being the US ...... but has Trump shut down internal travel within the US? There are no border controls between States either! The US still has not the slightest idea of how many US citizens are affected with this virus as they don’t even have the test kits to find out!

For his actions to have the effect Trump thinks they will, he has to also shut down the US ...... and that is not going to happen because of the effect on the Markets, which are already in a power dive. I am afraid that Trump has no more regard for the American people than your claim that China’s government has for theirs. At the end of the day this virus IS a health problem but the effect on The Markets is what is troubling those making the decisions.

Swallow your hatred of anything that might contradict your opinions ......... and read this. It is interesting.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus - By Larry Romanoff

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US - By Larry Romanoff

We don't need to shut down anything. It's not as if either country has a high incidence at this point in time.

All we need to do is shut down our borders to certain countries like China, Iran, Korea and Italy to reduce our risk.

Australia has closed its borders to Iran, China, Korea and Italy and may close its borders to more countries in the near future.

USA has closed down its borders to Shengen countries, Iran, China, and Korea with more to follow soon.

When Australia started to send Chinese Nationals to the Christmas Island Detention Centers and cancel all student VISAS, the Chinese were calling blue murder. They were beside themsleves trying to play down the risk and accuse us of over reacting.

There is no reason for the USA or Australia to be quarantined or closed down. If any country wants to close down their borders to the USA and Australia, they are free to do so. We don't particularly care or are worried. Both Australia and USA will not hesitate to close their borders to other countries.

Once again, you are wasting your time with those links. I don't read them.

That is why you don't have a clue how this virus spreads! If you have cases already in the country ( and in the UK the estimate is around 10,000 at the moment,) with no visible signs of the virus, then internal movement of people will spread the virus rapidly. Closing down access from outside really makes little difference once the virus is through the door, unless you are a country with zero cases. Even then you cannot be sure for about 7-14 days after you close all access from outside, that you don't have any cases until the symptoms fail to materialise.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:41 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
They didn't immediately lock down Wuhan. 8 Doctors in Wuhan were already treating patients with SARS like symptoms and they tried to alert colleagues and the Government, but the State didn't listen and they even reprimanded them. One of the Doctors has since died from Coronavirus.

Directly the Chinese KNEW what was happening they did lock down Wuhan ..... then virtually all the main cities/towns throughout China. The US, UK, EU are still not shut down! But this is what I am trying to impart to you ....... authority in both China and the US ignored the whistle blowers that had all the information.

I know you have an aversion to anything you can’t read about in the NYT or WP but by doing so you are doing just what you accuse China of doing and that is ignoring credible explanations. The following is not bashing the US, it is a credible explanation of where the virus most likely came from. If this is true then the cases in the US, yet to be indentified, could be orders of magnitude higher than accepted by the US administration.

Now expand that a bit? Trump has shut the door to Europe, or should I say Schengen Europe, presumably because it has free movement with no borders? So, here we have a credible explanation of the source likely being the US ...... but has Trump shut down internal travel within the US? There are no border controls between States either! The US still has not the slightest idea of how many US citizens are affected with this virus as they don’t even have the test kits to find out!

For his actions to have the effect Trump thinks they will, he has to also shut down the US ...... and that is not going to happen because of the effect on the Markets, which are already in a power dive. I am afraid that Trump has no more regard for the American people than your claim that China’s government has for theirs. At the end of the day this virus IS a health problem but the effect on The Markets is what is troubling those making the decisions.

Swallow your hatred of anything that might contradict your opinions ......... and read this. It is interesting.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus - By Larry Romanoff

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US - By Larry Romanoff

We don't need to shut down anything. It's not as if either country has a high incidence at this point in time.

All we need to do is shut down our borders to certain countries like China, Iran, Korea and Italy to reduce our risk.

Australia has closed its borders to Iran, China, Korea and Italy and may close its borders to more countries in the near future.

USA has closed down its borders to Shengen countries, Iran, China, and Korea with more to follow soon.

When Australia started to send Chinese Nationals to the Christmas Island Detention Centers and cancel all student VISAS, the Chinese were calling blue murder. They were beside themsleves trying to play down the risk and accuse us of over reacting.

There is no reason for the USA or Australia to be quarantined or closed down. If any country wants to close down their borders to the USA and Australia, they are free to do so. We don't particularly care or are worried. Both Australia and USA will not hesitate to close their borders to other countries.

Once again, you are wasting your time with those links. I don't read them.

That is why you don't have a clue how this virus spreads! If you have cases already in the country ( and in the UK the estimate is around 10,000 at the moment,) with no visible signs of the virus, then internal movement of people will spread the virus rapidly. Closing down access from outside really makes little difference once the virus is through the door, unless you are a country with zero cases. Even then you cannot be sure for about 7-14 days after you close all access from outside, that you don't have any cases until the symptoms fail to materialise.

We have set up body thermal temperature measuring devices at all our ports of entry. As you walk through, customs have taken a reading of your body temperature with someone behind a screen looking over the readings.

If you temperature is unusual, or you come from one of the banned countries, then see ya later because your on a plane back home. :D

We are not at the point of quarantining our country when we only have about 200 cases out of 25 million.

The cases which are detected are quarantined from the rest of the population in our infectious disease wards.

Our country has acted quicker than China, and is taking stringent measures.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:We don't need to shut down anything. It's not as if either country has a high incidence at this point in time.

All we need to do is shut down our borders to certain countries like China, Iran, Korea and Italy to reduce our risk.

It's like hearing Trump a week ago; "Nah, it's just like a seasonal flue, we have the best BLAH BLAH BLAH, we even have Pence to take charge of this"

Tonight he might declare a state of emergency :roll:

Robin Hood wrote:That is why you don't have a clue how this virus spreads! If you have cases already in the country ( and in the UK the estimate is around 10,000 at the moment,) with no visible signs of the virus, then internal movement of people will spread the virus rapidly. Closing down access from outside really makes little difference once the virus is through the door, unless you are a country with zero cases. Even then you cannot be sure for about 7-14 days after you close all access from outside, that you don't have any cases until the symptoms fail to materialise.


Paphitis wrote:We have set up body thermal temperature measuring devices at all our ports of entry. As you walk through, customs have taken a reading of your body temperature with someone behind a screen looking over the readings.

If you temperature is unusual, or you come from one of the banned countries, then see ya later because your on a plane back home. :D

We are not at the point of quarantining our country when we only have about 200 cases out of 25 million.

The cases which are detected are quarantined from the rest of the population in our infectious disease wards.

Our country has acted quicker than China, and is taking stringent measures.

We will see, we will see...
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:31 pm

+1 to both RH and CRG (imo)
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:We are not at the point of quarantining our country when we only have about 200 cases out of 25 million.


You are right! 199 actually. And up 43 from the previous day. 43 each day: it will take almost 600000 days to contaminate the whole nation. Or 1590 years. So by year 3600.
You are right! Surely nothing to worry about, there is plenty of time to find a vaccine.

or could it be a 27,6% increase since yesterday
27,6% each day?
The whole nation will have had it 49 days.

The answer is somewhere in between. Also it will burn out before it reaches everyone, but to what extent we don't know.

And that lesson someone finally just managed to get into your orange friend's head. The one that called it a seasonal flu a week ago

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