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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:12 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Can you explain to me how Cyprus with a population of about 1 million has now more new cases of Covid than ALL of Australia with a population of 26 million? Only a month ago we were making headlines because of Melbourne. :lol:

If you mean why Cyprus reports 17 new cases today while Australia only registered 13 today, it depends on many things…

ie: Cyprus is very close to Europe so every plane load of passengers landing is a high risk and most of these new cases you read about in Cyprus are foreign passengers landing at CY airports.

Come off it Get Real. Geography has nothing to do with it other than both Cyprus and Australia being islands.

If you had the same response as Australia, Cyprus would be at zero transmission and zero cases each day because that is where Australia is at today in most parts except for Melbourne and Sydney which are major cities and recording singly digits today. Melbourne has 7 cases yesterday, the rest were in Sydney.

Plus, Australia has more links to Europe than Cyprus. Our airports like Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney are major international Airports with flights from Europe coming in every 10 minutes. The air routes and airspace around Melbourne and Sydney among the busiest in the world. In fact the High Route between Melbourne and Sydney is the busiest air route in the world. Good fun fact for you. Busier than Newark, NYC, LA, Chicago, London, Frankfurt Dubai, and Singapore.

Maybe no more but that was always the case. Interesting huh?

The real reason why is because Cyprus’ and Europe’s COVID response is a hell of a lot different to Australia’s. Our Government is probably one of the strictest in the world. And the response seems to be geared towards eradication completely.

I’ll bet most of Australia’s positives are Australians but in Cyprus they’re almost always foreigners who just happen to land here (transit or otherwise)!

No most are international travellers. People coming from overseas.

In the early days we had problems with cruise ships. At one point there were 13 Ships continuing to Australia despite Australia issuing Maritime Notices that they would not be allowed into Australian ports which the Ships were ignoring.

So what did Australia do? The entire Navy was mobilised and every ship was intercepted. Instructed to turn back and if they didn’t they were to be boarded by our soldiers and resume control of the ship - piracy.

So they turned back. Not much choice when major warships are round and Seahawks are flying with a boarding party.

And our biggest cluster by a factor of 75% was always Melbourne. And it was in our retirement old age care facilities because VIC Health for some reason stuffed up and let the virus in and it ravaged all our old people.

About 200 of our dead are Greeks and Cypriots. True fact for you because 3 Greek owned old age facilities were ravaged. One Greek owned facility had over 70 dead people. All people well over their 70, most over 80s and some over 90.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:37 am

Get Real! wrote:But to be honest with you Tim (and other covid deniers), your posts here are not about Covid-19 at all, they are in fact about YOU!

They are about your futile attempts to save face; for which you’re wasting your time 24/7 scanning the Internet for a modicum of “evidence” that’ll support the sad stance you condemned yourselves to from the very onset.

It would be nice if you were right but unfortunately, the virus is for real, the damage is for real, and the global disaster is real. :(

First, thanks for your feedback.

Apart from my arguments above, I would strongly suggest it is those who were taken in by the hysterical narrative that was touted ad nauseum and to the exclusion of all dissenting voices by the mainstream media over what was clearly, to those who made the effort to access the dissenting voices available on alternative media, a bug that was no more deadly than the flu who now have some humble pie to eat. After all, all the lurid forecasts, such as the famous one based purely on models by Neil Ferguson at Bill Gates Foundation-funded Imperial College London forecasting 510,000 deaths in Britain and 2.2 million deaths in the USA, have proved stupendously wrong. It has proved to be nothing more than unfounded panic mongering. Yet, a massive crash of the world economy was engineered on the basis of these forecasts that were produced at the behest of their paymasters, the tiny clique of megapowerful and megarich who are using the so-called pandemic to stage a global power grab as they gradually strip the masses of their rights and move in the direction of a totalitarian surveillance society, telling them it is needed to fight the bogeyman they themselves have created.

For an analysis of the flaws in the Ferguson analysis, produced to please his paymasters and with a particular view to causing a scare that would force the UK government to abandon its Sweden-type approach, see: ... s-covid-19

As the following from the recent open letter signed by hundreds of Belgian health professionals so cogently explains:

At the beginning of the pandemic, the measures were understandable and widely supported, even if there were differences in implementation in the countries around us. The WHO originally predicted a pandemic that would claim 3.4% victims, in other words millions of deaths, and a highly contagious virus for which no treatment or vaccine was available. This would put unprecedented pressure on the intensive care units (ICUs) of our hospitals.

This led to a global alarm situation, never seen in the history of mankind: “flatten the curve” was represented by a lockdown that shut down the entire society and economy and quarantined healthy people. Social distancing became the new normal in anticipation of a rescue vaccine.

The facts about covid-19

Gradually, the alarm bell was sounded from many sources: the objective facts showed a completely different reality.

The course of covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infection similar to a flu season. As every year, we see a mix of flu viruses following the curve: first the rhinoviruses, then the influenza A and B viruses, followed by the coronaviruses. There is nothing different from what we normally see.

The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives, showed an exponential picture. This test was rushed through with an emergency procedure and was never seriously self-tested. The creator expressly warned that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics.

The PCR test works with cycles of amplification of genetic material – a piece of genome is amplified each time. Any contamination (e.g. other viruses, debris from old virus genomes) can possibly result in false positives.

The test does not measure how many viruses are present in the sample. A real viral infection means a massive presence of viruses, the so-called virus load. If someone tests positive, this does not mean that that person is actually clinically infected, is ill or is going to become ill. Koch’s postulate was not fulfilled (“The pure agent found in a patient with complaints can provoke the same complaints in a healthy person”).

Since a positive PCR test does not automatically indicate active infection or infectivity, this does not justify the social measures taken, which are based solely on these tests.

Surely if hundreds of Belgian health professionals have put their signatures to this, it must merit some consideration?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:37 am

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:...why:
1) can the virus not be isolated? Dr Andrew Kaufman has explained in a recent interview that this would not be very difficult to do.
2) can no scientific proof be offered, e.g. by satisfying Koch's postulates, that the virus that is said to exist causes the disease? Again, Dr Andew Kaufman claims there is not a single study that shows this.

Early this year I posted (with supporting links) that I felt the virus to be man-made… an American bio-weapon against China that somehow escaped. This would explain the two points you raise.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to respond.

Yes, I recall how you made a post to this effect, with one supporting link, actually. I had the courtesy to check your link, and as I said, I did not find a post by a person hiding behind a screenname who claims to be a former US intelligence operative (a totally unsubstantiatable claim), especially on a site that appears to be devoted to some rather far-out claims all by anonymous posters, to be particularly credible.

You may not have noticed, possibly not extending a similar degree of courtesy towards me and having a look at some of the material I have cited and then responding with reference to that material, that I posted links to quite a few of the episodes in the excellent twelve-part series called “Perspectives on the Pandemic” conducted by experienced US documentary maker John Kirby in which he interviewed eminent professionals who had views on the so-called pandemic that were at variance with the one being promoted monopolistically in the mainstream media and who were thus banned from the latter, not Walter Mitty-type characters pretending to be who they are not and making unfounded, unreferenced claims. I considered these to be a priceless source for those wishing to get an alternative to the message being pushed out non-stop by the mainstream media. These videos have by now probably been taken down from YouTube and perhaps elsewhere. In one such interview with investigative journalist Sam Husseini to which I linked, Husseini makes precisely the argument that the virus was made in a lab (available here: ). Since I linked to this video, you can see that I am happy to listen to intelligent debate about this matter. However, I think we have to ask the question cui bono. I just don’t think the US deep state is so stupid and unaware as not to realize if you release a deadly virus in one part of the world, it will spread everywhere and come back and hit your own country. Also, if they wanted to harm China, surely they would have released a far more deadly virus rather than something similar to the flu.

However, to return to the main point, I feel there is a misunderstanding. If a virus is said to exist, as Dr Andrew Kaufman* explains, it should not be very difficult to isolate it and thus prove beyond all doubt that it exists. Yet, this still has not been done for this so-called novel virus (there are said to be around a quadrillion times a quadrillion different types of virus in existence, and only a tiny proportion of these have been identified, so it is impossible to say whether any virus is novel or simply one that had been previously undetected, so the official narrative falls at the first hurdle). There are those who think that Bill Gates is giving all his money away on good causes, and especially health-related ones, despite the fact that his net wealth has doubled since he declared himself to be a “philanthropist”, and if this is so, finance should surely be no issue. Good old Bill will surely divvy up to help in this essential work of isolating the virus so we can better understand it. Yet, it is not happening. The origins of the virus make no difference. Whether man made or whether of natural origin, if a virus exists it should be possible to isolate it and the onus is on those who claim it exists to prove it. Moreover, the mere existence of a virus in a person’s body, and you can usually find multiple viruses present in everyone, does not prove that virus has caused any illness that person may have. There are scientific means for proving this causal relationship. One of the best known is Koch’s postulates. As Kaufman stresses, there is no scientific study which concludes that a causal relationship exists between the virus given the name SARS-CoV-2 and the disease given the name Covid-19. Again, it makes no difference if the virus was man made or of natural origin. If you claim it is causing a disease, the onus is on you to prove this.

PS – If anyone wants the link to the Kaufman interview I mentioned, I will be happy to give it and it is worth seeing before it is censored.

* Dr. Andrew Kaufman is an American medical doctor, Professor of psychiatry, molecular biologist, and expert witness.
He studied at Duke, M.I.T, and the Medical University of South Carolina, where he conducted and published original research, and lectured to students, residents, and fellows.
He was recently dismissed from his post for publicly challenging the covid hoax.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:A further point that Kaufman raises is why in the US very few autopsies are being conducted, despite this being mandated by law at times of public health crises. The only reason, as I see it, is that if they conducted autopsies they would reveal that many if not all people shown as having died of covid on death certificates in fact died of other causes.

Otherwise, the global disaster is real. The economy has been destroyed and many small businesses have collapsed. All because of a disproportionate response to a disease less deadly than the flu, if it is not entirely a hoax.

I can give a link to the Kaufman interview if anyone is interested.

I don't know the nitty-gritty details of the American "death procedure', but I can tell you that it would be impossible for the 250 odd governments on the planet to enter such a conspiracy.

In fact Turkey yesterday admitted that they don't even bother reporting positive covid tests unless there are also symptoms! So go figure how such a "global conspiracy" could possibly work...

Once more, thank you for responding.

Your argument here is based on the premise that all these 250 governments are fully sovereign and act disinterestedly with the best interests of their people at heart. I think this is a trifle naïve. Classical Marxism describes the type of elected government found in liberal capitalist countries “bourgeois democracy” in that Marxists argue that behind the appearance of popularly elected governments which are seemingly in charge, there are other mechanisms in place behind the scenes to ensure that they predominantly serve the interests of the ruling class. I would argue that the process of globalization has produced a new supra-national ruling class who have monopolized power and wealth to an unprecedented degree and these people wield the true power in the world, with seemingly sovereign governments actually at their beck and call, and decision makers are handsomely rewarded if they do what they are told.

I also do not think the rights that the broad masses have won under liberal capitalism are absolutes, but only exist to the extent that the masses defend them, and the ruling class is constantly striving to strengthen its hegemony. I think the global ruling class, having attained an unprecedented degree of power, have now seized on the opportunity that has presented itself to dispense with the illusion of bourgeois democracy and grab power in a more direct way under a totalitarian surveillance society that new technology is going to make possible. You need to place things in the context of such notions, about which the mainstream media will tell you nothing, of the Great Global Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They don’t want the masses to know about it, but these notions are very much on the lips of the global elite as the following articles from the influential think-tank the World Economic Forum show: ... o-respond/

What is being planned, I fear, is not minor tweaks, but the complete overhaul of human society, and it is for the benefit of the global ruling class and not the masses. The pandemic farce is just being staged as a pretext to orchestrate it and force acceptance of these changes on the population at large telling them these are necessary measures to ward off the perceived danger.

As such, I don’t think it is these 250 governments, but these people who control them, who control the media, who control academia, who control the WHO who are orchestrating this campaign to instil fear in the masses and then persuade them that all the draconian measures that are stripping them of all their rights and taking them in the direction of a totalitarian surveillance society are needed to save them from the bogeyman they have created in the first place.
In my opinion, an activist mother named Alison McDowell who lives in Philadelphia in the USA has come to the best understanding of the strategy that is being played out. Initially involved as a mother in opposition to the creeping privatization of the public education system in her city, she has spent years researching and putting together a picture of what powerful forces are striving towards and has moved beyond her initial interest purely in education to coming to an understanding of the dystopian surveillance society we are moving towards unless people start waking up fast and resisting. She has a blog at: . Everything there is meticulously researched and documented, and I cannot recommend it too much for anyone who wants to understand where the dominant forces in the world want to take humanity, and it is not a pretty place for the vast majority of us, and the means they are using to achieve this, including the covid charade.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:03 pm

Tim, you have the right to live in your world, and you have the right to continue seeking “evidence” that the entire planet has gone stark raving mad because one or more “experts” on YouTube or elsewhere, believe so.

And in turn, I and others on this forum have the right to ignore your ramblings.

Sometimes I do indulge you (and others), but today... I really have much better things to do so no offense mate. :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:42 pm

I'm not sure why anyone would think the whole world would get together to ruin the economy for no good reason. I know of at least 3-4 people that died of Covid and right now I have my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren self isolating because they tested positive. They have 7 days to go and are improving each day. My wife and I both tested negative. I'm convinced that had I tested positive I would've been in a lot of trouble because of my poor health.

This damn virus is real and it is a killer, those thinking otherwise are simply in denial. Stay safe everyone.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:23 pm

...for the record,

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:47 am

MR-from-NG wrote:I'm not sure why anyone would think the whole world would get together to ruin the economy for no good reason. I know of at least 3-4 people that died of Covid and right now I have my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren self isolating because they tested positive. They have 7 days to go and are improving each day. My wife and I both tested negative. I'm convinced that had I tested positive I would've been in a lot of trouble because of my poor health.

This damn virus is real and it is a killer, those thinking otherwise are simply in denial. Stay safe everyone.

One theory is to press the reset button. Make everyone reliant on Government handouts and controllable.

To allow the big corporates to take over the little fish because we will all go bankrupt.

Or end capitalism and usher in something else such as Socialism and address inequality and go towards sustainable development - see Agenda 2030.

Usher in the collapse of Nations so that the IMF and elites have their free for all.

The timing of it all is also very interesting.

And how are you going? Are you negative?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:58 am

Get Real! wrote:Tim, you have the right to live in your world, and you have the right to continue seeking “evidence” that the entire planet has gone stark raving mad because one or more “experts” on YouTube or elsewhere, believe so.

And in turn, I and others on this forum have the right to ignore your ramblings.

Sometimes I do indulge you (and others), but today... I really have much better things to do so no offense mate. :?

Our rights were largely obtained with blood all over the world.

They are now being stripped away later by layer.

One thing that is even more precious than money is power. What comes after money is power. You can rest assured that those who have it, do not care about you, me, Tim, or anyone else. We are the 99%.

What is insane is that 90% of us are lapping it up like little puppies.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:18 am

In answer to MR-from-NG, preempt the realisation that Capitalism, such as it is, is reaching its end. allow the elite to reconsolidate as socialists, their power. practice collectivity, because in any case such action is what's necessary to solve an existential threat (to everyone, not just the rich), like Climate Change.

...the virus is real, and it has been expected; also something to think about. "They" were not prepared for it, or its consequences; as such it exposes their corruption and/or weaknesses.

...if it is defeated with vaccines, so it is that big Pharma wins, i don't know what that means; but after which one hopes the next viral threat will not demand the same drastic measure, from "our" Leaders being better prepared.

...what is the 'boom' that is expected economically speaking will come eventually, with so much money injected into the world economy, it will involve big changes by its own inertia.

But i am hopeful; work itself may become rewarding, for those who do the work, (if the rich pay taxes too). A Plumber, a Teacher, a Nurse's value may be recognised and rewarded accordingly. Development, progress, capacity building, will be the catch-phrases, all of us as taxpayers will find ourselves committed to, (in Socialised-Democracies,) rebuilding infrastructure, building new infrastructures, still driven by fear, yet solving problems like Hunger and Ignorance, not unlike Disease, as Communities (perhaps) independently, but as a single Humanity also reasoned, better off in effect, disaffecting ourselves of poor habits, living on this planet.
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