Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Can you explain to me how Cyprus with a population of about 1 million has now more new cases of Covid than ALL of Australia with a population of 26 million? Only a month ago we were making headlines because of Melbourne.![]()
If you mean why Cyprus reports 17 new cases today while Australia only registered 13 today, it depends on many things…
ie: Cyprus is very close to Europe so every plane load of passengers landing is a high risk and most of these new cases you read about in Cyprus are foreign passengers landing at CY airports.
Come off it Get Real. Geography has nothing to do with it other than both Cyprus and Australia being islands.
If you had the same response as Australia, Cyprus would be at zero transmission and zero cases each day because that is where Australia is at today in most parts except for Melbourne and Sydney which are major cities and recording singly digits today. Melbourne has 7 cases yesterday, the rest were in Sydney.
Plus, Australia has more links to Europe than Cyprus. Our airports like Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney are major international Airports with flights from Europe coming in every 10 minutes. The air routes and airspace around Melbourne and Sydney among the busiest in the world. In fact the High Route between Melbourne and Sydney is the busiest air route in the world. Good fun fact for you. Busier than Newark, NYC, LA, Chicago, London, Frankfurt Dubai, and Singapore.
Maybe no more but that was always the case. Interesting huh?
The real reason why is because Cyprus’ and Europe’s COVID response is a hell of a lot different to Australia’s. Our Government is probably one of the strictest in the world. And the response seems to be geared towards eradication completely.
I’ll bet most of Australia’s positives are Australians but in Cyprus they’re almost always foreigners who just happen to land here (transit or otherwise)!
No most are international travellers. People coming from overseas.
In the early days we had problems with cruise ships. At one point there were 13 Ships continuing to Australia despite Australia issuing Maritime Notices that they would not be allowed into Australian ports which the Ships were ignoring.
So what did Australia do? The entire Navy was mobilised and every ship was intercepted. Instructed to turn back and if they didn’t they were to be boarded by our soldiers and resume control of the ship - piracy.
So they turned back. Not much choice when major warships are round and Seahawks are flying with a boarding party.
And our biggest cluster by a factor of 75% was always Melbourne. And it was in our retirement old age care facilities because VIC Health for some reason stuffed up and let the virus in and it ravaged all our old people.
About 200 of our dead are Greeks and Cypriots. True fact for you because 3 Greek owned old age facilities were ravaged. One Greek owned facility had over 70 dead people. All people well over their 70, most over 80s and some over 90.