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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:02 pm

To get a better understanding of why these tests are unreliable to the extent that you might just as well toss a coin:

Code: Select all
There is only one way-rtPCR Test-Reverse transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test- a test kit by which you can diagnose whether a patient has contracted coronavirus or not. Whenever a machine or gadget is bought, whether car, camera or laptop, a manufacture’s manual is provided. Similarly, when a rtPCR kit is bought, a manufacturer’s manual will be provided. If you look at the manual it clearly says under Regulatory Status – ‘For Research Use Only, Not For Use In Diagnostic Purpose.

It is very clearly mentioned that it is only for research and not to be used for diagnostic purpose. This is the manufacturer’s mandate. Not only the manufacturer’s mandate, it has also been said by the inventor of this kit, Kary Mullis, who is a Nobel Prize winner.

Why this is not for diagnostic purpose? The answer to this question is that- specificity of this test kit is at the most 99%. Specificity means that you can subject any random 100 healthy persons to undertake this test, and then it will declare any one person as false-positive. This was proved on 18th March 2020 in Iceland. On the 18th this test7 was carried out on 1800 healthy people and 19 people were identified as coronavirus patients. This is when the test kit was functional with full efficiency. If we listen to the advice of White House then the coordinator of corona virus in the White House, Dr. Birx, is of the opinion that the kit has 50% chance of proving false. ... 20_web.pdf.

Note that the inventor of this kit himself said it was not suitable for diagnostic purposes. And now it is being used to drive the ridiculous hysteria about a so-called second wave of a disease that has yet to proven scientifically to exist (ever heard of isolation and Koch's postulates) with virually nobody dying from it any more (or no more suitable deaths around to fraudelently put so-called covid on the death certificate). Wake up folks. The purpose is to use it as a pretext to move to a totalitarian surveillance society. Look at how far they have now gone in Victoria, Australia.
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Tim Drayton
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:03 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:To get a better understanding of why these tests are unreliable to the extent that you might just as well toss a coin:

Code: Select all
There is only one way-rtPCR Test-Reverse transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test- a test kit by which you can diagnose whether a patient has contracted coronavirus or not. Whenever a machine or gadget is bought, whether car, camera or laptop, a manufacture’s manual is provided. Similarly, when a rtPCR kit is bought, a manufacturer’s manual will be provided. If you look at the manual it clearly says under Regulatory Status – ‘For Research Use Only, Not For Use In Diagnostic Purpose.

It is very clearly mentioned that it is only for research and not to be used for diagnostic purpose. This is the manufacturer’s mandate. Not only the manufacturer’s mandate, it has also been said by the inventor of this kit, Kary Mullis, who is a Nobel Prize winner.

Why this is not for diagnostic purpose? The answer to this question is that- specificity of this test kit is at the most 99%. Specificity means that you can subject any random 100 healthy persons to undertake this test, and then it will declare any one person as false-positive. This was proved on 18th March 2020 in Iceland. On the 18th this test7 was carried out on 1800 healthy people and 19 people were identified as coronavirus patients. This is when the test kit was functional with full efficiency. If we listen to the advice of White House then the coordinator of corona virus in the White House, Dr. Birx, is of the opinion that the kit has 50% chance of proving false. ... 20_web.pdf.

Note that the inventor of this kit himself said it was not suitable for diagnostic purposes. And now it is being used to drive the ridiculous hysteria about a so-called second wave of a disease that has yet to be proven scientifically to exist (ever heard of isolation and Koch's postulates) with virually nobody dying from it any more (or no more suitable deaths around to fraudelently put so-called covid on the death certificate). Wake up folks. The purpose is to use it as a pretext to move to a totalitarian surveillance society. Look at how far they have now gone in Victoria, Australia.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:29 pm

Tim’s credible source...

A Vietnamese spin-doctor (qualified in Zambia) who thinks he can cure everything with a diet! :?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:56 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:An open letter from Belgian Healthcare Workers: ... -lockdown/

The signatories so far to the above open letter:

Dr. Stephen Addis, BT388UD, Psychiatrist
Dr. Dmitry Alba, 6492907, Anesthesilogy and ICU
Anoniem, 7700, Psychiatre
Dr. Janine Allibert-Delmas, 64100, Gynécologue
Dr. Wilfried Amann, 9500, Vascular surgery
Dr. Linda Ameryckx, 2610, Gynaecoloog
Anoniem, 1380, Huisarts
Dr. Goedele Andries, 2800, geneesheer hygiënist
Dr. Vladimir Arianoff, 1170, chirurgie générale – retraité
Dr. Odet Aszkenasy, NE38 7EU, Paediatric
Dr. Anne Ausloos, 1070, Huisarts
Dr. J. Lee Austin, 75801, Pathology
Dr. Akhmid Aziz, B735DL, Radiologist
Dr. Agnès BARBEROT, 78530, Médecine du travail
Dr. Katja Baczko, GL5 4JF, Huisarts
Dr. Sofie Baeijaert, 3040, Arbeidsgeneeskunde
Dr. Rufij Baeke, 9970, Huisarts
Dr. Valérie Barbier, 4020, Psychiatre
Dr. Philippe Basmacioglu, 1030, Chirurgie
Dr. Catherine Bataille, 1180, Psychiatre
Anoniem, 1420, psychiatrie
Dr. Liam Baxter, G61 3EA, Epidemics
Anoniem, L6J6K7, edocrinologist
Dr. Ralf Beckert, 13591, Dr in Biomedicine
Dr. Inge Beckstedde, 2840, Gynaecologie
Anoniem, 3680, Ophthalmologie
Dr. Eric Beeth, 1000, Huisarts
Dr. Tom Behets, 1337, Huisarts
Dr. Sophie Beke, 1785, Huisarts
Dr. Beda Belpeer, 2930, Huisarts
Anoniem, 9300, nko
Dr. Olivier Bernard, 1300, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1170, Huisarts
Dr. Jean-François Bertholon, F26750, Pneumologie
Anoniem, 2100, Gynaecology
Dr. Stephanie Biot, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Philippe Biquet, 4130, Urologie
Prof. Pierre Bisschop, 1310, ORL
Dr. Russell Blaylock, 38046, Neurosurgery/ Neuroinflammation
Dr. C.M. Boerwinkel, 2012hj, Jeugd
Dr. Jacques Boevé, 6927, Huisarts
Dr. Vanja Boeykens, 2890, Donor arts Rode Kruis Vlaanderen
Dr. Jo Bogaert, 9260, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2260, urgentiearts
Anoniem, 1820, Functional medicine practitioner
Dr. Igor Bondarenko, 193231, St. Petersburg, Russia, Internal Diseases, Nutritional Biochemistry
Dr. Steven Borms, 2600, Anesthesie
Dr. Vanja Borré, 3582, Huisarts
Dr. Walter Borré, 2300, Anesthesie & Intensive Care
Dr. David Bouillon, 7011, Huisarts
Dr. Sylvie Bourgeois, 1420, Neurologie
Dr. Christine Boute, 3090, Spoedgevallen. Orthopedie
Dr. Karl Brack, 9950, Gynaecoloog
Anoniem, 13000, Huisarts
Dr. Caroline Braun, 3090, Urgences
Dr. Miha Brenčič, 2250, General surgery
Dr. David Brierley, 1888, Huisarts
Dr. Pierre Brihaye, 1180, ORL
Anoniem, 9032, Huisarts
Dr. Chantal Brévers, 4432, Psychiatrie
Dr. Xavier Bufkens, 1180, Huisarts
Dr. Dirk Bultinck, 9180, Huisarts
Dr. James Buwen, 07920, General Sugery
Dr. Frank Buyssens, 9700, Huisarts
Dr. Philippe Caprasse, 4340, Maladies infectieuses, virologie et vaccinologie, santé publique internationale, médecine interne
Anoniem, 3000 Leuven, Huisarts
Anoniem, 4910, Dermatologie
Dr. Andrew Carr, 3220, Huisarts
Dr. Inge Carruet, 2812, Radiologie
Dr. Frédéric Caruso, 4053, Anesthésie-réanimation
Anoniem, NW8 9NH, gynecologist
Dr. Rudi Chan, Paramaribo Suriname, Interne geneeskunde en radiologie
Anoniem, S11 9UD, Huisarts
Dr. Claude Chiche, 94130, Huisarts
Dr. Carine Christiaens, 8380, Huisarts
Dr. Machteld Claes, 2650, psychiatrie
Dr. Guy Claes, 8790, Huisarts
Dr. Jan Claes, 2640, Huisarts
Dr. Gui Clerinx, 2350, Huisarts
Dr. Joannes Clerinx, 2000, Inwendige Geneeskunde en Infectieziekten
Anoniem, 3053, Huisarts
Dr. Luc Coddens, 7100, Médecin-conseil de mutuelle
Dr. Edwin Coeck, 2800, Huisarts
Dr. Leen Coene, 8400, Tropische Geneeskunde
Dr. Roland Coenjaarts, 3770, Huisarts
Dr. André Coget, 5560, gynécologie-obstétrique
Dr. Sabine Colaes, 9860, Huisarts
Dr. Francis Colla, 4180, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3960, Huisarts
Dr. Patrick Coomans, 1340, Huisarts
Dr. Gaston Cordier, 6460, Huisarts
Dr. Johan Corthouts, 3582, Huisarts
Dr. Jim Cortvriend, 1380, Urologue
Dr. Sebastien Coste, 4000, Gynécologue
Anoniem, 8670, ophthalmologie
Prof. Bernardo Couto Neto, 22041012, Orthopaedics
Dr. Marie-Ann Couvreur, 3600 Genk, Huisarts
Dr. Isabelle Crabbé, 1731, Huisarts
Dr. Michel Creemers, 2547, Huisarts
Dr. Johan Crevits, 8610, Huisarts
Dr. Jean Crochet, 4340, Huisarts
Dr. Aline Croenne, 59110, Medecine generale
Dr. Karel Cuypers, 3770, Huisarts
Dr. Jeffrey Dach, 33314, Huisarts
Dr. Bernard Dallemagne, 4690, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1340, Anesthésie
Dr. Marc Dandois, 6120, Huisarts
Dr. Anne Daron, 4650, Huisarts
Dr. Leen De Vleeschouwer, 8930, Dermatologie
Anoniem, 8310, Spoed
Dr. Delphine De Clerck, 1401, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3090, Huisarts
Dr. Sofie De Hertog, 1930, dermatoloog
Anoniem, 1200, Huisarts
Prof. Marc De Kock, 1325, anesthésie-réanimation
Dr emeritus kul Joris De Maeyer, 2600, gynaecologie
Dr. Kathy De Mey, 8200, Huisarts
Anoniem, 8850, Huisarts
Dr. Linda De Paepe, 2390, Huisarts
Dr. Ingrid De Pauw, 9310, Dermatologie
Dr. Aline De Pelsemaeker, 9080, Huisarts
Dr. Anne De Ryck, 1200, Huisarts
Dr. Hilde De Smet, 3078, Huisarts
Anoniem, 9070, Orthopedie
Dr. Koenraad De Troeyer, 2300, Huisarts
Dr. An De Vis, 3990, Huisarts
Dr. Anne De Vits, 9820, Gynecologie
Dr. Jan De Vos, 3010, kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie
Dr. Marc De Vusser, 3070, Arbeidsgeneeskunde – Sociale geneeskunde
Dr. Koen De Waegenaere, 8020, Huisarts
Dr. Sabine De Wulf, 3941, Anesthesiologie/Pijnbestrijding
Dr. Paul DeKeyzer, 3390, Psychiatrie
Dr. Eva DeWaele, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Christine Debeer, 1070, Huisarts
Dr. An Debyser, 1930, Huisarts
Dr. Yvan Deckers, 1180, Rhumatologue
Dr. Roland Decroos, 8670, Huisarts
Dr. Michèle Defize, 5100, Medecin du travail (retraitée)
Anoniem, 1170, Soins intensifs
Anoniem, 3010, Geriater
Dr. Pauline Dekkers, 4690, Huisarts
Dr. Arnaud Del Bigo, 4620, Huisarts
Dr. Roderik Deleersnijder, 2930, Vaat-thoraxheelkunde
Dr. Jean-Michel Delperdange, 1332, Huisarts
Dr. Jacqueline Delville, 5000, Docteur en médecine et docteur en psychologie
Anoniem, 1080, Anaesthesiology
Anoniem, 1785, Huisarts in opleiding
Anoniem, 4130, Psychiatre
Dr. Johan Denis, 2520, Huisarts
Dr. Steven Depicker, 8020, Huisarts
Anoniem, 8900, Huisarts
Dr. M-Christine Derumier, 7880 Flobecq, Radiologue
Dr. Michel Deschamps, 6000, Huisarts
Anoniem, 9000, Huisarts
Anoniem, 7600, Huisarts
Dr. Jan Devriendt, 3545, Huisarts
Prof. Alain Dewever, 1170, médecine Interne
Dr. Sonja Didden, 2970, kinder – en jeugdpsychiater
Dr. Gisela Dietlein, 2640, Huisarts
Dr. Trees Dooms, 2000, arbeidsgeneeskunde
Dr. Liviu Dragoi, 6043, Huisarts
Dr. Caroline Durieu, 5380, Huisarts
Dr. Koen Eeckhout, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Hilde Eggermont, 8000, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2580, Huisarts
Dr. Maurice Einhorn, 1330, Huisarts
Dr. Erica Elliott, 87507, Huisarts
Prof. Dirk Elseviers, 2100
Prof. Alexei Eryomin, 350040, hygiene, medicine of labour
Dr. Arlie Esau, 83858, Huisarts
Dr. Marc Etienne, 4052, Gastro-entérologie
Dr. Paul Etienne, 4500, Huisarts
Anoniem, 46190, Neurology
Dr. Mirella Farina, 10144, Huisarts
Dr. Evdokimov Fedor, 107014, Resuscitation
Dr. Anne Fierlafijn, 2900, Huisarts
Dr. René Finné, 1410, Gastro enterologie
Dr. Lisa Forchhammer, 9000, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3740, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2300, Huisarts
Dr. Alice Fouckova, 9600, diabetologie, endocrinologie, inwendige ziekten
Anoniem, BR3 5BJ, Orthopaedic surgery
Dr. Caroline Franchoo, 8490, Huisarts
Dr. Pascale Franck, 1150, Huisarts
Dr. Johan Franckx, 1730, Kindergeneeskunde
Dr. Gert Gabriëls, 3582, niet-practiserend algemeen arts
Dr. Jonathan Garvey, EX13 7HH, Huisarts
Dr. Kris Gaublomme, 3630 Maasmechelen, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2550, Huisarts
Dr. Ariane Gerkens, 1170, Gastro-entérologie
Dr. Ron Geroux, K2M 1R1, Huisarts
Dr. Maarten Ghysels, 2340, psychiater seksuoloog
Dr. Erwin Gillis, 2990, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2840, Huisarts
Prof. Kris Goethals, 2540, Forensische psychiatrie
Dr. Marc Golstein, 1050, rhumatologue
Dr. Philippe Goossens, 1040, Psychiatrie
Prof. Robert Gorter, 2650, Oncologie immunologie
Dr. Jorge Governa, 2560-235, Internal Medicine
Prof. Cécile Grandin, 1918, radiologie
Dr. Stinne Greisen, 8520, Denmark, Rheumatology training
Drs Robert Gräffinger, 4561 SB, Arbeidsgeneesheer
Dr. Patrick Haazen, 2610, Huisarts
Dr. Conrad Haelterman, 8630, Huisarts
Dr. Ekrem Hajredinaj, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Arthur Hall, 32814, Huisarts
Dr. Anne Hambrouck, 1040, Huisarts
Dr. Marcel Hamers, 8226TS, Sociale geneeskunde
Dr. James Hamm, 1100, Huisarts
Dr. Zineb Hanafi, 1020 Bruxelles, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1200, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1180, Endocrinologue
Anoniem, 6032, anesthésie
Dr. Birgit Hederer, 8310, pediatrie
Anoniem, 8420, Huisarts
Drs Hans Helder, 8456hr, Huisarts
Anoniem, 82211, Innere
Dr. Sus Herbosch, 1861, Huisarts
Dr. Peter Paul Hermans, Van Randwijkstraat 107 Leiden, Huisarts
Dr. Jeff Hoeyberghs, 3680, Plastische chirurgie
Dr. Peter Hoffman, 8490, Huisarts
Dr. Wilfried Holvoet, 9220, Huisarts
Anoniem, HA4 0SQ, Huisarts
Dr. Corinne Horyon, 4920, Soins intensifs
Dr. Stéphan Houyoux, 5580, Huisarts
Dr. John Stuart Hughes, 80120, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Dr. C. Huisman, 5345CV, Psychiatrie
Dr. Kathleen Hunninck, 8400, Pediater
Dr. Donna Hurlock, 22030, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Anoniem, 2340, Huisarts
Dr. Ekaterina Ivanenko, 117437, Anesthesist dokter
Dr. Donald Jackson, 32653, Radiology
Dr. Ingeborg Jacobs, 2520, Huisarts
Dr. Katrien Jacobs, 2300, Huisarts
Prof. Yves Jacquemyn, 2650, Gynecologie
Dr. Paul Jager, 5158, Neurosurgeon
Dr. Mati Jalakas, 80311, Cardiology
Dr. Johan Jans, 3080, Huisarts
Anoniem, 9050, Pediater-Klinisch Geneticus
Dr. Dominique Jaulmes, 75020, Hemobiologiste PH APHP Retraitée
Anoniem, 12084, Wound Care
MSc Machteld Julsing, 2022TE, Basisarts
Dr. Juri Kala, 44307, Huisarts
Dr. Dan Kane, 62629, Anesthesiologist
Dr. Olga Karvanen, 274 53, psychiatry
Dr. Hubert Kerkaert, 8630, Huisarts
Anoniem, TR19 6JS, Retired
Anoniem, 2630, Huisarts
Dr. Liliane Kestemont, 5020, Huisarts
Dr. Mikhail Khaldey, 298500, Huisarts
Dr. Lucas Kiebooms, 3600, Inwendige Ziekten en Nucleaire Geneeskunde
Dr. Gunther Kiekens, 2900, Orthopedie
Dr. Ines Kint, 5170, Huisarts
Dr. Ditte Kirk, 6000, Huisarts
Dr. Lex Klein, 1391MB, Huisarts
Dr. Irmi Klijntunte, 9756 TK, psychiater
Dr. Jonathan Kob D.O., 48161, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1050, Dermatologie
Anoniem, 197373, Neurology
Dr. Erik Koopmans, 3806, huisarts op rust
Anoniem, 3800, Radiologist
Dr. Claude Krygier, 1180, Huisarts
Anoniem, 6021, Geriatrics
Anoniem, 1180, pédiatrie
Anoniem, B2440, Fysische geneeskunde en Revalidatie
Dr. Marc Labby, 6240, Huisarts
Anoniem, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Bartholomeus Lakeman, AB30 1UH, Psychiatry
Dr. Bart Lambert, 8500, Huisarts
Dr. Anne Lamotte, 5000, Huisarts
Dr. Brigitte Lamur Sergent, 11330, Huisarts
Dr. Judith Langeraar, 6862ZT, Spoed eisendehulp
Dr. Françoise Langlet, 1050, Psychiatrie
Dr. Laethitia Lanniaux, 1480, Huisarts
Dr. Pieter Lanoye, 3212, Huisarts
Dr. Marianne Laporte, 1380, Dermatologie
Prof. Pierre-François Laterre, 1050, Soins intensifs
Dr. Jan Laurens, 8670, Homeopaat
Anoniem, 39 Nicholson Street, South Yarra 3141, Melbourne Australia, Epidemiologist
Prof. Olivier Le Bon, 1950, Psychiatrie
Dr. Bjorn Ledegen, 2020, Huisarts
Dr. Johan Leemans, 2100, Huisarts
Dr. Roland Lemaire, 4031, Pédiatre
Dr. Florence Lemonnier, 1040, Nucleariste
Dr. Ludo Lenaerts, 6180, Intensiviste retraité
Dr. Denis Leonard, 4500, Gynécologue
Anoniem, 2630, Gynaecologie
Anoniem, 1980, Huisarts
Dr. Gregory Liers, 8670, anesthesie
Dr. Jo Linmans, 3500, Huisarts
Dr. Ton Linssen, 1860, Huisarts
Dr. Jean jacques Lisoir, 1200, Huisarts
Dr. Richard Littlewood, se249hz, health outcomes
Anoniem, 2370, Huisarts
Anoniem, CT9 4FA, Acute internal medicine
Dr. Nora Lodiso, 1440, Orl
Anoniem, SK8 4NB, Huisarts
Dr. Alessandro Loiola, 12235180, Emergency
Anoniem, 1920, Huisarts
Dr. Anne-Marie Lontie, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Julia Lopez, 1190, Huisarts
Dr. Patrick Lovens, 1040, Huisarts
Dr. Evgeniy Mihailovich Lukashin, 000001, Surgery
Dr. Ludo Maerien, 2330, Huisarts
Dr. Brooke Mahnken, 96768, Huisarts
Dr. Rostislav Makushenko, 187 342, THERAPIST PSYCHOSOMATOSES Ph.D
Anoniem, 5190, Gastro-entérologie
Dr. Elena Malysheva, 102301 (Moskva), Russian TV presenter, physician, cardiologist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor, public figure.
Dr. Savina Margarita, 1300, Surgeon
Dr. Ferdinando Marino, 5621, Huisarts
Prof. Theo Marmitte, 1702, Huisarts
Dr. Xavier Martens, 3500, Huisarts
Dr. Baart Marwijk, 7700, gynaecoloog
Dr. Helena Maryns, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Jean marie Massart, 1200, Huisarts
Dr. Rose Marie Matagne, 4050, Huisarts
Anoniem, 190000, Vascular surgeon
Anoniem, 1325, Chirurgie plastique
Dr. Korten May, 2200, Urology
Dr. Guy Mazairac, 5523, Médecine d’urgence
Dr. Phil McKraken, 31337, Huisarts
Dr. Catharina Meijer, 9479 PC, Cosmetisch arts KNMG
Anoniem, 2840, Huisarts
Dr. Horst Melchinger, D-87700, Orthopedics
Dr. Eero Merilind, 11621, Huisarts
Dr. Helena Mermans, 2845, Huisarts
Dr. Ward Mertens, 3920, Bedrijfsarts
Dr. Philippe Meurin, 62400, généraliste, homéopathe, acuponcteur, phytothérapeute
Dr. Joseph Meyer, 4780, Chirurgie
Dr. Sofie Michels, 2018, Kinder- jeugdpsychiater
Dr. Shigeru Miyamoto, 113-0001, Reflexology
Dr. Joel Molnar, 1325, Huisarts
Dr. Richard Montanari, 75014 Paris, Epidemiologist, Public Health Specialist
Anoniem, 2235 – HULSHOUT, Huisarts
Dr. Claude Motuel, 75013, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3665, Huisarts
Dr. Imed Mrad Dali, 20200, Ophtalmologie
Dr. Davis Mugisha, CF14 3DX, Huisarts
Dr. Dayal Mukherjee, W1G 9QD, Surgeon
Anoniem, 1170, Huisarts
Prof. Benny Mwenge, 1200, Pneumologue
Dr. Paul N, 8620, Huisarts
Dr. Djillali Naitmazi, 6600, CHIRURGIEN VASCULAIRE
Prof. David Neal, CB2 1JA, Urological Surgery
Dr. Audrey Neuprez, 4000, Med phys
Dr. Thanh Nguyen, 92683, Plastic Surgery
Anoniem, 5101, Huisarts
Prof. Yicheng Ni, 3000, Translational theragnostic research
Dr. Peter Nicodemus, 3600, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1000, Pneumologie
Dr. Leen Noe, 3590, Radiotherapie
Dr. Philippe Noel, 4960, Huisarts
Dr. Ursula Nusgen, DUBLIN20, Medical Microbiology
Dr. Elke Nuyens, 2440, Huisarts
Dr. Filip Nuyttens, 8850, Huisarts
Dr. Grâce Nzeza, 1081, Huisarts
Dr. Marc Olbrecht, 8340, Huisarts
Dr. Viviane Olbregts, 1495, Huisarts
Dr. Thomas Olmsted, 37620, Psychiatry
Dr. Anne-Francoise Omazic, 4000, Huisarts
Dr. Ximena Palma, 4140, Anesthésie
Dr. Koen Pansaers, 3400, Huisarts
Dr. Michel Parini, 04800, France, Anesthésie – Réanimation
Anoniem, 1000, Huisarts
Dr. Nelia Pavlyshche, 02068, Huisarts
Dr. Luc Peenen, 2970, Huisarts
Dr. Frank Peeters, 3400, Huisarts
Dr. Klara Peeters, 3400, Huisarts
Dr. Armelle Peeters, 1500, Huisarts
Dr. Bjorn Penninckx, 1933, Farmaceutische Geneeskunde
Dr. Christine Perey, 4052, Huisarts
Dr. Kris Permentier, 9661, Urgentiegeneeskunde
Dr. Michelle Perro, 94930, Integrative Pediatrics
Dr. Aibolit Peterson, 49080, Huisarts
Dr. Marie-Dominique Petit, 1348, Huisarts
Dr. Bernard Petriat, 64000, ORL
Dr. Els Pieters, 9960, Huisarts
Dr. Michel Pirenne, 4802, Chirurgie
Dr. Thierry Pirotte, 1300, médecine du sport
Dr. Bertie Pleass, e97bn, Huisarts
Dr. Claude Michèle Poissonnet, 75005 Paris, Médecin du Travail, Pédiatre
Dr. David Pollet, 8310, Huisarts
Dr. Pierrot Pot, 1630, Opthamologien
Anoniem, 8500, Huisarts
Dr. Michel Preumont, 1180, Huisarts
Dr. Jonathan Pribaz, 20005, Orthopaedic Surgery
Dr. Rudy Proesmans, 2531, Huisarts
Dr. Sandro Provenzano, 6280, Huisarts
Dr. Bernadette Préat, 6061, Huisarts
Dr. Sarianna Quertiali, 51100, Immunology
Dr. Roger Quin, 2140, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1205, Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Lyudmila Rakita, Brockton , MA 02301, Psyhiatry
Prof. Didier Raoult, MARSEILLE, Microbiologie paludique
Dr. Ilse Rayen, 3500, Pediatrie
Dr. Virginie Reding, 1330, Dermato
Anoniem, 5150, Radiothérapie oncologique
Anoniem, 7500, anatomie-pathologique
Anoniem, 5530, Huisarts
Dr. Sofie Reubens, 3220, Huisarts
Dr. Sandra Richard, 6791, pedopsychiatre
Dr. Bernard Rieux, 4020, Huisarts
Dr. Delphine Rive, 44400, Huisarts
Dr. Kuyan Roberts, 3058, heart surgeon
Prof. Nathalie Roche, 9050, Plastische Heelkunde
Anoniem, 9052, Heelkunde
Anoniem, 3720, Radiologie
Dr. Wolang Roldad, 24103, Huisarts
Anoniem, 83149, Toxicologie
Dr. Kristine Rommens, 2320, Dermatologie
Dr. Christoph Rosenbaum, 8420, Heelkunde
Dr. Viviane Ruelle, 5000, Huisarts
Dr. Klaas Rutte, 8500, Huisarts
Dr. Catherine Ruyssen, 1300, Pediatrie
Dr. Pascal Sacré, 6280, anesthésie-réanimation soins intensifs
Anoniem, 2960, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2880, Huisarts
Anoniem, 8500, radiologie
Dr. Wim Samyn, 8500, Huisarts
Dr. Noemi Sandor, 8646, ophtalmology
Dr. Piere Sangwong, Wr142ps, Huisarts
Dr. Alain Sartenaer, 5024, Huisarts
Dr. Alberto Savoretti, 02865, Huisarts
Dr. Marnix Schaubroeck, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Sophie Scheffer, 1300, Huisarts
Anoniem, DK – 1954, Nuclear Medicine
Dr. Jörg Schmid, D-88212, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1150, Psychiatrie
Anoniem, 2970, Psychiatrie
Dr. Martin Schurdur, 01-885, Huisarts
Anoniem, 59101, Psychiatry
Dr. Jean-Marie Segers, 9830, NKO
Dr. Dmitriy Selivanov, 140404, Pediatric orthopaedics
Dr. Rakhim Shamirzaev, V3N3C3, Radiologist
Anoniem, 121357, Psychology
Anoniem, 197198, neurology
Dr. John Sheehy, V92 XDW4, Huisarts
Dr. Douglas Sheena, 75206, emergency medicine
Dr. Harold Shipman, SK14 1AT, Huisarts
Dr. Alain Sibille, 1470, Gastros enterologue
Anoniem, 1000, Huisarts
Dr. Frank Sierens, 8301, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2481031, cardiologist
Dr. Anne-Françoise Simonis, 4180, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1853, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3210, Mond kaak en aangezicht chirurgie
Anoniem, 9300, Plastische Heelkunde
Dr. Daniil Sizov, 80-395, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2540, Oogheelkunde
Dr. Annemarie Smits, 5133Ae, Cosmetisch arts
Dr. Anne Sollie, 2100, Huisarts
Dr. Myriam Sollie, 2018, Huisarts
Dr. Caroline Sonveaux, 7090, médecin du travail
Dr. Jean Paul Soulios, 4100, Anesthesie reanimation
Dr. Guido Spanoghe, 9160, Gastro-enterologie
Dr. Morton Spinkydew, 87508-9306, Epidemiology
Dr. Haruhuani Spruce, 87901, Huisarts
Dr. Hubert Sroussi, F 25200 Montbéliard, Huisarts
Dr. Srdjan Stamenović, 81400, Urgentna medicina
Dr. Geert Stappaerts, 9820, Reumatoloog, expert in anti malaria therapie (35 jaar ervaring) en met grote klinische en wetenschappelijke ervaring omtrent de antivirale werking van deze therapie
Dr. Walter Statius, 9800, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1180, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2100, Virology
Dr. Robert Stenly, 08536, Diagnost
Dr. Benoit Stiels, 3040, Huisarts
Dr. Roger Strobel, 31310 France, Huisarts
Dr. Hugo Stuer, 5476cc, Onderzoeker
Dr. Christine Suppelt, ME17 4AD, Integrated Medicine
Dr. Nathalie Swinnen, 2950, Arbeidsarts
Dr. Michèle S. Szyper, 1000, Neuropsychiatre
Dr. Carol Taccetta, 91320, Drug Safety Physician
Dr. Peter Tanghe, 9000, Huisarts
Dr. Florence Tassignon, 1420, Nutrition et médecine fonctionnelle
Dr. Hertoghe Therese, 1731, Médecine Interne
Dr. Helena Theunis, 2820, verzekeringsarts
Drs Sandra Theunissen, 6125 BA, Integrale Geneeskunde, huisarts np
Dr. Eddy Thielens, 3290, Huisarts
Dr. Betsy Thonon N.P., 3620, Huisarts
Dr. Rudi Thys, 3740, Huisarts
Dr. Anna Timofeeva, 109456, Kinderarts
Dr. Alina Tiron, 3040, Urgences SMU
Dr. Damon Torgerson, 98033, Urologist
Dr. Lucie Travaillé, 69005, Psychiatrie
Anoniem, 4053, Dermatologue
Dr. Emmanuelle Uhoda, 4000, Médecine esthétique
Dr. Stanley Uzulotz, 60599, Epidemiology
Dr. Joannis Vamvakopoulos, B66 4SP, Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
Dr. Leo M.G. Van Alsenoy, 9120, Gastro enterologie
Anoniem, 2000, Urologie,wetenschapper Phd
Dr. Stefan Van Bragt, 2970, Huisarts
Dr. Iwan Van Breuseghem, 9250, Radiologie
Dr. Sabine Van Causenbroeck, 1400, ophtalmologie
Dr. Diego Van Cauwenberghe, 9990, Huisarts
Dr. Bavo Van Damme, 3550, Huisarts
Dr. Bieke Van Den Bossche, 9070, Nuclearist
Dr. Myriam Van Der Schueren, 1090, Médecine nucléaire
Dr. Guido Van Dingenen, 2440, Huisarts
Dr. Jan Van Duppen, 2300, Huisarts
Dr. Michael Van Dyck, 2940, Huisarts
Dr. Ignace Van Eeckhout, 3020, Huisarts
Dr. Silvie Van Eycken, 2930, Huisarts
Dr. Ingeborg Van Eynde, 1851, Huisarts
Dr. Louis Van Hecken, 2450 Meerhout, Huisarts
Anoniem, 8434, Huisarts
Dr. Henk Van Hootegem, 3582, Huisarts
Dr. Frans Van Hove, 1785, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3120, Huisarts
Dr. Vincent Van Maele, 9000, Gastro Enteroloog
Dr. Charles Van Norman, 53211, Anesthesiology
Dr. Ludwig Van Nostren, 90210, Dermatologists
Anoniem, 2020, Plastische heelkunde
Dr. Suzanne Van Rampelbergh, 1740, Huisarts
Dr. Paul Van Roey, 2100, Huisarts
MSc MD Atta Van Westreenen, 5038XC, Anios huisarts
Dr. Eduard Van den Bogaert, 1180, Huisarts
Dr. Leo Van den Bossche, 2870, Huisarts
Dr. Hilde Van steenkiste, 3690, Huisarts
Dr. Rudi Vandaele, 8000, Gynaecologie-verloskunde
Dr. Luc Vandecasteele, 9030, Huisarts
Dr. Hilde Vanden Nest, 1770, Dermatoloog
Dr. Peter Vandenbroeck, 8870, Kinderarts
Dr. Mark Vanderveken, 1160, en charge de la surveillance externe des prisons (Conseil central de surveillance pénitentiaire)
Dr. Bart Vandewynckele, 3001, Huisarts
Dr. Hendrik Vanlerberghe, 8730, Huisarts
Dr. Ludo Vanmarsnille, 9840, Huisarts
Dr. Patrick Vanmechelen, 3600, Huisarts
Dr. Patricia Vanoutrive, 8501, Huisarts
Dr. Bram Vantomme, 9000, Endocrinologie
Dr. Corinne Vaysse van Oost, 1348, Soins palliatifs et personnes agees
Dr. Christine Veldeman, 1000, Pédiatre
Dr. Filip Verbraeken, 9170, Huisarts
Dr. Paul Vercammen, 1932, Huisarts
Dr. R Vercoutere, 8000, urgentiearts-chirurg
Anoniem, 2140, Gynaecologie
Dr. Geert Verhelst, 8510, Huisarts
Dr. Joëlle Vermeulen, 1495, Pédiatre
Anoniem, 67310, Soins de support homéopathique en oncologie
Anoniem, 7822, Anesthesise
Prof. Vladimir Vigdorchik, 29649, Tuberculosis in urology
Dr. Milen Vrabevski, 1000 – Sofia Bulgaria, Owner/CEO of a Clinical Research, Education & Site Management Organizations
Dr. Eric Vydt, 9160, Huisarts
Anoniem, 3621, Huisarts
Dr. Joelle Walraevens, 1470, Huisarts
Dr. Hans Warie, 9031, Huisarts
Dr. Alexandra Wauthier, 1180, Pedopsychiatre
Anoniem, 95033, ND
Dr. Roy White, 99508, Huisarts
Dr. Sam Wibble, Bt33 0ba, Huisarts
Drs. Arika Wilschut-Verhoef, 2991KL, arts voor integrale geneeskunde
Prof. Noel Wilson, CT1 3HE, General and vascular surgery
Dr. Louise Winther, 2030, Huisarts
Dr. Peter Wollaert, 2900, Huisarts
Dr. Veerle Wouters, 2610, Huisarts
Anoniem, 2440, Huisarts
Dr. Bertie Zoete, 9140, Huisarts
Anoniem, 4000, chirurgien
Dr. Elke F. de Klerk, 1000, Huisarts
Dr. Diane de Longueville, 1180, medecine aigue
Dr. Geiske de Ruig, 2906 SC, leefstijl (tand) arts
Dr. Tania de Winne, 2600, Huisarts
Dr. Abelieve invullsheet, Springfield, Bullshit
Dr. pascale jenaer, 1150, Huisarts
Anoniem, 1630, psychiatre
Anoniem, 3550, Huisarts
Dr. frank renders, 9000, anesthesie
Anoniem, 7070, Huisarts
Anoniem, 88140, Huisarts
Dr. ines vaide, 10218, hematology
Dr. Anne van Stappen, 1380, Huisarts
Anoniem, 4858 RA, Hoofd-halschirurg
Dr. Anne van de Winckel, 5004, Huisarts
Dr. Peter van den Braak, 8256 GP, Huisarts
Dr. Ahmet ŞENGÜL, 07160, Kardiolog
Anoniem, 390035, Рязань, ул. Островского, д. 51, корп. 1, кв 14, патологическая анатомия
Dr. Светлана Кузьмина, 628260, Инфекционист
Dr. Максим Михайленко, 58003, мематический инфекционист, IDS Cronos, главный редактор портала, Киев
Anoniem, 628260, Huisarts
Dr. Джон Сноу, Ветеран Великої битви з Білими ходаками, 69104 Вестерос, Вінтерфел, з 2019 року за Стіною, Військова медицина
Anoniem, 630079, Офтальмология
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:Tim’s credible source...

A Vietnamese spin-doctor (qualified in Zambia) who thinks he can cure everything with a diet! :?


I am not sure what makes you think he is Vietnamese. He is an Indian national, born in the Indian state of Haryana in 1974. Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference as to whether his arguments, which are meticulously referenced throughout, are right or wrong.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:17 pm

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over" ... ic-is-Over
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:42 pm

...a very powerful argument, that of the Belgians; worth reading and considering.

But in the mean time, i will not go to crowded places, while buying locally; wearing my mask indoors and treating my hands when doing so.

...with such a debate, it goes to prove how little is known on the subject of viruses, more than anything else.

Yet, i'd hate to think that the pandemic's harm is truly over, and our Leadership across the globe are trapped (have trapped "us") in a maze of conspiracy; truth like that cannot be hidden, and when exposed would mean...(i dare not say).
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:Tim’s credible source...

A Vietnamese spin-doctor (qualified in Zambia) who thinks he can cure everything with a diet! :?


...indeed, you can significantly improve your health from your diet and there are many diseases where diet has a direct affect/effect; how does this discredit this Doctor?

"Testing", as it is, is not reliable, the consequences of which are now "being" discovered; reliable testing would certainly produce different results, (and actions).

...maybe you will pop some Vitamin D, this helps the immune system if you prefer, to fresh air, a balanced diet and exercise.

...maybe, GR, you are exposing your own prejudice and intolerance, as Ignorance; what else can be said about character assassination?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:23 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Tim’s credible source...

A Vietnamese spin-doctor (qualified in Zambia) who thinks he can cure everything with a diet! :?


...indeed, you can significantly improve your health from your diet and there are many diseases where diet has a direct affect/effect; how does this discredit this Doctor?

"Testing", as it is, is not reliable, the consequences of which are now "being" discovered; reliable testing would certainly produce different results, (and actions).

...maybe you will pop some Vitamin D, this helps the immune system if you prefer, to fresh air, a balanced diet and exercise.

...maybe, GR, you are exposing your own prejudice and intolerance, as Ignorance; what else can be said about character assassination?

Isolated tribes in places like the Amazon and Borneo live off the freshest and most natural diets possible on this planet, yet their longevity is not superior to others.

Where such tribes are at... there’s no smog, no preservatives, no pollutants, no antennas, in fact there’s absolutely nothing that would interfere with their very natural and green lives.

And not to mention their very-toned bodies from all the exercise they get in the average tribal day!

Yet, a lifetime of exercise, and fresh natural diet in a fresh natural green environment does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to give them a superior health and longevity!

What did you say about ignorance, again?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:57 pm

...dude, you may be fat, you may be skinny, you may be a maniac for beef alone; we are not the same, unless you mean as Human beings.
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