Get Real! wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:
the police are starting to give me the creeps with all the footage we are seeing about their conduct against innocent people, and even old ladies or disabled and sick people.
Police have always been cunts, only know, they have become even bigger cunts, and people had the false perception that the police is there to protect and serve the people. WRONG! They are nothing but a criminal gangs with a badge and a gun, paid by the people. Talk about the people getting fucked by these cunts cops, coming and going.
When things were normal, we never really had a problem with the police.
The thing with them is, what you put in is what you get out. If you are a cunt, they are cunts. If you are nice, they are nice.
Now it doesn’t matter what you put in. The extra powers and the orders they have from Government and up the chain.
What we are on about is our freedoms. The police didn’t just wake up and decide to be pricks. They were given those powers by Daniel Andrews. So it’s Daniel that is the cunt, not the 20 year old Constable just out of his nappies.
The special powers does not give the police authority to act like cunts by hitting people with cars, kick them in the head, punch them or choke them. The cops are using the special powers to act like cunts freely, because deep down that’s what they are, CUNTS.
So Paphitis isn’t happy with the Australian police state and wants to move to the “freer and more democratic” America, eh…

I don’t know about police state. We are talking about a State of Australia, namely Victoria where things went quite insane. And still are pretty insane despite some very good low COVID numbers. It seems to be a massive over reaction. The response in Victoria is probably the toughest restrictions in the world.
It will be interesting to see if these measures are wound back to the way it was before because Melbourne is definitely one of the greatest most liveable city in the world with so much character and soul. If you been or know anything about Melbourne, you would know what I’m talking about. No city like Melbourne. Pretty sad to see what is going on there with the town that never sleeps turned into a ghost town during curfew. Yes curfew as if there is a Junta.
Yes the US looks very appealing to me at this point. Yes it is more free. As a result it is appealing. I have a E3 Work VISA for 3 years as I’m sponsored by a Major and given a seniority rank dated to 4th of May so I don’t lose my rank. As a result I’m furloughed. Problem is, they are operating at 20% capacity today compared to back in March. 55000 people furloughed. Out of a work force of 110,000. So yeh I’m pretty dam eager to go and work for the Yanks. I really admire the way they conduct themselves.
SIM Checks are more training exercises for them rather than actual checks where your career is on the line and the Checkers are not arseholes trying to fuck with you unless of course they don’t like you in which case they too will fuck with you. Their are about building up careers and nurturing people to preform and because of that they are constructive. I was talking about this with 7 QANTAS guys. Comparing notes. At QANTAS, they say if you are enjoying yourself too much, you are unprofessional and not working hard enough, in the US, it’s all about you enjoying yourself and enjoying your life unless you prove to be unprofessional.
The industry right now Get Real is in turmoil. That’s because everyone is living in fear. Do you like it?