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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:29 pm

Despite stern warnings from responsible scientists, such as...

"Despite major therapeutic advances, infectious diseases remain highly problematic. Recent advancements in technology in producing DNA-based vaccines, together with the growing knowledge of the immune system, have provided new insights into the identification of the epitopes needed to target the development of highly targeted vaccines. Genetically modified (GM) viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines possess significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential hazards. For all these vaccines, safety assessment concerning unintended and unwanted side effects with regard to targeted vaccinees has always been the main focus. Important questions concerning effects on nontargeted individuals within the same species or other species remain unknown. Horizontal transfer of genes, though lacking supportive experimental or epidemiological investigations, is well established. New hybrid virus progenies resulting from genetic recombination between genetically engineered vaccine viruses and their naturally occurring relatives may possess totally unpredictable characteristics with regard to host preferences and disease-causing potentials. Furthermore, when genetically modified or engineered virus particles break down in the environment, their nuclei acids are released. Appropriate risk management is the key to minimizing any potential risks to humans and environment resulting from the use of these GM vaccines. There is inadequate knowledge to define either the probability of unintended events or the consequences of genetic modifications. The objective of this article is to highlight the limitations in environmental risk assessment and raise awareness of the potential risks involving the use of genetically modified viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines."

Abstract from:

"Innovative Therapeutics Group, Centre for Drug Administration, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore. [email protected]"

The scientist placed in charge at the American bio-weapons lab in Kazakhstan, overestimated his intelligence having no qualms playing deadly bio-bat-games...
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:44 pm

How do you say "Baaaaaaaaaa" in Chinese? :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:58 am

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:20 am

Behold the biggest buffoon to ever enter the White House… :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:26 am

Paphitis wrote:It isn't the only democratic country to so far succeed. it seems South Korea is joined by Australia as of today with detections decreasing by 60% or more.

We will be lending as much help to our American friends as soon as we can.

It brings me no pleasure at all to post this but can you see now why your claim was premature ? Can you yet see why the analysis from THE chart that did not show Australia had joined SK in breaking from the exponential was / is better analysis than your claims based on simple time line sequence of cases. Bluster will not help us in this situation. Calm intelligent analysis of the data combined with actions based on that analysis is what is needed.

SK remains the only country to date (China excepted) that has shown significant break from the exponential curve. It is madness to not be looking in detail at what SK has done and has not done in order to achieve this remarkable feat and look at how it can be replicated in other countries.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:41 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh dear, the statistician strikes again with another whopper!

For it to show on the graph, you need to extend the X Axis and the only way that can happen is with time. So in 10 days time, and presuming the trend is maintained, Australia's graph will look like South Korea's. The other way is to look at the statistics and also look at the new cases graph (if you want a picture) which is in the same link. It shows a dramatic decline. Look again. ... australia/

As you can see, Australia definately hasn't been exponential for 6 days running now, and today it looks like it will be 7 days as they are about to record another good number. To me it shows we are IN CONTROL.

get the picture Einstein?

THE chart does not have time on either axis Einstein. You have not even understood that yet, which is all explained in the video, that you claim to agree with and 'knew already'. Keep digging.

It does in my graph I posted Einstein which depicts exponential growth as a bending upwards curve. ... australia/

The graph in the video doesn't show time on the X Axis which is also my preferred method because it depicts exponential growth as a straight line.

You really are an Einstein aren't you?

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but what the graphs may show for Australia’s Coronavirus numbers are meaningless unless someone can tell me with certainty that the numbers tested in the last 4 days are equal or greater than the numbers tested before the last 4 days. So, let’s have less talk on the chart’s meanings and more talk on the numbers tested.

They have reported reduction in positive test results over the last 6 days.

The detection rate has reduced from 25% down to 9% of the overall total. Before, we were doubling every 4 days, and now we are doubling every 7 days.

This has been told to us by our PM and also repeated by the Chief of The Australian Medical Association and some Premiers. They did however caution that it is still early days and they can't afford to relax any measures.

The measures are actually quite strict. Foreigners are not allowed into Australia. You can't have congregations in public above 2 people. The police are stopping people and questioning why they are on the streets. We are not on lock-down though.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:49 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh dear, the statistician strikes again with another whopper!

For it to show on the graph, you need to extend the X Axis and the only way that can happen is with time. So in 10 days time, and presuming the trend is maintained, Australia's graph will look like South Korea's. The other way is to look at the statistics and also look at the new cases graph (if you want a picture) which is in the same link. It shows a dramatic decline. Look again. ... australia/

As you can see, Australia definately hasn't been exponential for 6 days running now, and today it looks like it will be 7 days as they are about to record another good number. To me it shows we are IN CONTROL.

get the picture Einstein?

THE chart does not have time on either axis Einstein. You have not even understood that yet, which is all explained in the video, that you claim to agree with and 'knew already'. Keep digging.

It does in my graph I posted Einstein which depicts exponential growth as a bending upwards curve. ... australia/

The graph in the video doesn't show time on the X Axis which is also my preferred method because it depicts exponential growth as a straight line.

You really are an Einstein aren't you?

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but what the graphs may show for Australia’s Coronavirus numbers are meaningless unless someone can tell me with certainty that the numbers tested in the last 4 days are equal or greater than the numbers tested before the last 4 days. So, let’s have less talk on the chart’s meanings and more talk on the numbers tested.

They have reported reduction in positive test results over the last 6 days.

The detection rate has reduced from 25% down to 9% of the overall total. Before, we were doubling every 4 days, and now we are doubling every 7 days.

This has been told to us by our PM and also repeated by the Chief of The Australian Medical Association and some Premiers. They did however caution that it is still early days and they can't afford to relax any measures.

The measures are actually quite strict. Foreigners are not allowed into Australia. You can't have congregations in public above 2 people. The police are stopping people and questioning why they are on the streets. We are not on lock-down though.

My question has not been answered.

Q. Has the number of test conducted in the last 4-6 days are same numbers or greater numbers than test numbers conducted before the last 4-6 days?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh dear, the statistician strikes again with another whopper!

For it to show on the graph, you need to extend the X Axis and the only way that can happen is with time. So in 10 days time, and presuming the trend is maintained, Australia's graph will look like South Korea's. The other way is to look at the statistics and also look at the new cases graph (if you want a picture) which is in the same link. It shows a dramatic decline. Look again. ... australia/

As you can see, Australia definately hasn't been exponential for 6 days running now, and today it looks like it will be 7 days as they are about to record another good number. To me it shows we are IN CONTROL.

get the picture Einstein?

THE chart does not have time on either axis Einstein. You have not even understood that yet, which is all explained in the video, that you claim to agree with and 'knew already'. Keep digging.

It does in my graph I posted Einstein which depicts exponential growth as a bending upwards curve. ... australia/

The graph in the video doesn't show time on the X Axis which is also my preferred method because it depicts exponential growth as a straight line.

You really are an Einstein aren't you?

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but what the graphs may show for Australia’s Coronavirus numbers are meaningless unless someone can tell me with certainty that the numbers tested in the last 4 days are equal or greater than the numbers tested before the last 4 days. So, let’s have less talk on the chart’s meanings and more talk on the numbers tested.

There seems to be a very big change here in Australia with a lot of positivity and Australians are playing the game and cooperating.

The measures handed down by our Government seem to be strict and some of the extreme measures are as follows:

1) International Travel is banned except for Australian Citizens,
2) Australians returning from overseas must go into isolation/quarantine at their first entry point.
3) The military is being used to transport international arrivals to quarantine zones.
4) The government is checking in arrivals into hotels and set up quarantine centers like Rottnest Island in Perth.
5) Social distancing is being enforced by police
6) you are not allowed to congregate in public in groups greater than 2
7) all elderly over the age of 70 must stay home but are allowed to venture out for shopping
8) all persons above 60 and with a medical condition must stay at home but are allowed to venture out for shopping
9) all aboriginals above the age of 50 must stay at home but are allowed to venture out for shopping

Most of our schools however are open.

All workers with a job, are now classified as essential workers and are encouraged to go to work.

Essential workers can be anyone from Health Professionals, Police, Emergency Services, Military, Customs, Public Servants. Airline Staff, Security, Transport Workers, Miners, Oil and Gas and just about everyone really. We must however carry with us paperwork from our employer as essential staff and ID. Police can stop us anytime. And yeh I have seen them stop people. It's almost surreal now as it kind of feels we are in a totalitarian police state atm.

Fines are massive and range from $1600 to $50,000. And police don't have a problem issuing these fines.

Security is employed to guard the quarantine centers. People who have been ordered to isolate because they came from overseas also get regular visits by the military at their home if that is where they are isolated.

2 thirds of our cases are from overseas. Now that the borders are closed and there are strict measures for anyone arriving in Australia, we feel we may be on the right trajectory.

We had 300 cases and 3 deaths just from 1 ship, The Ruby Princes, which docked in Sydney and 3000 passengers got off without health checks. Every arrival from overseas must get checked now before they go to isolation. Which as I said can be at your home, OR in a government run quarantine establishment which could be on an island off the coast, in a hotel or resort somewhere.

At airports, there is security everywhere and they are harassing people to stay 4m apart.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:05 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh dear, the statistician strikes again with another whopper!

For it to show on the graph, you need to extend the X Axis and the only way that can happen is with time. So in 10 days time, and presuming the trend is maintained, Australia's graph will look like South Korea's. The other way is to look at the statistics and also look at the new cases graph (if you want a picture) which is in the same link. It shows a dramatic decline. Look again. ... australia/

As you can see, Australia definately hasn't been exponential for 6 days running now, and today it looks like it will be 7 days as they are about to record another good number. To me it shows we are IN CONTROL.

get the picture Einstein?

THE chart does not have time on either axis Einstein. You have not even understood that yet, which is all explained in the video, that you claim to agree with and 'knew already'. Keep digging.

It does in my graph I posted Einstein which depicts exponential growth as a bending upwards curve. ... australia/

The graph in the video doesn't show time on the X Axis which is also my preferred method because it depicts exponential growth as a straight line.

You really are an Einstein aren't you?

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but what the graphs may show for Australia’s Coronavirus numbers are meaningless unless someone can tell me with certainty that the numbers tested in the last 4 days are equal or greater than the numbers tested before the last 4 days. So, let’s have less talk on the chart’s meanings and more talk on the numbers tested.

They have reported reduction in positive test results over the last 6 days.

The detection rate has reduced from 25% down to 9% of the overall total. Before, we were doubling every 4 days, and now we are doubling every 7 days.

This has been told to us by our PM and also repeated by the Chief of The Australian Medical Association and some Premiers. They did however caution that it is still early days and they can't afford to relax any measures.

The measures are actually quite strict. Foreigners are not allowed into Australia. You can't have congregations in public above 2 people. The police are stopping people and questioning why they are on the streets. We are not on lock-down though.

My question has not been answered.

Q. Has the number of test conducted in the last 4-6 days are same numbers or greater numbers than test numbers conducted before the last 4-6 days?

The testing according to our government has increased. they were short early on and rationing the tests and still are rationing but the Government has just bought in a few million testing kits and the data coming in from the States is that they are increasing the number of tests.

the best performing state is South Australia. they have conducted 30,000 tests just in that state.

It seems like every aspect of our lives is now very controlled at this point but we do have one consolation. We do not have a blanket isolation of everyone like in some countries.

The reasoning for this is that they want the economy to continue moving forward.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:07 pm

Kikapu wrote:My question has not been answered.

Q. Has the number of test conducted in the last 4-6 days are same numbers or greater numbers than test numbers conducted before the last 4-6 days?

This will not answer it either but the number of new cases in Australia for 29th March was 528 which is to date the 2nd highest daily increase, with the highest being 537 on Mar 22
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