Londonrake wrote:I wouldn’t underestimate his brain. He left when it was his round.![]()

Londonrake wrote:I wouldn’t underestimate his brain. He left when it was his round.![]()
Get Real! wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:I'll continue posting my stuff and you can configure your clever browser to ignore it I'm sure....
By all means do so... but in turn, I too reserve the right to rub your face in the mud 24/7 for our entertainment.
Belief #4: If I was wrong about lockdown, that makes me gullible and unintelligent.
No, it makes you human. To err is human. Admitting this is noble and altruistic, while persisting on course despite red flags is pathological and damaging. We should all aspire to be like Socrates, who understood his human fallibilities: “I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing.”
There is no shame in falling for such a sophisticated propaganda scheme. Most people did. A few shining stars have since emerged to admit their mistake, quietly adopting the Swedish approach. You would be wise to join them, avoiding the fate of Don Quixote:
“As long as he fought imaginary giants, Don Quixote was just play-acting. However once he actually kills someone, he will cling to his fantasies for all he is worth, because only they give meaning to his tragic misdeed. Paradoxically, the more sacrifices we make for an imaginary story, the more tenaciously we hold on to it, because we desperately want to give meaning to those sacrifices and to the suffering we have caused.” ~ Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow
cyprusgrump wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:For the skeptics like cyprusgrump:
Let's take the Roc statistics with a population of about 1 million):
About 1500 infected, about 300 needed medical care (20%), and about 20 died (1.5%).
The virus is infectious like hell, in fact living/working/associating in the same room with an infected person gives you near 100% chance of getting infected yourself too. Remember the woman who came from America and infected about 40 persons within a week by breaking her own quarantine?
Now let's assume we wouldn't take any precautions and let it spead among the population until 60% of the population would have been infected as some geniuses in the UK and US initially suggested. Within a year we would have 120,000 needing medical attention (328 per day) and 9000 deaths (25 per day) from this desease alone.
The numbers speak for themselves. There's no hysteria whatsoever. There is only common sense, and very easy to follow precautions, to keep the effects down to the minimum.
It causes pneumonia damn it one of the most serious deseases, survivors suffer for upto a year+ before returing to normal.
So Sweden then...?
Pyrpolizer wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:For the skeptics like cyprusgrump:
Let's take the Roc statistics with a population of about 1 million):
About 1500 infected, about 300 needed medical care (20%), and about 20 died (1.5%).
The virus is infectious like hell, in fact living/working/associating in the same room with an infected person gives you near 100% chance of getting infected yourself too. Remember the woman who came from America and infected about 40 persons within a week by breaking her own quarantine?
Now let's assume we wouldn't take any precautions and let it spead among the population until 60% of the population would have been infected as some geniuses in the UK and US initially suggested. Within a year we would have 120,000 needing medical attention (328 per day) and 9000 deaths (25 per day) from this desease alone.
The numbers speak for themselves. There's no hysteria whatsoever. There is only common sense, and very easy to follow precautions, to keep the effects down to the minimum.
It causes pneumonia damn it one of the most serious deseases, survivors suffer for upto a year+ before returing to normal.
So Sweden then...?
What's so great about Sweden? 100 deaths in just one day in a country that's just 10 times bigger than Cyprus' population
is a disaster in my vocabulary. The maximum we had in a day was (I think) 2.
That's exactly what I said before. If we would let the desease spread with absolutely no precautions we would have proportionally double the numbers. If the peaople would volultarily take same measures by their own initiative, like they did in Sweden we would have proportionally the same numbers.
cyprusgrump wrote:So lockdowns in those countries haven't worked...
“A virus sooooo deadly that you have to have a test to know you have it!“
Get Real! wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:So lockdowns in those countries haven't worked...
You just don’t have the intellectual capacity to figure anything out Grumpy…![]()
I explained it to you before; that the benefit of precautionary measures taken (for anything for that matter) cannot be computed.
Therefore, sweeping statements like… “So lockdowns in those countries haven't worked...” are just plain daft!
Here’s another little gem you posted earlier...“A virus sooooo deadly that you have to have a test to know you have it!“
Had you been smart you’d know that there are generally TWO kinds of viruses...
Dumb ones: The Spanish Flu – Quickly kills off all its victims thereby killing itself and thus having a very short lifespan.
Smart ones: Covid-19 – Kills off some of its victims while making others asymptomatic carriers thereby extending its longevity and having the potential to live forever.
It’s interesting that for years you lay low on the forum, so we had no idea how thick you were... but Covid-19 has brought you to the surface and now hardly a day goes by without you taking us for a free tour of your messed up mind!
cyprusgrump wrote:Keep drinking that MSM propaganda GR...![]()
Smart and dumb Flu!![]()
Shame, I used to think of you as reasonably intelligent... Still, we all make mistakes...
We document four facts about the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide relevant for those studying the
impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) on COVID-19 transmission. First: across all
countries and U.S. states that we study, the growth rates of daily deaths from COVID-19 fell from a
wide range of initially high levels to levels close to zero within 20-30 days after each region
experienced 25 cumulative deaths. Second: after this initial period, growth rates of daily deaths have
hovered around zero or below everywhere in the world. Third: the cross section standard deviation of
growth rates of daily deaths across locations fell very rapidly in the first 10 days of the epidemic and
has remained at a relatively low level since then. Fourth: when interpreted through a range of
epidemiological models, these first three facts about the growth rate of COVID deaths imply that both
the effective reproduction numbers and transmission rates of COVID-19 fell from widely dispersed
initial levels and the effective reproduction number has hovered around one after the first 30 days of
the epidemic virtually everywhere in the world. We argue that failing to account for these four
stylized facts may result in overstating the importance of policy mandated NPIs for shaping the
progression of this deadly pandemic.
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