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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:17 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:

the other thing is this. never in my life have I seen people live in so much fear. Quite often, I believe it's unreasonable fear.

People are on edge. maybe, Tim is right and they want to erode our rights, to control the masses more. Because the masses have been very naughty because the masses are doing naughty things like vote for Trump and Boris. We are in a US Election year.

trump has been especially very tough on Chy-na. COVID originated from Chy-na.

Too many questions Kikapu.

And gates is only a very small part of the equation and may not even be guilty of anything. But he get's no free pass.

the population control thesis from 8 billion to 2 billion is at the far extremities of conspiracy theories. But I ask you this question. If they come up with a vaccine, will you be one of the first to line up? I don't believe I will. But I would be hoping it's a legit vaccine. Nothing would be better than a legit vaccine and it might be legit. This vaccine from the UK might be the real deal.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:17 pm

Paphitis wrote: Trump was the first to restrict travel from Chyna if you recall.

This is just not true. The US was not the first country to impose such restrictions. Even after it did impose them over 40,000 people travelled from China to the US direct and it is clear that in any case the move was not an effective measure in terms of stopping the spread to and within the US. These are the facts and you want Trump praised for this ?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:

You see this is where the Democrats fall apart Kikapu. It's not just about Obiden's cognitive decline. The Democrats probably accept they are going to lose, so thought we might put up a total muppet and save the real talent for 2024. The Trump Train is just chugging along with millions of onlookers seeing if they can sneak on without being noticed, the so called silent Trumpsters.

Trump introduced travel bans on anyone that has been through the people's Republic of Chy-na on the 2nd of February 2020. Quick to act, and one of the first to do so. Australia did it on the 1st of February. can't argue with this move. here is a list of countries that restricted travel to and from Chy-na. ... e-covid-19

But do you remember the response from Obiden, Belosi, and Ocrazio among others? Did you find their attitude helpful or even coherent. it seems it is they that are stupid, not Trump.

Calling Trump racist and all that. people have a long memory.

To be frank, the Democrats have compromised themselves beyond repair.

meanwhile, Australians are looking across the Tasman at new Zealand and saying WTF. The darling of the left is getting away with being the biggest despot with 9 friggin cases of COVID.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:06 pm

Here is another one for the people to ponder.

Fox News and Sky news Australia are 2 peas in a pod. Blatantly biased. Gop through and though. Australian Liberal Party through and through. It's so blatantly biased I have no problem with it.

When people tune in, they know what they are getting. They are getting the Trump Train through and through. Trump is the golden boy and can do no wrong.

AND YET, you get some of the most sophisticated debates and the flip side of the coin. Something the BBC and CNN or MSM do not provide.

Proper debate over the cost of lock downs in terms of our freedoms, to the economy and the mental health aspect. The only sources which are providing investigative journalism on the suicide rate spikes and compare them to the COVID statistics. The kind of subjects the MSM are avoiding.

Sky News, gave air time to the threats made by Daniel Andrews. In other words, they were on the side of our pensioners, the most vulnerable and poorest in our society. Go figure. Hence why they are gaining traction.

You know what you are getting at FOX news and Sky News Australia. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure, but people are tuning in to see the other side, and they are being engaged and stimulated mentally.

Compare that to CNN and BBC and many other "news" providers globally. They are giving you a narrative. They are using key jargon and language to softly steer public opinion and at the same time pretend they are giving you unbiased news and real journalism.

So who are the seedy bullshit artists here? CNN/BBC and their like OR Fox News/Sky News? For me, I give the latter 2 more credence because they don't even attempt to hide what they are. They are transparent. We all know their bias and who they back.

It isn't immediately that clear with BBC/CNN who are definitely more deceitful and sneaky.

Also, mainstream social media like facebook, twitter and YouTube are censoring the opposing narrative. At this point we must ask ourselves. Is this what they do in a real democracy such as what we supposedly have in the US, Australia and the EU? Or is this something else like what we would find in Chy-na, Turkey or Russia? it's probably the latter because this is where we are headed if we go down the censorship path where the other side which do not conform to the narrative are silenced.

Why are hundreds of scientists and experts in the medical profession being silenced over COVID-19? That's another question that needs to be asked and needs to be answered. But we know the answer. These mainstream outlets claim they are doing it in the public interest because they are wrong. Well I would like to know in whose expert analysis they are deemed irrefutably to be against the public interest. Who is making these decisions? Why can't we have pluralism of ideas and thoughts, even if some may be incorrect?

But in these modern times, it's harder to silence people. That horse has long bolted and there are alternatives like Bitchute and London Real.

So you can't silence the Avi Yemini's of this world, who won't lay down. Credit where credit is due.

You know, thousands of our soldiers laid down their lives so that people like Avi can be free. Thousands more prepared to do the same today to protect our way of life as a free country that we are.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:33 pm

Cyprus Grump posted this video earlier. i am going to repost it so it isn't buried.

this is an example of Sky news Australia journalism. This is the reason why they are gaining traction. They are giving us a good dose of reality check.

These are Trumpsters and Liberal party through and through. But we all know it. They don't pretend to be something they are not.

And they seem to be the real libertarians as well. Advocates for freedom and democracy. Something the left have forgotten or dismissed, because we are all naughty and don't do what they want and vote the way they want us to like good little children.

has this guy said even the slightest thing that is unreasonable?

it seems to me we have the 2 extremes which are on the one side Australia/South Korea/Taiwan/New Zealand, and on the other side the USA. I think both these sides have got it wrong and the correct response is somewhere in the middle of these 2 extremes. So which countries are in the middle? Well they would be Sweden/Switzerland/Germany. they don't have the best COVID stats like one end of the extremes and certainly not the worst like the other end of the extremes. They just have good numbers. And an economy that hasn't been impacted as much as either of the extremes.

So yeh, countries like Sweden might have the most correct balance.

Sky News Australia did have the Swedish Policy advisor to the Swedish Government. A very experienced epidemiologist. I watched it. And what he said was crystal clear to me. If I was in a position of power, I would have offered him any amount of money to work for Aust Gov. The guy spoke and backed EVERYTHING up with pure science with expert precision. No bullshit. Just known facts and his experience shined through. Also a very likable chap. I'll never forget him. And so far, everything he has said, has not been proven wrong.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:00 pm

I dare anyone to do a google search on COVID-19.

The results you get is a carefully constructed curation of a particular narrative. Other sources like Sky News Australia, or Fox News are buried way down the line. It's about 1000 times worse for the likes of Tommy Robinson and Avi Yemini.

The fake news is done in such a fashion, it can fool and brainwash the brightest people in our society. It can fool me and it can fool anyone. It's so subtle and sneaky. Like when Australian journos were making fun of Trump when he tweeted he should be able to postpone the US Elections. he was ridiculed wth the journos sitting back on their sofas, laughing and carrying on like idiots. To the lesser informed person, they make it seem like trump is an imbecile. less than 3 weeks later, justinta Arduous, NZ PM, actually is making moves to postpone NZ elections in the public interest. no laughing or mocking there. Just serious applause and veneration. Double standards at best. And that's being very kind.

But it's getting more difficult for giants like Google to run the agendas thanks to the likes of other search engines like DuckDuckGo. People should experiment, see and compare.

same when you search on YouTube. Particular channels are artificially inflated in the rankings according to what YouTube (Google) want you to see. unless you know a particular channel to look up, you may never get them especially when it has views about COVID or Trump which isn't part of their narrative or agenda.

This isn't democracy. it isn't a real agora of ideas and discussion. It's a fake manipulation.

but people are getting wiser and are discovering the truth and there are ways to beat the system either through other search engines, or other providers like BitChute and London Real where you will find all the naughty boys and girls that have been banned or censored from YouTube and Facebook.

tables are turning folks. And it's unstoppable.

The MSM are losing their ratings and their numbers are in decline. people are learning where to find real news. And the culprits are not Sky News Australia or FOX News. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with bias as long as your are honest about it and don't try to be deceitful.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:

You see this is where the Democrats fall apart Kikapu. It's not just about Obiden's cognitive decline. The Democrats probably accept they are going to lose, so thought we might put up a total muppet and save the real talent for 2024. The Trump Train is just chugging along with millions of onlookers seeing if they can sneak on without being noticed, the so called silent Trumpsters.

Trump introduced travel bans on anyone that has been through the people's Republic of Chy-na on the 2nd of February 2020. Quick to act, and one of the first to do so. Australia did it on the 1st of February. can't argue with this move. here is a list of countries that restricted travel to and from Chy-na. ... e-covid-19

But do you remember the response from Obiden, Belosi, and Ocrazio among others? Did you find their attitude helpful or even coherent. it seems it is they that are stupid, not Trump.

Calling Trump racist and all that. people have a long memory.

To be frank, the Democrats have compromised themselves beyond repair.

meanwhile, Australians are looking across the Tasman at new Zealand and saying WTF. The darling of the left is getting away with being the biggest despot with 9 friggin cases of COVID.

Yes but, you did not address my post at all, which was regarding Gates wanting to reduce the world's population size down to 2 billion from 8 billion according to your understanding. :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:21 pm

And more food for thought.

remember when trump was being ridiculed when g=he said he was taking Hydroxychloroquine? An actual drug that is being used in Switzerland with massive success.

Apparently, if COVID sufferers are given it in the early stages, it kills much of the bacteria and the patient endures much milder effects.

Remember all the memes about rump drinking cleaning agents which also contain Hydroxychloroquine?

Well, if people are actually bothered to do some research, they would find that Trump isn't as stupid as the media tried to portray him. Hydroxychloroquine, is actually a thing. With many esteemed doctors and medical professionals giving it the thumbs up. there are many in Australia who cried foul when the Australian Government banned it recently.

So, how can the public have any faith in the MSM now?

It keeps turning out time and time again, that the MSM is full of crap. they are talking so much shit. Anything to bring down Trump. the guy can find a cure for cancer but the MSM will ridicule and mock him. And then ban that cure he discovered because it was discovered by Trump.

Well folks, I think the game is well and truly over now.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:25 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:

You see this is where the Democrats fall apart Kikapu. It's not just about Obiden's cognitive decline. The Democrats probably accept they are going to lose, so thought we might put up a total muppet and save the real talent for 2024. The Trump Train is just chugging along with millions of onlookers seeing if they can sneak on without being noticed, the so called silent Trumpsters.

Trump introduced travel bans on anyone that has been through the people's Republic of Chy-na on the 2nd of February 2020. Quick to act, and one of the first to do so. Australia did it on the 1st of February. can't argue with this move. here is a list of countries that restricted travel to and from Chy-na. ... e-covid-19

But do you remember the response from Obiden, Belosi, and Ocrazio among others? Did you find their attitude helpful or even coherent. it seems it is they that are stupid, not Trump.

Calling Trump racist and all that. people have a long memory.

To be frank, the Democrats have compromised themselves beyond repair.

meanwhile, Australians are looking across the Tasman at new Zealand and saying WTF. The darling of the left is getting away with being the biggest despot with 9 friggin cases of COVID.

Yes but, you did not address my post at all, which was regarding Gates wanting to reduce the world's population size down to 2 billion from 8 billion according to your understanding. :wink:

ATM, there is nothing to address. All i have is his statement. i don't actually know whether he is or isn't.

COVID isn't capable of reducing the world's population to 2 billion. Even if we all get it, it will only kills 75 million people (1%) if it's in waves, or at most 300 million people if medical services are overwhelmed. It certainly will not kill 5 or 6 billion people.

A bogus vaccine though might. Or give us an extra pair. :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:47 pm

Paphitis wrote:A bogus vaccine though might. Or give us an extra pair. :wink:

That’s unlikely to happen. It would have to be a vaccine licensed and distributed before undergoing the accepted standards of testing. Perhaps for a reason like “national prestige”. Never going to happen. :roll:
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