Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!
Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?
And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.
I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.
He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.
I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.
Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth.

Why are a lot of things happening Kikapu?
Why is new Zealand behaving like it just got hit by a Nuclear Bomb with 9 cases of Covid in one day? I don't know.
At least in Melbourne, where there is a total lock down, they were at one point getting some 700 Covid cases per day. So justifiable as sad as it is. Because these lock downs come at a destructive cost to the economy, to jobs, to our welfare both physical and mental. Which brings us to another question. Are these lock downs creating a bigger problem than COVID itself, in mental health and even suicide? These are legitimate questions. Seems pointless to me locking down every citizen to save a few COVID deaths, when suicide will claim many more lives.
So many things are not staking up to scrutiny if we are willing to drill down to the cold harsh realities.
Again, I'm not saying lock downs are not warranted in places like Melbourne which has a significant COVID problem. If unchecked, COVID probably has the potential to claim millions of lives. But there has to be a discussion about any other side effects like mental health and suicide and no one is talking about it at all. Which makes me wonder.
maybe COVID is a man made creation from a Chy-nese lab. Trump was the first to restrict travel from Chyna if you recall. Something he should be congratulated on. But remember Obiden, Belosi, Ocrazio, calling him a racist over it? Nothing makes sense. They have politicized the pandemic itself.
Trump, despite going in all tough over Chy-na and a few other countries and being called a racist, decided a different approach which favoured the economy. Perhaps not the right thing to do but still early days to know what's what.
Maybe COVID is just the catalyst, because let's face it, it doesn't seem to be a very lethal pandemic. Seems to be quite on par with the common flu in lethality and yet we don't lock own for the flu. COVID has a lower death rate than 1%. But there is another aspect that scares me over COVID. Apparently, even if you survive, you could develop heart issues as COVID may damage the heart muscle. It might also damage lung tissue and the liver. That;'s something to think about.