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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:05 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:However, I thought I'd pop-in and post these two to keep you up-to-date... ... lf-of-2020

Sweden records highest death tally in 150 years in first half of 2020

cyprusgrump wrote:And in case ErLOLZ has forgotten to post them (again... :roll: )

Yes you will continue to post ONS figures for individual weeks in isolation, having ignored those weeks that do not suit and ignoring the year to date figures entirely. You will continue to do this whilst accusing others of 'cherry picking'. Year to date up to week 32 total excess deaths vs 5 year average - 52,770
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:42 pm

Interview about covid-related matters from the frontline with a nurse in Devon, UK:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:54 pm

erolz66 wrote:... If you had wanted people to talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. there are countless links you could have used that would not have required linking to and quoting from a professional Illuminati conspiracy nutter.

Erm, I provided a link to a very profound and enlightening recent 40-minute interview with the gentleman, actually.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:26 pm

Just to recap how evil and demented the left have become.

Long gone are the days of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating who were indeed pro business and pro worker and unionists at the same time. Politicians who seeked fair pay and better working conditions with safety.

Today we have inner city elites masquerading as leftists - people like Obiden, Camela, and Dan Andrews in Victoria.

They call their opponents Alt Right, even fascists. Anyone in the center right is a fascist these days. Anyone who votes for Trump, Scott Morrison and the like.

But here is the whopper coming from a so called darling leftist.

Dan Andrews threatened that if any pensioners don’t take the vaccination, their pension will be cut. A gross violation of HR which hits at the most poor and vulnerable. Now imagine if Trump said it. He would be crucified and rightfully so. In fact he would be crucified for anything by the MSM.

Rules for some but not others.

Yes folks, that is the state of play in the so called left. Which is why the worker, who pays the bulk of tax, is migrating in droves towards Trump GOP, liberals or conservatives. It’s because a hard working bread winner is also conservative by outlook. And the left has lost touch with its base, whilst the right is winning them over by the millions because it’s this right wing parties which protect their jobs and will protect their worker rights and more importantly their freedoms and rights.

Yes Dan Andrews has issued its ultimatum. An ultimatum to the most poor and vulnerable. Is there any wonder why these people will vote for Trump or Morrison? The left don’t get it and they never will because they have been infiltrated by ideologues from our universities which are beyond the realms of reality and reason.

30 years ago, you would have never dreamt of such lunacy. Now things are changing. The left have gone far left. Whilst the right has positioned themselves more to the centre sponging up the votes of workers, and small business owners.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:59 pm

if anyone doesn't know the meaning of culture war, they should look it up. it's a real thing.

It's about undermining the fabric of society. weaken us, and make us all dependent on big Government where the Government is responsible for everything down to the minute detail. Sounds great right! We all get to live in flats, with no incentive to do anything special. But wait, it also means living in a society like Chy-na, where people have no freedom. Everything on our TVs is controlled by the state and part of the narrative.

If the state say's you must be vaccinated, then you vaccinate or no pension, job, social security or travel for you ever again. You do it our way, or you are no different to a criminal.

They are already doing it. People who vote for Trump are Alt Right, or even fascists or the very least racists after all. They forget that Black Americans are not as stupid as the left seem to think they are. They don't want to be victims. they are in the US Armed Forces. They are becoming Doctors, lawyers, successful in business and doing great things. They are also voting for Trump by the millions.

We see it everywhere. we saw it in Greece when Greece had its banking Collapse and its GDP contracted by 25%. Greeks voted for left wing ideologues. People who wanted open borders and sold out on Greek Interests and also on the worker and supporter base. So in less that one term, New democracy comes back from nowhere with Mitsotakis and so far is kicking goals. No one expected much other than just hope he can unravel some of the damage the Tsipras lunatics did.

We saw it in Cyprus with Tof, who was just a debacle to say the least, paving the way for Anastasiades. We saw it with Obama, who showed some promise, but again sold out on American workers. And who did NOTHING for black Americans. You wouldn't know it but Trump has done more for Blacks than Obama himself. Yep, it's actually true. You can go on and on.

The left want to unravel the societal fabric. Bring down institutions.

If people want examples, there are many in Western Countries. I will give you one in Australia.

An Australian catholic cardinal, of extreme high rank and at one point third in line to becoming the Pope, was falsely accused of indecently sexually assaulting boys. I have no time for anyone who does this to boys or girls. It's repulsive, that we can all agree.

The MSM demonized him. In the end, the public were convinced this man was an actual devil. he wasn't though. he was an extremely religious and pious individual. The Courts, with juries comprising ordinary citizens, found him guilty. Couldn't do anything else in fact. If there was opportunity for the public to have lynch mobs, he would swing from a tree.

however, it was proven he was completely innocent. people and experts analyzed the evidence and found many discrepancies and came to the conclusion he could not even possibly be at the site of the crime because he was seen at other locations at the time.

His lawyers, appealed to the Federal Court, presided by 3 High Court Federal Justices. Each one found him innocent. And they called for an investigation into the Victorian Judicial system accusing Victoria of the biggest miscarriages of justices in Victorian History.

Another one for Dan Andrews, the lunatic who is completely responsible for Australia's second wave because he is an incompetent fool. The same leftist who threatened pensioners today with the only means they have of sustaining themselves if they do not take a future vaccine that hasn't even been developed yet. You couldn't even make it up if you tried.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:Just to recap how evil and demented the left have become.

Long gone are the days of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating who were indeed pro business and pro worker and unionists at the same time. Politicians who seeked fair pay and better working conditions with safety.

Today we have inner city elites masquerading as leftists - people like Obiden, Camela, and Dan Andrews in Victoria.

They call their opponents Alt Right, even fascists. Anyone in the center right is a fascist these days. Anyone who votes for Trump, Scott Morrison and the like.

But here is the whopper coming from a so called darling leftist.

Dan Andrews threatened that if any pensioners don’t take the vaccination, their pension will be cut. A gross violation of HR which hits at the most poor and vulnerable. Now imagine if Trump said it. He would be crucified and rightfully so. In fact he would be crucified for anything by the MSM.

Rules for some but not others.

Yes folks, that is the state of play in the so called left. Which is why the worker, who pays the bulk of tax, is migrating in droves towards Trump GOP, liberals or conservatives. It’s because a hard working bread winner is also conservative by outlook. And the left has lost touch with its base, whilst the right is winning them over by the millions because it’s this right wing parties which protect their jobs and will protect their worker rights and more importantly their freedoms and rights.

Yes Dan Andrews has issued its ultimatum. An ultimatum to the most poor and vulnerable. Is there any wonder why these people will vote for Trump or Morrison? The left don’t get it and they never will because they have been infiltrated by ideologues from our universities which are beyond the realms of reality and reason.

30 years ago, you would have never dreamt of such lunacy. Now things are changing. The left have gone far left. Whilst the right has positioned themselves more to the centre sponging up the votes of workers, and small business owners.

No leader is an island in a democratic country. What they say and want to do which may go against the constitution and Human Rights will be striked down in parliament and the courts.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:13 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just to recap how evil and demented the left have become.

Long gone are the days of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating who were indeed pro business and pro worker and unionists at the same time. Politicians who seeked fair pay and better working conditions with safety.

Today we have inner city elites masquerading as leftists - people like Obiden, Camela, and Dan Andrews in Victoria.

They call their opponents Alt Right, even fascists. Anyone in the center right is a fascist these days. Anyone who votes for Trump, Scott Morrison and the like.

But here is the whopper coming from a so called darling leftist.

Dan Andrews threatened that if any pensioners don’t take the vaccination, their pension will be cut. A gross violation of HR which hits at the most poor and vulnerable. Now imagine if Trump said it. He would be crucified and rightfully so. In fact he would be crucified for anything by the MSM.

Rules for some but not others.

Yes folks, that is the state of play in the so called left. Which is why the worker, who pays the bulk of tax, is migrating in droves towards Trump GOP, liberals or conservatives. It’s because a hard working bread winner is also conservative by outlook. And the left has lost touch with its base, whilst the right is winning them over by the millions because it’s this right wing parties which protect their jobs and will protect their worker rights and more importantly their freedoms and rights.

Yes Dan Andrews has issued its ultimatum. An ultimatum to the most poor and vulnerable. Is there any wonder why these people will vote for Trump or Morrison? The left don’t get it and they never will because they have been infiltrated by ideologues from our universities which are beyond the realms of reality and reason.

30 years ago, you would have never dreamt of such lunacy. Now things are changing. The left have gone far left. Whilst the right has positioned themselves more to the centre sponging up the votes of workers, and small business owners.

No leader is an island in a democratic country. What they say and want to do which may go against the constitution and Human Rights will be striked down in parliament and the courts.

What will be striked down by the constitution exactly.

I haven't seen anything been struck down yet.

Justinta Arduous just postponed the NZ Elections. And the MSM was applauding her, because hey, safety everyone. new Zealand had 9 new cases of COVID-19 that day. It's just laughable.

Trump tweeted that he should be allowed to postpone the US Elections because the US has a crisis. Well it's true. The US is in crisis actually. 30,000 new cases of COVID every day. Something to really worry about and perhaps to truly warrant postponing an election.

But Justinta Ardeous is wonderful. Orange man (Trump) bad! The MSM have this ability to program people's hearts and minds. Well actually poison them. And it's not because they care for people. They don't.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:22 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.

Well, lets just say for the sake of argument that is what Gates wants, to reduce the world's population from 8+ Billion down to 2 Billion, a 75% reduction, then why would he even push for a vaccine to combat the Covid-19? Why not encourage no lockdowns and encourage life as normal and let the virus spread like wildfire so that it kills by the hundreds of thousands of people a day, on top of those who would die anyway. Within few short years, he may reach his 75% reduction and the remaining 2 Billion will get the vaccine to be the new masters of the world and to start new all over again, you know, much like Adam & Eve. There are still going to be poor workers and rich leaders and that the remaining 2 Billion will not all have a life of Luxury. If you don't believe me, then go back in history around 1927 to see how things were when there were only 2 Billion people on the planet earth. :wink:

Why are a lot of things happening Kikapu?

Why is new Zealand behaving like it just got hit by a Nuclear Bomb with 9 cases of Covid in one day? I don't know.

At least in Melbourne, where there is a total lock down, they were at one point getting some 700 Covid cases per day. So justifiable as sad as it is. Because these lock downs come at a destructive cost to the economy, to jobs, to our welfare both physical and mental. Which brings us to another question. Are these lock downs creating a bigger problem than COVID itself, in mental health and even suicide? These are legitimate questions. Seems pointless to me locking down every citizen to save a few COVID deaths, when suicide will claim many more lives.

So many things are not staking up to scrutiny if we are willing to drill down to the cold harsh realities.

Again, I'm not saying lock downs are not warranted in places like Melbourne which has a significant COVID problem. If unchecked, COVID probably has the potential to claim millions of lives. But there has to be a discussion about any other side effects like mental health and suicide and no one is talking about it at all. Which makes me wonder.

maybe COVID is a man made creation from a Chy-nese lab. Trump was the first to restrict travel from Chyna if you recall. Something he should be congratulated on. But remember Obiden, Belosi, Ocrazio, calling him a racist over it? Nothing makes sense. They have politicized the pandemic itself.

Trump, despite going in all tough over Chy-na and a few other countries and being called a racist, decided a different approach which favoured the economy. Perhaps not the right thing to do but still early days to know what's what.

Maybe COVID is just the catalyst, because let's face it, it doesn't seem to be a very lethal pandemic. Seems to be quite on par with the common flu in lethality and yet we don't lock own for the flu. COVID has a lower death rate than 1%. But there is another aspect that scares me over COVID. Apparently, even if you survive, you could develop heart issues as COVID may damage the heart muscle. It might also damage lung tissue and the liver. That;'s something to think about.
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:10 pm

Paphitis wrote:Justinta Arduous just postponed the NZ Elections. And the MSM was applauding her, because hey, safety everyone. new Zealand had 9 new cases of COVID-19 that day. It's just laughable.

Trump tweeted that he should be allowed to postpone the US Elections because the US has a crisis. Well it's true. The US is in crisis actually. 30,000 new cases of COVID every day. Something to really worry about and perhaps to truly warrant postponing an election.

Under the NZ constitution the ruling party can decide when to hold a election up to a specific date but not past that date. The ruling party in NZ has not sought to extend their term by delaying the election. The delay was called for by and is supported by all NZ parties not just JA. If Trump wants the election delayed past his term as defined in the constitution then it will require support in both houses. That is what the US constitution says and requires. You may not see any difference but that just yet again shows your inability to think clearly.

Paphitis wrote:But Justinta Ardeous is wonderful. Orange man (Trump) bad! The MSM have this ability to program people's hearts and minds. Well actually poison them. And it's not because they care for people. They don't.

JA record in terms of deaths per head of population to date is 'wonderful' compared to Trumps which is not. Over 100 times less death from covid to date per head of population in NZ under JA than in US under Trump. Which is the better record Paphitis ? 4.5 deaths per million people or over 500 deaths per million people ? Do you need to ask Fox news what the answer is or can you think for yourself ?
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