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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:17 am

Paphitis wrote: If so, I feel very uneasy about taking any vaccine associated with a man who believes the world’s population needs to be culled to 2 billion people. Yes Bill Gates said that.

No he did not. Being susceptible to believing things that are just not true is a good definition of ovine behaviour. Baahhaaa. The alt right tells you outright lies and you just suck them up like a hoover on cocaine. Baahaaa.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:45 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote: If so, I feel very uneasy about taking any vaccine associated with a man who believes the world’s population needs to be culled to 2 billion people. Yes Bill Gates said that.

No he did not. Being susceptible to believing things that are just not true is a good definition of ovine behaviour. Baahhaaa. The alt right tells you outright lies and you just suck them up like a hoover on cocaine. Baahaaa.

Yeh he did. he is denying it now.

he doesn't get a free pass from me. I'm not going to believe he is a Philanthropist because the media tell me.

So easy being a Deca Billionaire, donating 100 million (peanuts) and getting revered and worshiped. The real philanthropists are the poor and the middle class battlers who donate their time at soup kitchens and hospitals, and hospices, and Churches and so forth.

For as long as there is doubt, I will not be first in line taking any vaccine associated with this man, Pootin, and so forth.

I've already got 2 testicles. don't need another 2.

Here is the difference between the right and the left today. You call the right, alt right as a prerogative.

Left - want big government, higher tax, less freedoms, and so on.

Right - seem to be the only advocates for democracy, freedom, human rights, less Government interference and so on. Let that sink in for a second.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:16 am

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote: If so, I feel very uneasy about taking any vaccine associated with a man who believes the world’s population needs to be culled to 2 billion people. Yes Bill Gates said that.

No he did not. Being susceptible to believing things that are just not true is a good definition of ovine behaviour. Baahhaaa. The alt right tells you outright lies and you just suck them up like a hoover on cocaine. Baahaaa.

Yeh he did. he is denying it now.

Where is the evidence of him saying this ? It does not exist. Anyone who was not a sheep, who did not just believe it because some fox news host said he said it and who thought for themselves and researched it could and would discover it is just not true. Baaahaaa.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:25 am

6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:36 am

Paphitis wrote:Left - want big government, higher tax, less freedoms, and so on.

Right - seem to be the only advocates for democracy, freedom, human rights, less Government interference and so on. Let that sink in for a second.

This is the simplistic perspective of a child. I would expect nothing less and certainly nothing more from you. Let that sink in for a second.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:56 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Left - want big government, higher tax, less freedoms, and so on.

Right - seem to be the only advocates for democracy, freedom, human rights, less Government interference and so on. Let that sink in for a second.

This is the simplistic perspective of a child. I would expect nothing less and certainly nothing more from you. Let that sink in for a second.

Of course that is what you would say. people who have a different opinion than you have the perspective of a child. They are dumb. They are conspiracy theorists. I'm not a conspiracist.

Trump is an idiot, yet Justinta Arduous if fabulous, even though they want to do the exact same thing. One however only tweeted about it, whilst Justinta Arduous is doing it for real.

Don't believe that there are chem trails of course, don't see anything sinister about 9/11 other than it being a well orchestrated terrorist attack by the Taliban, and I don't believe in the MH370 conspiracies other than the Royal Family of Malaysia being well connected to the US Administration and wanting the information suppressed because it cuts close to the Royal Family.

Yes I do believe Australia knows where MH370 is. they have found it. I believe this to be true.

I believe the Americans landed on the moon as well.

Yet people like Tim are conspiracy theorists right. trump is dumb and so are his supporters. well, it won't bode well for the left because they have been exposed for what they are these days and what they are is certainly not for the worker, or for freedoms, or for human rights.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:58 am

Kikapu wrote:6 billion less people in the world would be great for the environment, wild life, rain forest and so on, but it would be a disaster for the consumer economy, and Bill Gates makes products for the consumer economy. With only 2 billion people in the world, there still would be poverty and crime. Why would he cut his own throat by wanting less people in the world? Even if he did, no world leaders would support such ideology. Something to think about!

Yes bad for consumer profits for sure. But how much money does gates really need when the real agenda now is about control?

And less people, does mean a cleaner environment, a better standard of living for the remaining 2 billion people, and more resources to be split to fewer people.

I'm not saying that gates is evil. I just don't have any solid proof as to what the agenda is. For all I know, and for all you know, Tim could be right.

He could also be wrong. As for me, I got my eyes wide open and I have doubts or suspicions that there is something behind all this. I just don't know what yet. It could be to anything from eroding a couple of freedoms to the extreme of population control, or just controlling people by having them in a permanent state of fear. I simply don't know yet.

I can not rule out anything today. So I wouldn't be rushing.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:54 am

Back to vaccines. It's easy to have suspicions. Not least for the fact that humanity has never been able to find a vaccine for SARS or MERS. Not a single vaccine over the 17 years.

But, that could be because most of the victims are in third world countries. Those lives don't matter. Only first world lives in the US, Canada, EU and some rich Gulf States and Japan matter. Unless of course you go to London, New York and there, only Black Lives matter. yes it's a mixed up world.

I am willing to accept an argument that with COVID-19, because it doesn't discriminate between the first world and third world, that rich countries like US, EU, Australia and Japan are sinking in Billions of dollars in research and development and I do not ever doubt humanities capabilities when there is a united front and unlimited funding of several Billions to be able to come up with a vaccine, but so far Big Pharma have not put up such an argument.

All we hear is we must trust them. Well I am sorry but trust doesn't come automatically from me. It only comes automatically from those who are blind or have closed eyes and minds.

I simply don't trust Big Pharma. Their agenda is money and power. That's the bottom line. they are neither humanitarians or care about society, just their profits.

Plus, they have been caught with their pants down. Especially in the US, EU and Australia where they lobby Government to ban E Cigarettes. which have an 82% success rate in getting people to quit tobacco. But that hit their bottom line with all their smoke cessation products which only have a 15% success rate a big hit, virtually wiping out a multi Billion dollar market from them.

The result is the demonization of the E Cigarette industry which employs hundreds of thousands of people globally. No consideration of the fact that millions of people will be saved from lung cancer and other smoking ailments. Same as with the unwarranted demonization of Trump. Because he is against the narrative.

So yeh, Big Pharma are not very nice people. They don't care who dies from cancer or from COVID-19. Just their profits.

So, eyes wide open people. Doesn't mean that a future vaccine will have anything sinister about it. but it most certainly could.It's not just pootin I am suspicious about.

So many things just don't add up.

And to be clear once again, I want to see a vaccine come about. Some magical vaccination that will decimate COVID once and for all. I got a vested interest that the US goes back to normal in particular so I can get on with my life and follow my dreams.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:32 am

Paphitis wrote:Of course that is what you would say. people who have a different opinion than you have the perspective of a child. They are dumb. They are conspiracy theorists. I'm not a conspiracist.

I label as childish those who behave as children do. I label as conspiracy theorist those who link to , quote from and promote conspiracy theories.

Paphitis wrote:Trump is an idiot, yet Justinta Arduous if fabulous, even though they want to do the exact same thing. One however only tweeted about it, whilst Justinta Arduous is doing it for real.

Is name calling a childish trait or not ? If you can only behave as a child then do not get upset if I consider you childish as a result. Not because of your politics but because of your behaviour.

Ms Ardern postponed the NZ election via entirely legal existing means under the law and with the active support and consent of all opposition parties. To say this is the 'exact same thing as Trump' just shows to me how detached you are from actual reality.

Paphitis wrote:Yet people like Tim are conspiracy theorists right.

When someone supports their position by posting a link to and quotes from a world leading professional conspiracy theorist website, then they are likely to get labelled a conspiracy theorist. When you repeatedly make claims about what Bill Gates has said that are just not true to support conspiracy theories then you are also likely to get labelled a conspiracy theorist.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:33 am

Have you missed me? :D

Unfortunately domestic issues (including Mrs. CyprusGrump in plaster with a fractured ankle) are keeping me busy at the moment... :evil:

However, I thought I'd pop-in and post these two to keep you up-to-date... :wink:

One from 'Stralia...

And in case ErLOLZ has forgotten to post them (again... :roll: ) the ONS figures from the UK...

Main points
The number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 7 August 2020 (Week 32) was 8,945; this was 1 death fewer than in Week 31.

In Week 32, the number of deaths registered was 1.7% below the five-year average (157 deaths fewer); this is the eighth consecutive week that deaths have been below the five-year average.

The number of deaths in care homes, hospitals and other communal establishments remained below the five-year average in Week 32, while the number of deaths in private homes continued to be higher than the five-year average (702 more deaths).

Of the deaths registered in Week 32, 152 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, the lowest number of deaths involving COVID-19 in the last 20 weeks and a 21.2% decrease compared with Week 31 (193 deaths), accounting for 1.7% of all deaths in England and Wales.

The number of deaths involving COVID-19 decreased or remained the same across the majority of the English regions, with six of the nine regions having fewer overall deaths than the five-year average.

In Wales, the total number of deaths remained below the five-year average (8 deaths fewer) for Week 32, while the number of deaths involving COVID-19 increased to 24 deaths (from 10 deaths in Week 31).

Of all deaths involving COVID-19 registered up to Week 32, 63.4% occurred in hospital with the remainder mainly occurring in care homes (29.6%), private homes (4.7%) and hospices (1.4%).

The number of deaths registered in the UK in the week ending 7 August 2020 (Week 32) was 10,210, which was 142 deaths fewer than the five-year average; of the deaths registered in the UK in Week 32, 162 deaths involved COVID-19.

Laters... :wink:
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