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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:06 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:ErLOLZ you are mental... :lol:

3,000 was a typo, I changed it... You knew that but WTF eh, any port in a storm... :wink:

No I did not know it. You predicted 3k, then a couple of hours later you predicted 4k. So NOW you claim 3k was a 'typo'. Not only are you claiming 3000 was a typo you are also claiming that if it ends up being 4999 then you will still 'win'. So from 3k to 4k to 5k in less than 2 days. Impressive goal moving indeed, all whilst accusing ME of goal post moving. So precitable.

cyprusgrump wrote:As for the rest, we can see (and remember) what you posted... You are now moving the goalposts like Kiks...

Yeah we can. It is there in 'black and white'. We can see despite all your bluster and twisting and distortion that I have been totally and absolutely consistent on which numbers I start with because of their hardness and which I rate less highly because of their softness. I have always placed total deaths all causes 1st, have placed confirmed positives 2nd and placed covid deaths 3rd and then things like IFR and 'herd immunity threshold %' last. There are those that have used the hard ONS numbers on excess deaths when they suit and not when they do not - namely YOU. When they had not shown yet any excess deaths in a week, it was Tim , happy clapped along by you, that FIRST mentioned them. Then when they showed 6000 more deaths in week 14 than expected, Tim mentioned this one and you not at all. When they went from there to 8000 in week 15, 12000 week 16, 11500 week 17, 8000 week 19 you said nothing about them and Tim simply kept saying 'yeah but look at the 'discrepancy' with the totally soft covid death numbers. You did not mention these figures again until you mentioned week 30 that saw a 161 less deaths that week than expected. 161 less having ignored the 50,000 more in previous week ytd. All whilst accusing others of 'cherry picking' even when they were not and you so blatantly are.

cyprusgrump wrote:I'm not going to waste time arguing with you,

Of course not.

cyprusgrump wrote:I'll just post the stuff that makes your position look ridiculous on a regular basis... Trust me, I will... :D

What like the virus is rapidly dying out almost everywhere :lol:

cyprusgrump wrote:My prediction is <4,000 World-Wide deaths by the end of August... I'm on safe ground really, if it is 10,000 then hands up I am wrong... If it is even slightly under 5,000 then (by Kiks rules) the trend is in my direction and it is a goal for me! :lol:

And yet again you just show what a twat you really are. If the number at end of august is 5k then it will be the SAME as it was on 25 June when you claimed the virus was rapidly dying out everywhere. So 60 days AFTER the point at which you claimed the virus was rapidly dying out almost everywhere, if the global daily death rate is the SAME as then you will claim a 'goal'. No wonder you think so highly of yourself.

Call me a cynic but I think if you had been correct that it was rapidly dying out almost everywhere on june 25 then by the end of august you would predict LESS global daily deaths and not the SAME amount :lol:

cyprusgrump wrote:Oh and I was right about the virus dying out... Look at the numbers, one day you'll have to admit that too... :wink:

No you were not and it is the numbers we now have that PROVE you to have been wrong then. So you are now trying a monumental shifting of goalposts, pitch and stadium. The virus WILL die out at some point of course. That is NOT what you said. You said on 25 June it WAS ALREADY rapidly dying out, then at that point in time. About that, the claim you actually made and not your current revision, it is just plain absolute fact from the numbers we have had subsequently that it was NOT rapidly dying out almost everywhere THEN. In fact over all globally it was continuing to rapidly spread and increase. When it does die out in the future you will still have been proven to have been totally and utterly wrong in the claim that it was rapidly dying out then. You were wrong and nothing that happens in the future can change that FACT.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:18 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
erolz66 wrote:To recap.

It has already been shown that your claim of the 25 June was totally and utterly wrong.
I have given my prediction on global covid daily deaths by 13th September (4k or more) and you have given yours (3000ish)
I have given my prediction on global confirmed positives by 13th September (26 million or more). You are too pussy to give yours.
I have given my prediction on year end excess deaths in ONS stats (40k or more). You are too pussy to give yours.

PS this is a 'keeper' like CoCo's predictions... I completely guarantee this will come back to haunt you... :wink:

And each time it will be a testament to what a pussy and coward you were. Show some conviction, some guts, some balls. Lets have YOUR predictions, mr I am always right. Preferably just one single prediction for each stat, without typos and without revision and distortion. That is what I have had the balls to give. Keep reposting this all you want, it will be a constant reminder of just how cowardly and weaselly your behaviour has been.

Oh and if you ARE going to repost it you might want to decide and make clear what your prediction actually is on the single soft stat you are willing to say something about. Is it 3000ish, <4,000, 4000 or is it in fact 4999, you latest goalpost shift. Is it end of August or 13 September ? I have to ask given you have moved through all of these options in last 2 days whilst accusing ME of moving goalposts :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:17 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump on 24 jun 2020 wrote: When the virus dies out (as it is doing rapidly almost everywhere) I'll post the evidence that proves you wrong... :wink:

In the 40 days since you declared that the virus was rapidly dying out almost everywhere the number of global confirmed positives has increased from 9.409 million to 18.282 million.

Just to complete this snapshot of just how utterly and totally and completely wrong CG's claim has proven to be.

Since this claim not only have global confirmed positives increased 9.409 million to 18.282 million, but as of 04-08 covid deaths have also increased from 489,974 (33,397 previous 7 days = 4771 per day average) to 700,647 (40,193 previous 7 days = 5741 per day average). So not only have new confirmed cases almost doubled in the 40 odd days from the point at which CG claimed the virus was RAPIDLY dying out almost everywhere, covid deaths have also increased significantly as well. Try blaming THAT one on 'increased testing' if you like CG.

Let me just repeat that. 40 odd days on from when CG claimed the virus was rapidly dying out almost everywhere, daily confirmed positives have increased and daily covid deaths have increased as well.

Now CG claims that if daily deaths at the end of august , or 13 September (who knows which ?) ends up anywhere less than 5000 a day, he will have been 'proven right' and 'scored a goal' even though that is a daily rate that is HIGHER than it was on 25th June.

Getting any inkling yet CG as to why you come across to me as such a total and utter twat on this subject ?

No wonder he will not give any clear predictions of his own even as he demands them of others. Meow.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:43 pm

Trump and CG somehow think that increased testing causes new cases, instead of believing that increased testing discovers more cases which are already there to be discovered. If there were no tests done the virus will not disappear. In actual fact, the virus would spread much faster with no testing. :roll:

To restate, by not having pregnancy tests does not stop babies from being born! :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:50 pm

...well said. a review of the epidemic around the world.

and those red dots, how Canada, (and Africa) represent something different to what one would expect Continentally speaking, easy to understand.

...that bar graph in the corner, it's compelling to compare.

does not look good, because deaths rise when we do not take this virus seriously.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:55 am

Kikapu wrote:Trump and CG somehow think that increased testing causes new cases, instead of believing that increased testing discovers more cases which are already there to be discovered. If there were no tests done the virus will not disappear. In actual fact, the virus would spread much faster with no testing. :roll:

To restate, by not having pregnancy tests does not stop babies from being born! :wink:

No... :roll:

Nobody said that nor believes it.

But testing obviously discovers more cases, most of them asymptomatic.

Explain to me Einstein, why did the 'cases' increase 1,000% in your recent example but deaths halved...?

Did hundreds of people get rushed into hospital ill or did testing discover people who had no symptoms? :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:16 am

cyprusgrump wrote:But testing obviously discovers more cases, .....

If the virus had been rapidly dying out since 25 June, as you claimed, then you would see less confirmed positives even as you test more. Of course this is not happening because the virus has not been rapidly dying out almost everywhere since 25 June.

In any case not only has the global rate of new cases increased since you declared the virus was rapidly dying out almost everywhere, the rate of covid deaths has ALSO gone up since then.

Conclusion - your claim was totally and utterly wrong and the numbers show this unequivocally.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:54 pm


New ONS data out today has found that last week an estimated 28,300 people in England had COVID-19. This represents 0.05% of the community population. Far from a second wave, it marks a fall from the previous week’s estimate of 0.07%.

Whereas testing data shows a mild uptick, the number of tests being carried out in the UK has also zoomed up, meaning this data could simply be showing a reduction. It’s worth readingthis explanation of why cases are not in fact rising, by the director of Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Carl Heneghan. The new ONS number seem to support his research…
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:55 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:But testing obviously discovers more cases, .....

If the virus had been rapidly dying out since 25 June, as you claimed, then you would see less confirmed positives even as you test more. Of course this is not happening because the virus has not been rapidly dying out almost everywhere since 25 June.

In any case not only has the global rate of new cases increased since you declared the virus was rapidly dying out almost everywhere, the rate of covid deaths has ALSO gone up since then.

Conclusion - your claim was totally and utterly wrong and the numbers show this unequivocally.

Conclusion: You're an idiot fanatically obsessed with your own narrative and unable to comprehend any alternative views or information... :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:38 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:Conclusion: You're an idiot fanatically obsessed with your own narrative and unable to comprehend any alternative views or information... :wink:

Now, if you could just put that into a couple of hundred or so words.
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