cyprusgrump wrote:Total death figures from the ONS - they used to be your Gold Standard' but now you ignore them and worse, try to switcheroo to 'death from covid' figures... It would be funny if it wasn't so blatently obvious and pathetic...
Happy to competitive guess on any ONS total death figures you want. They are the 'hardest' numbers out there. That is just fact. As it is fact that confirmed positive cases is the 2nd hardest. Happy to competitive guess against a twit like you, with a track record like yours, on either

cyprusgrump wrote:Go on, comment on the ONS figures that you used to be so excited about!
Year to date there have been 53 thousand more deaths in the UK than the 5 year average for that period. If the theory is that the virus killed only those who were going to die in the coming 3-5 months anyway and that the virus has been rapidly dying out (is England and Wales almost everywhere ?) since at least 25th June, as you claimed, then by year end this figure will be zero. Meaning you will need to see coming weeks that have negative amounts vs 5 year average not of 161 deaths but weeks with multiple thousands lower than 5 year average. I predict you will NOT see in coming weeks in the HARD ONS data a net reduction vs 5 year average in the remaining 22 weeks of 53,000.
So come on mr I am always right,what is YOUR number for ONS England Wales total year end excess deaths all causes vs 5 year average for 2020. If you believe everyone who has died of covid 19 to date was someone who was going to die in next 3-5 months anyway, then you have to put your number at zero. If you believe half of those who have died of it so far were people who were going to die within 5 months anyway and half were not you have to put this number at less than 26,500 and a lot lower than that if you believe deaths are being attributed to covid that are not from covid and many excess deaths to date are from lockdown and other things but not not covid. So what is you guess CG ? I will put min at 40k or higher. That is by year end there will have been in England and Wales over 40 thousand more deaths in 2020 than the 5 year average. What is YOUR number CG ?
cyprusgrump wrote:Go on then... I guess <3,000 deaths...
3000 (known) deaths a DAY in 40 days time, from a virus that you claimed 40 days ago was '
rapidly dying out almost everywhere'. That is what you call 'rapidly dying out' is it ?

I would suggest for a 'descent' to be reasonably described as 'rapid', the rate of descent over time would need to be quicker than the rate of ascent had been

Otherwise the claim would just be hyperbole in my book.
Ill guess it will be a lot nearer at least 4k a day than it is 3k or less by 13 September. What is more I think we will have been lucky globally if it is below 3k per day by New Year and 6k by then seems just as possible to me as 3k.
cyprusgrump wrote:Do you need me to remind you and quote your posts where you insisted that
deaths was the only true measure of the disease?
You often 'threaten' to show things in people's previous posts but I have yet to see you ever actually do so

This will be another example. You will not show even a single post where I have claimed that 'deaths is the only true measure of the disease' because such posts only exist in your head. What I have insisted and continue to insist is, if someone is dead or not is not disputable. What the cause of death might have been is a matter of opinion that can and does vary by opinion. That is just an inescapable truth and why total deaths all causes is the hardest kind of measure. That you make out I have ever said it is the 'only true measure of the disease' just shows the extent to which you will bend truth and reality to suit.
cyprusgrump wrote:Go on, tell me your daily
deaths 7-day average for 13 September...
I have above. 4k or higher.
I will also give you my 13 September , Hopkins confirmed positives in next 40 days, which is another 8 million people in next 40 days with a total of around 26 million cases globally. Still waiting for you guess on this one.
I have also given my ONS year end net excess deaths all causes above (40K or higher). Still waiting for your guess on this one as well.
cyprusgrump wrote:erolz66 wrote:I also suspect / guess / predict however that you will NOT offer such a guess even though it was your idea

And once again, like Kiks you have been proven completely wrong!
LOL. I asked for your guess of what
total global confirmed positives will be by 13th September, you do NOT give me that guess and just repeat your guess at total deaths from covid and you
think that has proven me wrong when I said you would not give me such a guess ?
Just to remind you there is one person who who HAS beyond reasonable doubt already been proven wrong. It is YOU CG - when you claimed June 25th that the virus was RAPIDLY dying out almost everywhere. It was not doing so and this has now been shown to be the case.
cyprusgrump wrote:Still, I'm sure you can put up a Straw Man or move the goalposts to come up with an 'I was right all along' argument!
Never with the same level of determination you do

You really are the most outrageously blatant practitioner of such behaviours as can be so clearly seen above
cyprusgrump wrote:See you in 40 days ErLolz!

I have given you the prediction you wanted, I am still waiting for YOUR prediction that I asked for and have not given yet. Global confirmed positives by 13th Sept and ONS year end net excess deaths all causes vs 5 year average for whole year.
One final prediction from me for now. In 5 years time you will continue to appear to be as much of a twat based on your posting here as you do today and have done over the previous 5 years
cyprusgrump wrote:You obviously have no idea (apart from anything else) as to the rental value of a 'luxury unused 2nd home with private cinema'
I have no idea about rental values and yet it is
you that appears to be the one with property that remains unsold and unrented, for how long now ?

Here is a suggestion for you, maybe there is a difference between what you
think it's rental value is and what it
actually is and there is some correlation between this error on your part and how long it has and will remain unrented or sold

Still not to worry am sure the kids will soon work out its true value once it passes to them and have it sold or rented in a jiffy