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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:25 pm

Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:How is Sweden’s herd immunity going? :wink:

I'd say it was going pretty well actually... :wink:

Your chart does not answer the question! :wink:

Well, not if you are in total denial of the reality... :roll:

But on the other hand, if you can acknowledge that Sweden didn't Lockdown and then look at the chart and not see that they have achieved herd immunity you must be a bit dim... :wink:

But then some people still believe that the IFR is ~6% and tens of millions are going to die... and the numbers of daily deaths could double in the next two weeks... :lol:

Meanwhile, the scores on the doors (that I haven't posted for a while) are: -

Population 7½ billion....

Total deaths ~600,000.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Coronavirus: Government suspends publication of daily UK-wide death toll over accuracy concerns

The UK government has halted the publication of the daily number of coronavirus deaths over concerns that "statistical flaws" might be rendering the data inaccurate.

The pause in publication was decided by the Department of Health and Social Care after the health secretary, Matt Hancock, ordered a review into the figures.

A study by academics published late this week suggested that the toll is subject to "over-exaggeration" because of the way Public Health England (PHE) measures deaths.

A statement on the government's website read: "The secretary of state has today, 17 July, asked PHE to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics.

"Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death.

Is this not how cancer illnesses are counted and heart condition illnesses are counted and diabetic illnesses are counted and so on! :wink:

No. :roll:

You think if you have a heart attack and then get run over by a bus six months later they record the death as heart attack... :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:39 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Coronavirus: Government suspends publication of daily UK-wide death toll over accuracy concerns

The UK government has halted the publication of the daily number of coronavirus deaths over concerns that "statistical flaws" might be rendering the data inaccurate.

The pause in publication was decided by the Department of Health and Social Care after the health secretary, Matt Hancock, ordered a review into the figures.

A study by academics published late this week suggested that the toll is subject to "over-exaggeration" because of the way Public Health England (PHE) measures deaths.

A statement on the government's website read: "The secretary of state has today, 17 July, asked PHE to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics.

"Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death.

Is this not how cancer illnesses are counted and heart condition illnesses are counted and diabetic illnesses are counted and so on! :wink:

No. :roll:

You think if you have a heart attack and then get run over by a bus six months later they record the death as heart attack... :?

You are wrong. Cancer patient remains a cancer patient until he/she dies from cancer related death much later. How many times have you heard that Mr. so and so has been battling cancer for many years before dying.

So, how many Corvid -19 “recovered” patients died under a bus but counted as died from coronavirus.? :D

Your article does not mention anyone dying under a bus by the way. Do not add anything to the article you have posted if it’s not already written, for you to make exaggerated statements. It may be true in another article, but not in the one you want ride with. :roll:
Last edited by Kikapu on Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:44 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:How is Sweden’s herd immunity going? :wink:

I'd say it was going pretty well actually... :wink:

Your chart does not answer the question! :wink:

Well, not if you are in total denial of the reality... :roll:

But on the other hand, if you can acknowledge that Sweden didn't Lockdown and then look at the chart and not see that they have achieved herd immunity you must be a bit dim... :wink:

But then some people still believe that the IFR is ~6% and tens of millions are going to die... and the numbers of daily deaths could double in the next two weeks... :lol:

Meanwhile, the scores on the doors (that I haven't posted for a while) are: -

Population 7½ billion....

Total deaths ~600,000.

The whole world has not been infected yet, and should it does, we will lose millions of people. Basic science and arithmetic. :roll:

The daily death rate has already risen by 10% in the last 2 weeks. Look for it to increase much faster in the coming 2 weeks as the incubation period of those infected 2 weeks ago start “hatching”.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:09 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:United Airlines to lay off 36000 staff.

So I am very much in the Trump and Sweden camp. Economy before anything. But obvious some precautions and looking after the vulnerable with lock downs.

What we have now is unsustainable. It can't continue for too much longer after this year. This is what everyone doesn't get.

But there are no shutdowns anywhere to speak off for the last 1-2 months, unless like me, you consider social distancing also a form of shutdown, and yet many businesses like the aviation and tourist industry have not recovered and cannot recover if people do not feel safe, imaginary or real when the world’s largest economy not only did not impose a complete shutdown, but it pulled out of it way too soon, and to make matters worse, told the people to get back to your normal lives again, thank you Donald Trump.

Now the situation has gotten much worse in the US and if the US catches an economic cold, the rest of the world will catch it also. The point is, after the shutdown if managed well as most European countries have done, we could have all been doing much better today to keep the Covid-19 under a manageable control a while a little longer with social distancing and wearing mask, which would help gain people’s confidences so that they would start traveling.

The more some people resist to make some adjustments to their lives to keep the pandemic in check, the worse the situation will become until we can all hope that Big Pharma can come up with a vaccine for it. At that point, we will give anything they will ask for the vaccine. No point blaming the Big Pharma to come to “save “us because certain leaders and their followers were too stupid to follow science instead of politics.

Yes there are. The State of Victoria is completely shut down from the rest of Australia. You can't go to Melbourne right now unless you have approval by the Government. I mean gee, I never thought I would ever see that day in Australia when our beautiful Melbourne is in complete shut down. For those who don't know, Melbourne is a gem of a city. One of the best in the world. A city full of soul and character, now a ghost town with people locked in their houses for the next 6 weeks. Yeh 6 weeks. House arrest. And police issuing fines of $1000 if you are caught outside. Only exemptions are shopping for essentials, and exercising in your area so we have police asking people for ID to see where people live. If you are outside your suburb, then you get the fine. AWFUL!

A State within Australia isolated from the rest of Australia which is almost isolated from most countries apart from 14 odd, and even then under intense restrictions and other measures.

But the use by date is well and truly on its way as PM has said that Australia and all States within must open no matter what the situation is with Chy-na Virus. Otherwise, the economy will be wrecked. Don't know if you have heard, but there is a second wave here. We are getting 400 to 500 new cases every day. We use to get single digits for a month.

Still not a catastrophe by any means, but Australia is back on the exponential trajectory and at the moment it's an Apollo Mission trajectory to the moon. If it continues then we are going to fully lock down again but no matter what happens, restrictions will be repealed by Christmas and the herd immunity approach will be taken. So from end of this year, it will be about the economy as the lock-downs are unsustainable to the country according to our Government.

Australia was a country which applied rather strict measures and is now back to square 1, Exactly where Europe will find itself as well, in a month or so. So how did that happen? Well I think COVID has always been in our community and will keep re-appearing in waves over and over again. The Question is, do we follow the science and lock down each time> I would rather think that is impractical and completely much more destructive than the virus itself.

I knew that Victoria was in isolation with the rest of the country, but wasn't sure if they were also in a lockdown within Victoria. I am also aware of the rise in new cases to be in the hundreds. As for Herd immunity, forget it. Humans do not live in a herd, but in isolation most of the time.

Humans are a social animal, so this isolation malarkey that we see in Melbourne, is on its last legs.

What do you mean about another lock down in a state - is it because people can't leave their suburb without reason? Yes it's pretty full on. Poor bastards in Mexico are going to go mad.

Yes, humans are social animals, but mostly in their small circles of few people at best, but most of the time, we are on our own. That is not a “herd” by any imagination as we are not one of few million eating together, walking together, sleeping together, crapping together in order to pass any disease to each other in a rapid method so to build a herd immunity to the majority from the minority ones who have died. How is Sweden’s herd immunity going? :wink:

Your last sentence is completely incomprehensible to me! :D

Australians call Victoria, Mexico and Melbourne, Mexico City. Victorians are referred to as Mexicans. :lol:

Queenslanders are our Bogan hick red necks - a bit like the Paphites in Cyprus.

It’s just a bit of Aussie parochialisms.

We could be going for herd immunity in Victoria.

What you are not getting is that if COVID is anything like SARS or MERS and a vaccine can’t be found, then we have no choice but to open up. Right now, it is illegal for Australians to travel to any country in the world without a valid reason. I just checked to see about the 14 countries we are allowed to travel to but it seems I’m mistaken. We are not allowed to leave Australia.

That is a frustrating thing. I have an uncle in Cyprus who is 103. I don’t mean to be selfish but I do feel the heavy hand of the law where my rights on free movement are now non existent.

The thing is, I would rather move to the USA with my family than be stuck in a country like this. The way I feel is that when a country goes Orwellian like this, I am starting to feel like I’m a pleb in a NAZI state, where we have no rights at all.

So USA is looking remarkably very appealing. I fear the police state more than the virus.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Coronavirus: Government suspends publication of daily UK-wide death toll over accuracy concerns

The UK government has halted the publication of the daily number of coronavirus deaths over concerns that "statistical flaws" might be rendering the data inaccurate.

The pause in publication was decided by the Department of Health and Social Care after the health secretary, Matt Hancock, ordered a review into the figures.

A study by academics published late this week suggested that the toll is subject to "over-exaggeration" because of the way Public Health England (PHE) measures deaths.

A statement on the government's website read: "The secretary of state has today, 17 July, asked PHE to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics.

"Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death.

Is this not how cancer illnesses are counted and heart condition illnesses are counted and diabetic illnesses are counted and so on! :wink:

No. :roll:

You think if you have a heart attack and then get run over by a bus six months later they record the death as heart attack... :?

You are wrong. Cancer patient remains a cancer patient until he/she dies from cancer related death much later. How many times have you heard that Mr. so and so has been battling cancer for many years before dying.

So, how many Corvid -19 “recovered” patients died under a bus but counted as died from coronavirus.? :D

Your article does not mention anyone dying under a bus by the way. Do not add anything to the article you have posted if it’s not already written, for you to make exaggerated statements. It may be true in another article, but not in the one you want ride with. :roll:

I know for an absolute 1,000% FACT that I am correct and you are wrong... :wink:

FFS! If somebody has cancer for years (a friend is just about to die from it after 10 years BTW) of course they get put down as a cancer death if the cancer kills them...

If they get run over by a bus while fighting cancer they do not - you are now simply making this up as you go along ErLolz, I mean Kiks.... :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:30 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Australians call Victoria, Mexico and Melbourne, Mexico City. Victorians are referred to as Mexicans. :lol:

Queenslanders are our Bogan hick red necks - a bit like the Paphites in Cyprus.

It’s just a bit of Aussie parochialisms.

We could be going for herd immunity in Victoria.

What you are not getting is that if COVID is anything like SARS or MERS and a vaccine can’t be found, then we have no choice but to open up. Right now, it is illegal for Australians to travel to any country in the world without a valid reason. I just checked to see about the 14 countries we are allowed to travel to but it seems I’m mistaken. We are not allowed to leave Australia.

That is a frustrating thing. I have an uncle in Cyprus who is 103. I don’t mean to be selfish but I do feel the heavy hand of the law where my rights on free movement are now non existent.

The thing is, I would rather move to the USA with my family than be stuck in a country like this. The way I feel is that when a country goes Orwellian like this, I am starting to feel like I’m a pleb in a NAZI state, where we have no rights at all.

So USA is looking remarkably very appealing. I fear the police state more than the virus.

Melbourne =Mexico City
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Learn something new every day. :D

I have been to Melbourne, so no point me going to Mexico City in the future then. :D
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:31 pm

Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:How is Sweden’s herd immunity going? :wink:

I'd say it was going pretty well actually... :wink:

Your chart does not answer the question! :wink:

Well, not if you are in total denial of the reality... :roll:

But on the other hand, if you can acknowledge that Sweden didn't Lockdown and then look at the chart and not see that they have achieved herd immunity you must be a bit dim... :wink:

But then some people still believe that the IFR is ~6% and tens of millions are going to die... and the numbers of daily deaths could double in the next two weeks... :lol:

Meanwhile, the scores on the doors (that I haven't posted for a while) are: -

Population 7½ billion....

Total deaths ~600,000.

The whole world has not been infected yet, and should it does, we will lose millions of people. Basic science and arithmetic. :roll:

The daily death rate has already risen by 10% in the last 2 weeks. Look for it to increase much faster in the coming 2 weeks as the incubation period of those infected 2 weeks ago start “hatching”.

The IFR is now proven to be ~.26% probably as low as .1%... :roll:

The reason that the numbers are climbing (although nowhere near the 10,000 deaths a day in two weeks that you claimed) is that there are some largely populated nations (Mexico for example) that started later than the rest...

In most other countries (with or without Lockdown) it has been, claimed the lives of the elderly and gone...

Give it up, like ErLolz and Bordo before him you are going to look stupid when the final numbers are out... As much as you clearly wish it to happen, there aren't going to be tens of millions of deaths to prove the Bedwetters right.... :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:35 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Coronavirus: Government suspends publication of daily UK-wide death toll over accuracy concerns

The UK government has halted the publication of the daily number of coronavirus deaths over concerns that "statistical flaws" might be rendering the data inaccurate.

The pause in publication was decided by the Department of Health and Social Care after the health secretary, Matt Hancock, ordered a review into the figures.

A study by academics published late this week suggested that the toll is subject to "over-exaggeration" because of the way Public Health England (PHE) measures deaths.

A statement on the government's website read: "The secretary of state has today, 17 July, asked PHE to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics.

"Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death.

Is this not how cancer illnesses are counted and heart condition illnesses are counted and diabetic illnesses are counted and so on! :wink:

No. :roll:

You think if you have a heart attack and then get run over by a bus six months later they record the death as heart attack... :?

You are wrong. Cancer patient remains a cancer patient until he/she dies from cancer related death much later. How many times have you heard that Mr. so and so has been battling cancer for many years before dying.

So, how many Corvid -19 “recovered” patients died under a bus but counted as died from coronavirus.? :D

Your article does not mention anyone dying under a bus by the way. Do not add anything to the article you have posted if it’s not already written, for you to make exaggerated statements. It may be true in another article, but not in the one you want ride with. :roll:

I know for an absolute 1,000% FACT that I am correct and you are wrong... :wink:

FFS! If somebody has cancer for years (a friend is just about to die from it after 10 years BTW) of course they get put down as a cancer death if the cancer kills them...

If they get run over by a bus while fighting cancer they do not - you are now simply making this up as you go along ErLolz, I mean Kiks.... :lol:

Sorry about your cancer I’ll friend.

The point is, once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient, even when not sick all the time from it.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:43 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:How is Sweden’s herd immunity going? :wink:

I'd say it was going pretty well actually... :wink:

Your chart does not answer the question! :wink:

Well, not if you are in total denial of the reality... :roll:

But on the other hand, if you can acknowledge that Sweden didn't Lockdown and then look at the chart and not see that they have achieved herd immunity you must be a bit dim... :wink:

But then some people still believe that the IFR is ~6% and tens of millions are going to die... and the numbers of daily deaths could double in the next two weeks... :lol:

Meanwhile, the scores on the doors (that I haven't posted for a while) are: -

Population 7½ billion....

Total deaths ~600,000.

The whole world has not been infected yet, and should it does, we will lose millions of people. Basic science and arithmetic. :roll:

The daily death rate has already risen by 10% in the last 2 weeks. Look for it to increase much faster in the coming 2 weeks as the incubation period of those infected 2 weeks ago start “hatching”.

The IFR is now proven to be ~.26% probably as low as .1%... :roll:

The reason that the numbers are climbing (although nowhere near the 10,000 deaths a day in two weeks that you claimed) is that there are some largely populated nations (Mexico for example) that started later than the rest...

In most other countries (with or without Lockdown) it has been, claimed the lives of the elderly and gone...

Give it up, like ErLolz and Bordo before him you are going to look stupid when the final numbers are out... As much as you clearly wish it to happen, there aren't going to be tens of millions of deaths to prove the Bedwetters right.... :wink:

Why would I want the death numbers to go up of innocent people? :roll:

I said on July 3rd that the daily death numbers will go up 50%-100% from about 5,000 at that time. We’ll see what the numbers are July 31st.
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