Kikapu wrote:...
Do you really think today we only have 5,000 deaths a day relating to coronavirus?

Well, the official figures, which you were quoting slavishly as if they were the gospel until recently, show 5,037 deaths attributed to Covid-19 (so called) yesterday. Do I accept the veracity of this figure? No, I share your new-found scepticism but coming from a different direction. We are told there is a novel coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2, but for some reason nobody is able to isolate this virus and, while not well informed in this regard, I am given to understand that isolating a virus is the gold standard of virology and until this is done you cannot even speak of its existence with any certainty in scientific terms. Then, there are apparently ten to the power thirty-two (a very large number indeed) different viruses on our planet, and many viruses are to be found in the human body as the following chart, showing viral genera detected in each subject, shows

(for more information you can consult )
and it is important to realize that the mere presence of virus in the body of a person who dies does not prove that the virus was the cause of death (indeed, since you will find more than one virus in the body of just about every dead person, how do you know which virus to pin the rap on?) Again, we once more find a scientific gold standard in the form of Koch’s postulates which must be satisfied to be able to claim scientifically that a microorganism is the cause of a specific disease, and isolating the virus is the first necessary step in doing so. As such, it remains scientifically unproven that the virus named SARS-CoV-2, which it is claimed exists even though it has not been isolated, causes a disease named Covid-19, which just happens to closely resemble the common flu.
What we do find is that, as various whistleblowers from the medical profession have reported, is that there is tremendous pressure on medical practitioners and institutions to diagnose patients with Covid-19 (so called) and enter this as the cause of death on death certificates, even though there is no sound scientific evidence that such a disease even exists. In virtually all cases, people who die of Covid-19 (so called) are very old and have comorbidities, and it is a matter of debate whether the latter were in fact not the cause of death. In fact, on average some 150,000 people die every day in the world, and what may be happening is that many people who die of common flu, pneumonia or other causes with flu or another virus being a contributory factor are being chalked up as Covid-19 (so called) deaths simply to inflate the figures and keep the irrational covid cult going. I would dearly love to believe that the whole thing is not a hoax and, while there is ample evidence that the figures are being inflated, there is indeed a novel virus that is causing a disease that is deadly mainly to older people with preexisting serious health conditions and is genuinely the cause of death in some cases, but I need some evidence to base this on. The mad irrational hysteria promoted by most of the media, which to a large extent receives considerable funding from big pharma either directly or through front so-called philanthropic organizations, does not to my mind stand scrutiny when examined against the views of the considerable body of experts who are risking their jobs and livelihoods in speaking out against the big pharma promoted narrative, and whose views are being censored in a harsh manner that I never thought we would see in the liberal West.