Tim Drayton wrote:Paphitis wrote:Here is something for you all.
Straight from a medical virologist who works for the Royal Adelaide Hospital. According to him, about 85% of the population are going to get Chy-na Virus. According to him, this is the only way science knows we can build an immunity to it.
So if it comes in waves, then according to him, it's not a bad thing.
What they are worried about is we all getting it at the same time. Hence why we have restrictions.
Now that we know we are nowhere near inundating our Health Systems, then it's time to live our lives normally. Go to work, travel and just do all the normal things we use to.
There was an interview in Sunday’s Cyprus Mail with epidemiologist Petros Karayiannis, who was a leading member of the scientific committee advising the government on the coronavirus crisis.
https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/06/10/epid ... -his-life/
Note the following question and answer:What if we’d somehow managed to shield the vulnerable groups? Could we have avoided the lockdown?
“Yes, we could have,” he replies candidly.
The lockdown fundamentalists here berate me for saying there was no need for the lockdown and all that was needed was to protect the vulnerable. Well, the Cyprus government’s leading advisor on the coronavirus vindicates what I have said.
The expert also says:I think if there is a second wave it might be worse, because we don’t have sufficient herd immunity.
There you have it. Lock down as many times as you like but each time you reopen the virus will start spreading again until such time as you have immunity in the population. This is a law of nature and there is no way round it. Lockdowns are pointless apart from “flattening the curve” so that health facilities do not become overwhelmed.
However, it is noted in the same article:“You should see the messages I get,” he adds with a rather grim laugh, messages from Facebook friends and anxious bystanders: “Come and see what’s happening at the Limassol seafront right now,” they write in alarm – or at the Limassol marina, or Finikoudes. One can only dread what might happen when tourists are added to the mix.
Somehow, the message does not get home. The more healthy under-50’s mingle, such as on the beach in Limassol, and the risk posed by the virus to these people is so negligible as to be virtually non-existent, the quicker immunity will build up and the virus will then be history.
yeh same think happened in Australia, with police moving people from parks and beaches. they weren't near anyone so there was no chance of any bigs being transmitted from one person to person.
In fact, the beach and in the sun was probably one of the healthiest places to be at, with getting Vitamin D and so forth. In fact, I have heard experts say that lock down actually weakens the immune system. people become less fit as well from being sedatory.
People should mind their own business.
I have no doubt Petros Karayiannis is correct. The lock down was completely unnecessary for both Australia and Cyprus. In fact, Cyprus went way off the deep end. I mean seriously. Fancy locking the entire population in their houses and getting permission to go shopping. Is this the new Orwellian State or what?
I just can't believe some people can be so stupid to want so much Government Control. If people feel unsafe, stay at home. And protect the vulnerable. But blanket restrictions on under 50s is just insane. I can understand if the health system is inundated, but our medical experts are saying we have never even come close to a crisis.