Kikapu wrote:I thought we were still on the subject of tax cuts when I made my comments regarding “Robin Hood”.
Yes, the rich and the cooperations got the lions share of the benefits from the tax cuts.
Even now, look at where the stock market is despite all the negative impacts on the economy from the coronavirus effect. The stock market was down as much as 35% just 2-3 months ago. Now, it is only 2-3% of being where it was back then.
So you are talking business tax cuts.
Well, the US and Trump are not the only countries to reduce tax for business.
Australia, having one of the highest tax regimes in the world is reducing the company tax rate from 28% down to 21%
Why? Well the answer to that should be very obvious. High tax for business is a disincentive for these businesses to remain based in Australia when we are competing with other countries that only levy 10% in tax to business.
It isn't a case of aiding the rich, but more of an attempt to remain competitive internationally.
Charging 30% in tax on business isn't exactly helping the poor when it is the poor worker who will end up on the unemployment benefits.
By reducing the company tax rate, the State gains revenue elsewhere when there are more jobs, therefore more income tax into the system, more payroll tax, more money in circulation helping traders and small business thus also increasing the taxable pool.
You can all live with your head in the sand all you like, but taxing business at a high rate isn't going to help the economy, keep jobs and create more jobs. Likewise, taxing the worker highly doesn't help the economy either or business because people have less disposable income. Tax is like the biggest handbrake. The US was headed towards being a rust belt if it wasn't for Trump.