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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:31 am

The problem with this virus seems to be that nobody was actually aware of what was happening. By the time they did .... it was too late! Those that started making waves were just ‘conspiracy theorists’, were creating a panic and were told to ‘cease and desist’ ..... and that was not just in China. As explained by Moon of Alabama .....................

Coronavirus - The Hidden Cases - Why We Must Shut Everything Down And Do It Now

The Donald Trump administration has done its best to prevent an early detection of the outbreak in Washington State and likely also elsewhere:

As luck would have it, Dr. Chu had a way to monitor the region. For months, as part of a research project into the flu, she and a team of researchers had been collecting nasal swabs from residents experiencing symptoms throughout the Puget Sound region.
To repurpose the tests for monitoring the coronavirus, they would need the support of state and federal officials. But nearly everywhere Dr. Chu turned, officials repeatedly rejected the idea, interviews and emails show, even as weeks crawled by and outbreaks emerged in countries outside of China, where the infection began.

By Feb. 25, Dr. Chu and her colleagues could not bear to wait any longer. They began performing coronavirus tests, without government approval.

What came back confirmed their worst fear. They quickly had a positive test from a local teenager with no recent travel history.

The coronavirus had already established itself on American soil without anybody realizing it.

The CDC and the FDA would not have that:

The message from the federal government was blunt. “What they said on that phone call very clearly was cease and desist to Helen Chu,” Dr. Lindquist [the state epidemiologist in Washington] remembered. “Stop testing.”
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:08 pm

There were 8 whistleblower doctors who rang alarm bells very early on in the piece, reporting SARS like symptoms and devising medical staff to wear masks and not have skin to skin contact with patients. According to these 8 doctors, they were seeing a pandemic unfold from Wuhan province. Well, they were right.

The State reprimanded all 8 doctors and threatened them with charges.

If the State listened to these whistleblowers, Wuhan could have been quarantined earlier and we would have avoided the spread to other provinces and the rest of the world.

Too late now. ... e/11941948
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:00 pm

Paphitis wrote:There were 8 whistleblower doctors who rang alarm bells very early on in the piece, reporting SARS like symptoms and devising medical staff to wear masks and not have skin to skin contact with patients. According to these 8 doctors, they were seeing a pandemic unfold from Wuhan province. Well, they were right.

The State reprimanded all 8 doctors and threatened them with charges.

If the State listened to these whistleblowers, Wuhan could have been quarantined earlier and we would have avoided the spread to other provinces and the rest of the world.

Too late now. ... e/11941948

...... and yet you condemn whistle blowers that blow the whistle when it comes to exposing State crime!

My point is that it is easy to blame China for doing that but it appears that even in the US and Europe the same attitude was present and those that gave pre-warnings of impending problems were silenced. To have foresight through analysis of available facts is always met with accusations of those doing so of being conspiracy theorists and trouble makers. Then when it turns out they were right ...... silence from their accusers, who then leap in take credit for actions that would not have been so necessary if they had listened to the conspiracy theorists in the first place.

BTW: I note there is uproar in Australia that the Australian Grand Prix is going ahead whilst all other 'crowd' events are being cancelled. Is that an economic decision ..... too many important people would lose money? :roll:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:26 pm

I haven't blamed China in the slightest other than their totalitarian regime could have listened to highly trained medical experts at the coal face who were treating people who were presenting with what they described as SARS like symptoms.

I can't speak for Europe as there are too many countries which have all responded in different ways, but I can tell you that at the very least, Australia and USA have acted with draconian measures and have actually placed people before economy and money.

Yeh that's right, they have completely closed down all travel and transport connections between them and the most affected countries, some of which are vital trade partners and critical to our economies.

You see, money will do no one any good when we are dead.

I don't know about the Australian Grand Prix. Australia has only a 200 or so cases so far, so there is no need to panic from our end. However, the Government here is taking the threat very seriously and opening infectious disease wards at a cost of 2.4 Billion, and has virtually closed its borders to Korea, China, Italy and Iran and also to any persons who have traveled through those countries. They have also suspended over 30,000 Chinese Student VISAS who are suppose to attend university over here and who pay high exorbitant fees.

I expect them to follow the American lead and possibly close its borders to all EU countries which means we won't be able to travel to Cyprus. It will be temporary at first (for 30 days). But no Australian Citizen is going to be traveling when they can quarantine you to a prison on Christmas island or to an infectious disease ward that is air locked from the outside world.

I doubt the Grand Prix going ahead is an economic decision when Australia has already suspended all travel and transportation to China. Korea, Italy and Iran. I also doubt that the Grand Prix is a money making venture for the Government. It has always recorded a loss of a few million.

Iran no one gives a stuff as we have embargoed their arses for years now, but China, Korea and Italy are important trading nations to our economy.

I have a very warm feeling inside about our Federal Government right now, for putting the Australian people FIRST. The USA have done the same thing and put Americans FIRST.

In China, the Chinese don't come first. They may be communist, but they worship the dollar more than we do it would seem. I suppose it doesn't really worry a regime if they lose a million people to Coronavirus when genocide is on their rap sheet even to this day.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:57 pm

It really is hilarious how you would defend China and then make negative imputations about the EU, Australia or USA.

I am not fully across on the EU response but the American and Australian response has been very dramatic. Both have about the same per capita infections as Cyprus and have virtually shut down all business with the most effected countries, some of which are our closest allies as well (such as Korea and Italy).
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:58 pm

My understanding is that Trump has stopped arrivals from the Schengen countries. If so Cyprus, like the UK, should be exempt.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:09 pm

Londonrake wrote:My understanding is that Trump has stopped arrivals from the Schengen countries. If so Cyprus, like the UK, should be exempt.

That makes sense.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:It really is hilarious how you would defend China and then make negative imputations about the EU, Australia or USA.

I am not fully across on the EU response but the American and Australian response has been very dramatic. Both have about the same per capita infections as Cyprus and have virtually shut down all business with the most effected countries, some of which are our closest allies as well (such as Korea and Italy).

I have not 'defended' China although the article does say that once what was happening became apparent they immediately locked down Wuhan and WHO have acknowledged that as the right thing to do. But you see that as defending China, but see the US and UK as their being on top of the game, and yet they have still not actually done exactly the same thing as China ...... they failed to react early enough in spite of the 'heads-up' from events in China, They thought just shutting down travel from China was cleaver. Unfortunately this virus was about 14-15 days ahead of them .......... and still is.

The longer the time between infection and the symptoms becoming obvious the greater the time the virus has to travel and spread.

You cannot treat something you don't even know exists until people start going sick and dying! If you read what MoA says, what some Western countries are doing NOW is what China did immediately they realised what the problem was. That is ' SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT ESSENTIAL including all internal travel. That is what I said earlier was not as easy to do in countries that have the freedoms of a less authoritarian State.

All the time you have self appointed experts, or 'experts' in power that are not experts .......... the whistle blowers, who often have a lot more knowledge, will not be listened to!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:28 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:It really is hilarious how you would defend China and then make negative imputations about the EU, Australia or USA.

I am not fully across on the EU response but the American and Australian response has been very dramatic. Both have about the same per capita infections as Cyprus and have virtually shut down all business with the most effected countries, some of which are our closest allies as well (such as Korea and Italy).

I have not 'defended' China although the article does say that once what was happening became apparent they immediately locked down Wuhan and WHO have acknowledged that as the right thing to do. But you see that as defending China, but see the US and UK as their being on top of the game, and yet they have still not actually done exactly the same thing as China ...... they failed to react early enough in spite of the 'heads-up' from events in China, They thought just shutting down travel from China was cleaver. Unfortunately this virus was about 14-15 days ahead of them .......... and still is.

The longer the time between infection and the symptoms becoming obvious the greater the time the virus has to travel and spread.

You cannot treat something you don't even know exists until people start going sick and dying! If you read what MoA says, what some Western countries are doing NOW is what China did immediately they realised what the problem was. That is ' SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT ESSENTIAL including all internal travel. That is what I said earlier was not as easy to do in countries that have the freedoms of a less authoritarian State.

All the time you have self appointed experts, or 'experts' in power that are not experts .......... the whistle blowers, who often have a lot more knowledge, will not be listened to!

They didn't immediately lock down Wuhan. 8 Doctors in Wuhan were already treating patients with SARS like symptoms and they tried to alert colleagues and the Government, but the State didn't listen and they even reprimanded them. One of the Doctors has since died from Coronavirus.

In fact, when Australia sent some Chinese Nationals to Christmas Island for quarantine and then threatened to shut down their border, the Chinese were having a hissy fit calling the Australian Government racist against the Chinese and even accused Australia of HR Violations and over reacting.

Then Australia announced it will cancel all Chinese Student VISAS.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:13 pm

They didn't immediately lock down Wuhan. 8 Doctors in Wuhan were already treating patients with SARS like symptoms and they tried to alert colleagues and the Government, but the State didn't listen and they even reprimanded them. One of the Doctors has since died from Coronavirus.

Directly the Chinese KNEW what was happening they did lock down Wuhan ..... then virtually all the main cities/towns throughout China. The US, UK, EU are still not shut down! But this is what I am trying to impart to you ....... authority in both China and the US ignored the whistle blowers that had all the information.

I know you have an aversion to anything you can’t read about in the NYT or WP but by doing so you are doing just what you accuse China of doing and that is ignoring credible explanations. The following is not bashing the US, it is a credible explanation of where the virus most likely came from. If this is true then the cases in the US, yet to be indentified, could be orders of magnitude higher than accepted by the US administration.

Now expand that a bit? Trump has shut the door to Europe, or should I say Schengen Europe, presumably because it has free movement with no borders? So, here we have a credible explanation of the source likely being the US ...... but has Trump shut down internal travel within the US? There are no border controls between States either! The US still has not the slightest idea of how many US citizens are affected with this virus as they don’t even have the test kits to find out!

For his actions to have the effect Trump thinks they will, he has to also shut down the US ...... and that is not going to happen because of the effect on the Markets, which are already in a power dive. I am afraid that Trump has no more regard for the American people than your claim that China’s government has for theirs. At the end of the day this virus IS a health problem but the effect on The Markets is what is troubling those making the decisions.

Swallow your hatred of anything that might contradict your opinions ......... and read this. It is interesting.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus - By Larry Romanoff

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US - By Larry Romanoff
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