erolz66 wrote:Tim Drayton wrote: which has big pharma salivating with profits of at least $700,000,000,000 beckoning
A clearer example of how gross exaggeration and hyped up fear mongering is totally acceptable to you when it suits your agenda and is the root of all evil when it does not, would be hard to find imo. The top ten bio/pharmaceutical global giants in 2019 total INCOME, not profit but total income was short of 90 billion usd. You are 'predicting' PROFITS of at least 700 billion from coivd-19 vaccines that we still do not even know is possible.
Thanks for raising this perfectly logical question. My calculations are as follow.
Whenever we observe what for me is the nauseating spectacle of Bill Gates' smirking face appearing on some channel or other that is funded by his foundation to see him consulted in his so-called capacity as "health expert" (which he is not), while the large number of eminantly qualified and respected genuine health experts who challenge aspects of the dominant narrative are denied access to all but the most fringe of media outlets with their interviews constantly being taken down, Gates constantly refers to his goal of vaccinating seven billion people. This is the man who has the power to place the whole world under house arrest, and to get most people to accept this voluntarily, so I have little doubt that he will achieve this goal.
Apparently, big pharma makes a profit of $100 at the very least from each vaccine it sells, so my figure is the result of 7,000,000,000 x $100. So it is the bottom end of the range, but let's hope big pharma makes a discount for a bulk sale.
Wouldn't it be ironic if we were just all injected with some useless placebo, the same virus continued to circulate with the same effect as now but deaths started being attributed to pneumonia, influenza, old age or the underlying condition the patient was suffering from, as before, and the Gates Foundation-funded media started telling us the pandemic was over, and all that happened was that a massive amount of taxpayers' money had been transferred to big pharma? I truly hope that this is the only goal.