Londonrake wrote:Erolz. I don't normally get involved in these "debates" but indulge me in a short rewind.
At 1239 today, in response to your claim that
"Sweden currently has the highest mortality rate in the world per head of population." CG posted a link to disprove it: Worldmeter. Basically a rolling, live updated spreadsheet showing a full array of Covid-19 stats for every country in the world. Let me help: you have the time - and I'm talking here not only to a man who gives the impression of sitting, fingers hovering over the keyboard awaiting the next post to challenge, all and every day, but also somebody who regularly trawls back through page after page to dig up quotes which he thinks trip up an adversary. Let's not mention taking the trouble to count smileys over umpteen pages - here's one for you-

Anyway, if you have the time you will find that his list of countries in Europe with worse records than Sweden is valid. Invest more and you might discover others outside of Europa with pretty horrendous records. Why would you though?
I get the impression you gave it no more than a passing glance. You didn't try to refute or even refer to it. Thus my observation that it was an absolutely typical Erolz response. It proved you wrong - so you ignored it. What you in fact did was to post 4 links to news sheets, which, with banner headlines, at face value would seem to reinforce your point. Two, masters of hyperbole tabloids, the DM/DE and the FT/DT. All 4 actually talking about "
a rolling average over the past 7 days".
I realised, quite early on in the Brexit saga, that you're a man who enjoys absolutely any argument, with absolutely any person, and usually absolutely interminably. To you the subject isn't really what matters, it's winning the argument. Were it not for the spelling and (mostly) lack of foul-mouthed posts I would suspect you of being the reincarnated Lordo in a spa.
I admire Tim's tenacity but have thought for quite a while that where you're concerned he's just wasting his time. There will never been any sort of accord. You're somebody who never gives up - a master of the long, boring impenetrable obfuscation when cornered - and, sooner or later I suspect he will give up the effort. At which point I imagine you'll think that you've won something. It's a depressingly familiar scenario.