Tim Drayton wrote: Given that deaths from the virus are almost certainly peaking, as they always do, and will then fall rapidly,....
For anyone that is NOT locked in to confirmation bias and who really does look 'at the numbers' and looks at the hard numbers before the guess one and who is trying to make REASONABLE projections forward from what is definitively already KNOWN.
There is a remarkable commonality in curves with these kinds of things. From places that are 'ahead' of the UK, on pretty much all numbers, be they hard 'total deaths all causes', or guesstimates of opinion 'deaths from covid-19' or 'positive tests'. And ALSO from previous lesser flu outbreaks that occur every 10 years or so. They all show a truly remarkable commonality. The commonality is the the up slope is stepper and faster than the down slope after peak , which is longer and more gradual. It is not a 'bell curve'. Just saying.