Tim Drayton wrote:erolz66 wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:As to your question, as far as I know, only two wars have ever been described as "world wars" and one took place in 1914-1918 and the other took place in 1939-1945, so, no they don't happen every decade or so.
Do the ONS figures show us that in terms of total deaths all causes spikes this current event is ALREADY bigger than any previous event other than (possibly) 1967/8 and 1917/8 ?
Sorry, but you have me bamboozled. The relevance to all this of world wars is?
Yeah a bout of confirmation bias as bad you have got can do that.
I will take it slow and simple for you.
Using the 'total death all causes' figures - you know the ones that DO NOT require any 'massaging' , any 'multiplying % against anything else, that do NOT give us 'rough figures' we know as fact that the scale of deaths in two consecutive weeks are higher than in ANY previous weekly period since 1967/8 and possibly since 1917/8. More people in the England and Wales have died in both of these consecutive weeks than in ANY week previous until as far back as 1968 and quite possibly as far back as 1917/8. This is just fact that we now know.
This then is the ongoing event that you claimed and STILL claim is akin to events that happen every 10 years or so. Yet is actually akin to events that have only occurred TWICE in the last 100 years. Just like World Wars. World wars are NOT events that occur every 10 years or so. THIS event is not one that occurs every 10 years or so.
Any less bamboozled yet ?