Tim Drayton wrote:Not my numbers, actually, but those produced by the first large-scale scientific studies to be conducted into the matter:
Santa Clara County, California
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101 ... 20062463v2Heinsberg, Germany
https://www.uni-bonn.de/news/111-2020As to your excellent question as to whose interests are served by wrecking the global economy for no apparent good reason, thanks for asking it and I can only direct you to the reply I gave the last time somebody asked it (and I am glad you are all ears):
cyprus47300-930.html#p895924I would especially recommend taking a look at the “Wrench in the gears” blog (which I quoted in my last reply) while you still can:
https://wrenchinthegears.com/2020/04/ . The author of that blog seems very knowledgeable about the kind of technologies they describe there which they say could be brought together to create a dystopian surveillance regime, and the author also sets out why they think destroying the current world economy is part and parcel of bringing about the fourth industrial revolution.
So Tim, the .37% is the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for district of Heinsberg in Germany, which the two scientists Streeck & Hartmann came up with that death rate vs. the 7% Case Fatality Rate (CFR) I came up with on global numbers which John Hopkins University provided, which the difference between the two rates by about 20 folds. A huge discrepancy indeed.
In the case of the (IFR), we are asked to accept that the population is infected 10 times more than what the actual cases are, hence coming up with the .37%. very convenient if one wishes to minimize the danger level of Covid-19. The question is then begged to be asked, if someone just takes a test to determine if they have the Covid-19 and is a negative result, does the same test also determine if that person had previously been infected by Covid-19, but are now negative or that they are now asymptomatic, which according to the same study in Germany, 1 in 5 are asymptomatic. If the later does not apply, then how is it determined that the population in general is 10 times more infected than those actually testing positive for the covid-19 test? On surface it requires us to take a leap of faith to take the (IFR) as gospel when in fact it could just be an assumption, conjecture or wishful thinking. I do not believe WHO has accepted the (IFR) at .37% over (CFR), which was 3.4% back in march.
I will however keep an open mind that the (IFR) is correct, and I hope it is, but the only way to know it for sure, is to wait until 100% of the people in the district of Heinsberg, Germany which have been tested, to which ONLY 1/10th of the people have positive Covid-19 and all the remaining 9/10th of the population will show that they have already been infected and now have the antigens against Covid-19 when their immune system created when they were first infected at some point, but were not shown as a positive when tested in the 1/10th of the people. Just because a person may have been exposed to the Covin-19 virus by small traces, does not automatically make them a victim of Covid-19 to be in the (IFR), in the same way when someone has some cancer cells in their body, which almost every person does but never becomes a cancerous tumour, it does not make them a Cancer patient, or else we can use the (IFR) method of calculations and say that death from cancer is also .37%....or even much much less at .0000000037%. Sadly, this is not the reality and ONLY hard numbers of cancer patients matter and those who die from it, no different than with Covid-19 hard numbers globally collected by John Hopkins University.
As for the world leaders destroying the world's economy using Covid-19 as a catalyst to bring about "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", does that then mean we can all sit at home, get free money and food as the government will take care of all our needs or will we all become hard labour slaves? I will be happy with the former to be honest!
Which is it, Tim?