Kikapu wrote:Londonrake wrote:Sorry - but actually you're not being realistic. As with a good deal to do with Corvid-19 you're being hyperbolically alarmist.
So far about 280k bave perished. And, as has been seen by the debate raging in here, that figure's contentious. I respectfully suggest your view, that over half a billion could die, is a wild exaggeration. A fantasy.if you like.
You are keep missing the operative words I have been writing, which is “if left unchecked”, the Covid-19 that is.
If there had been no lockdowns, no closing of the borders, no travel limits, no cancellation of events in sports, theaters, concerts, conventions, restaurants, hotels, cruise ships, flights, entertainment centers, Disney land, Las Vegas and Social Distancing. If no action were taken to confront the infectious stealth Covid-19 disease, we would have been in lock step with the deadly Spanish Flu a century earlier. Fortunately we will fair much better than those of 1918-1919, but it will come at a cost, which is the good life and the economy we have come to be accustomed to, will be reduced proportionately to how many lives we want to save.
The death rate is also contentious because many experts are suggesting a real mortality rate of 0.37%
And as we have been discussing for a while now, the 280K deaths due to Chy-na Virus doesn't seem to be accurate. We have had medical professionals confess that they were pressured to attribute deaths as Chy-na Virus victims. Which goes a long way to explain some of the erratic statistics worldwide ranging from 1% in Australia to 15% elsewhere.
I have been seeing other reports from actual experts (epidemiologists) who suggest that there were far more infections than those actually detected as most cases will have no symptoms. Which means a lot more people have actually been infected and didn't know about it and do not show in the statistics. Whatever that number is, the death rate will be far lower than those actually reported as the statistics only capture cases that had symptoms and were diagnosed.
For example, Australia reported about 7000 detected cases, but could have had upwards to more than 50,000 cases of people that had Chy-na Virus. That's the suggestion made by these experts. And with 100 actual deaths, the percentage or mortality rate is much lower than the statistics show.
And if you are to believe Sweden's Government Advisor, he seems to think that over a period of time, 99% of people will get it. He doesn't believe the Virus will be contained, and that the only control measure is to flatten the curve with the objective to keep demand for health services lower than the States capability to provide health services.
he believes that lock downs like the ones in Cyprus are a waste of time, and will cause unnecessary economic mayhem with no change in the end result. Which suggests there will be multiple waves. As these countries come out of lock down, and another, and another over many years which also suggests he doesn't believe there will be no vaccine.