Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Robin Hood wrote:
This is a great economic advantage. Pensioners not only need to be given the pension they have ‘paid-for’ over their working lives but maintenance costs for the old are high as medical problems are more prevalent when bits start wearing out. So, getting rid of the old and the sick without the need for gas chambers and furnaces, certainly has economic advantages? If a few thousand younger people die because they have medical conditions (which also needs treatment) are obese and are heavy smokers and/or drinkers .............. then that is obviously a bonus to the economy.x
Does that mean then that there won’t an attempt to develop a vaccine for Covid-19 as old age is not a one time event, therefore, killing the old and the unhealthy must continue in perpetuity, no?
We have to be prepared for the possibility now that a vaccine may never be found. If that is the case, we have to return to normality. Businesses to reopen and people to return to work and travel to recommence.
Lock downs can not remain in perpetuity.
Howver, if people want to remain isolated, then let them.
There cannot be any return to normality as long as most countries agree on 2 meters Social Distancing, even if there is complete lifting of lockdowns.
There will be when they open pubs, sporting events, restaurants and cafes after Stage 3 in mid June.
First thing I'm doing is going to the Footy and then eat at my favorite restaurant.
You know Kikapu, most people are not actually following the 2m rule anymore. I know I don't and all the people I see each day don't either.
It's become a huge joke.
2m Social Distancing is not a law on individuals but a condition on establishments to operate. Same with wearing a mask. Most people at the moment self regulate to maintain the 2m social distancing because they do not want to risk the chance of getting the coronavirus. If the 2m rule is completely ignored, then we will have the second wave, which perhaps what people need to get the message that the risks are there to catch the virus. Unchecked, the pandemic can get much worse than what we have now. There are still unknowns about the Covid-19.
Yes but they are looking at opening these establishments like they were open before. If the 2m rule is maintained, most restaurant and family businesses will not be able to cover their overhead and will not open.
The directive from the Australian Government is to limit the impact on small business so they don't go under.
I mean it's alright for Amazon who is getting record profit from online shopping but it isn't ok for the small family business which are now struggling. We see no purpose now to maintain social distancing with less than 600 active cases.
It's getting hard to enforce all this now. Social distancing isn't even practiced at schools between children who sit next to each other in a classroom, so why the double standards. This Chyna Virus is here to stay for a long time.