erolz66 wrote:And having 'dreamt up' the Sweden test - on just KNOWN number of deaths per week all causes , with very very limited time I start to try and look for Sweden weekly numbers for total deaths all causes. I find this ... he-centuryDoes this tell us anything about how many of the FACT ONS excess deaths might be from 'lockdwon' and how many from 'covid' ?
I had not looked at this before because personally I had little feeling that of the excess deaths in ONS numbers the majority was from lockdown, but am always prepared to hear what others think on questions that I think are valid (and not just spewing my exprts guess is better than yours) and then reconsider, think of ways to 'test' theories and refine my feeling from that. That is what I did here on the 'valid' question how many of UK excess deaths from all causes are related to lockdown. On first 'glance' at using the 'test against Sweden' approach, I would claim early indications are that my initial feeling was not totally out of wack. It is possible that it was on the high side and not the low. If and when I have time I will dig deeper and refine.
This kind of 'process' is what I consider to be an example of 'critical thinking' and of 'using numbers not emotion to come do conclusions'.
Looking at this is more detail, thinking for myself and laying out my 'workings' and going where ever the hard fact numbers lead.
UK highest flu spike 'weekly deaths all causes' pre covid - year 2020 - 20,666
current post covid highest deaths all causes in UK - 22,351
So in UK, with lock down, the highest total number of weekly deaths all causes post covid is 8.15 % higher than anything caused by flu in last 20 years (and almost certainly last 100 years)
Sweden (using numbers in cited article, would prefer to use source numbers but do not speak Swedish, so take these on trust for now)
Sweden highest flu spike 'weekly deaths all causes' pre covid - year 2020 - 2,364
Current post covid highest weekly number - 2,505
So in Sweden, without lock down, the total number of weekly deaths all causes post covid is 5.96 % higher than anything caused by flu in last 100 years (according to article cited)
Preliminary conclusion , of the excess deaths all causes seen in the UK the vast majority of them are NOT 'lock down' related, because Sweden that has not locked down is seeing an almost identical increase in excess total deaths all causes vs the 2020 previous highest flu spike figures in last 100 years.
Now none of this says if Sweden's approach is better or not than UK's. That will not be known and can not be know until we see if the UK suffers from 'winter 2nd wave' of infections and Sweden does not. This in turn is related to the unknown question - how much immunity does infection give and for how long. If infection gives strong immunity that lats until winter, then the possibility is that the UK will suffer a bad 'second wave' and Sweden will not. However if immunity on infection is weak and or lasts only a few months, then both UK and Sweden are likely to suffer similar levels in any 2nd wave outbreak.
What the above is NOT - is me just looking for any article, any evidence (even bogus evidence) , any expert and any claim that supports the idea that lock down is the right thing to do and then me posting it out here. What the above is , is me literally trying to 'think for myself'. It takes the known fact numbers of total deaths all causes in UK and seeks to investigate the question 'how many of the (once in hundred years) excess deaths shown in these numbers is down to 'lock down' by comparing the same hard known fact numbers with Sweden that has not locked down and seeing if there is difference. I did not know before hand what this analysis would show. If it had shown that Sweden's numbers now vs worst previous flu spike in 100 years was lower than in the UK by a significant amount, say 30%, I would accept that this would indicate that significant number of UK excess deaths were down to lock down. The hard fact numbers do not show this. I go where the hard fact numbers lead.