Tim Drayton wrote:Get Real! wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Thanks. An excellent study. Just as the case of Sweden demonstrates, lockdown or no lockdown, the disease will have roughly the same effect and will not end until herd immunity is achieved. The only difference is whether you destroy the economy or not.
Sweden's fatality rate is an appalling 12.34% so I wouldn’t use them as an example to anything positive.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnikel ... -top-1000/
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... s-strategy
These lurid figures are wrong because they only take those who show up at hospitals with severe symptoms as the total number of cases, when in fact most cases are either asympotimatic or produce very mild symptoms. Two serious scientific studies conducted so far using large samples from the total population, in Santa Clara County, California, and Heinsberg, Germany, show the true case fatality rate to be between 0.3% and 0.4% which confirms earlier findings from Iceland, which were intitially treated with suspicion because of Iceland's isolated nature.
The figures we have from websites like this…
…is the best we’ve got!
I understand that the Health Ministries from every country are reporting Covid stats daily to the WHO, and that’s where the numbers are coming from.
I’m also aware that some countries are over/under-reporting but it’s a fact of life and not much we can do about it.
You mention some individuals who disagree with the stats but they don’t offer a GLOBAL stat-acquisition alternative that can compete with this and be relied upon.