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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 07, 2020 4:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It’s not possible to create a vaccine against a virus that keeps morphing.

All keep morphing but we have managed to get on top of the common flu and other virus by changing the vaccines with different strains.

They can find a vaccine, it will just take a bit of time.

There is no vaccine for the 'common cold' (rhinovirus). The traditional 'reason' for this was because there were too many 'variants' of the virus (serotypes) but the most recent research and consensus is that in addition to this there is some as yet unknown mechanism that is causing the immune system to 'forget' that it has specific antibodies to the virus and even specific serotypes of it. This is all very different from the challenges with the flu virus, which has many less serotypes but does mutate very rapidly, meaning the specific antibodies built up after infection or induced by vaccine, whilst not 'forgotten' are no longer specific to subsequent infection.

We just do not know what the characteristics of covid-19 are yet. We do not know what the medium and long term immune response to infection (or simulated infection) will be. All possibilities are still on the table, from non mutating , life long immune response allowing a single shot effective vaccine through to highly mutating and immune response that 'forgets' specific antibody response (like worst of flu and Rhinovirus) leading to no possible vaccine or immunity after infections beyond a few weeks. Or anything in between.

Anyone who makes out that they know what will turn out to be the case is lying to you and almost certainly doing so with the intent to push an agenda be it 'keep lock down' or 'remove lock down' or anything else.

Paphitis wrote:It's also possible to eradicate it.

And regardless of immunity / vaccine and 'eradication' there is treatment that has already and will continue to get more effective, reducing morbidity and mortality rates over time. Which is another reason why simplistic arguments based just on 'immunity / vaccine' relating to 'lock down' or 'remove lock down' are not only based on the unknowable right now, even if such things were knowable there would still be a point at which delaying spread to allow time for improved treatment is worth the cost of measures to do so.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 07, 2020 4:08 pm

Sorry but the sooner this lock down ends in Australia, the better. Pubs, restaurants, cafes, clubs will be open in 2 weeks.

If you want to be locked down then good for you.

We want to continue living our lives.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 07, 2020 4:20 pm

Paphitis wrote:Sorry but the sooner this lock down ends in Australia, the better. Pubs, restaurants, cafes, clubs will be open in 2 weeks.

If you want to be locked down then good for you.

We want to continue living our lives.

You - singular - are prefectly entitled to want anything you singular wants. You singular are not entitled to speak on behalf of anyone but yourself singular, unless you have been given that authority in some way.

If you singular try and claim you are following a scientific method and critical thinking approach to decide what it is you want, when in fact what you are doing is first deciding what you want and then going round trying to find 'scientific' support for what you pre chose, I will call you out, because that is not a scientific critical thinking approach. It is the opposite of it.

There is a point at which the the cost of lock down is greater than the benefits gained from it. This is not a simple equation. I personally try and use a real scientific critical thinking approach to come up with my personal decision as to what I want. I think where I am for example has reach a point where the gains of continued lock down are no justified by the on going cost of lock down and am therefore happy to see a managed and monitored and staged removal of such lock down procedures. I do not think place like the US have yet reached this stage, based on using scientific critical thinking approach.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 07, 2020 5:08 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Sorry but the sooner this lock down ends in Australia, the better. Pubs, restaurants, cafes, clubs will be open in 2 weeks.

If you want to be locked down then good for you.

We want to continue living our lives.

You - singular - are prefectly entitled to want anything you singular wants. You singular are not entitled to speak on behalf of anyone but yourself singular, unless you have been given that authority in some way.

If you singular try and claim you are following a scientific method and critical thinking approach to decide what it is you want, when in fact what you are doing is first deciding what you want and then going round trying to find 'scientific' support for what you pre chose, I will call you out, because that is not a scientific critical thinking approach. It is the opposite of it.

There is a point at which the the cost of lock down is greater than the benefits gained from it. This is not a simple equation. I personally try and use a real scientific critical thinking approach to come up with my personal decision as to what I want. I think where I am for example has reach a point where the gains of continued lock down are no justified by the on going cost of lock down and am therefore happy to see a managed and monitored and staged removal of such lock down procedures. I do not think place like the US have yet reached this stage, based on using scientific critical thinking approach.

People are fed up with this nonsense!

It's the boy that cried wolf and now, many won't be taking it seriously at all.

Already, we are seeing signs that life is starting to return back to normality with people on the streets. Of course, there are those like you who will just obey the authorities without question.

Here in Australia, people are only doing what they have to, and push the envelope for as much as they can get away with. Chy-na Virus has become a complete joke in these neck of the woods.

What's better, is that more and more people are questioning things and looking for alternative sources to find the answers. A lot believe that this is all about control of the masses and have become very cynical and suspicious. Most people are now not buying anything the media tell them. So rather that obtain any control, they are losing it.

The Australian Government released an app to track people. They asked all Australians to download it. Only 3 million people have. And in daily conversation people are saying don't download the app. A Lawyer told me not to download it because it won't be long before Law Enforcement use this app against people in court to place them at a certain location.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu May 07, 2020 5:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:Sorry but the sooner this lock down ends in Australia, the better. Pubs, restaurants, cafes, clubs will be open in 2 weeks.

If you want to be locked down then good for you.

We want to continue living our lives.

That is all very well, Paphitis, but as long as the Covid-19 is with us, either there will be “social distancing” which means many restaurants, pups, cafes, clubs and so on will be going out of business due to lack of customers, or that there won’t be any “social distancing” which means there will be more cases and deaths which will cause many restaurants, pups, cafes, clubs and so on to go out of business, again due to lack of customers.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 07, 2020 5:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:People are fed up with this nonsense!

It's the boy that cried wolf and now, many won't be taking it seriously at all.

Anyone looking at things like 'total weekly deaths from all causes' in data like the ONS stats and seeing the massive spikes vs previous years averages or vs worst flu spikes in last 25 years, knows there is a wolf out there. How big and how bad we do not yet know but we know in places like the UK its bigger than any previous flu spike for 25 years. Accepting the truth as shown by solid hard unarguable numbers is not crying wolf. It is accepting facts.

Paphitis wrote:Of course, there are those like you who will just obey the authorities without question.

I would bet everything I own that over my lifetime I have consistently and systematically challenged authority and authorities to a significantly greater degree than you have. Before covid-19, during it and after it as well. You are a poster boy for unquestioning kow towing and cap doffing to authority and authorities, their institutions and to wealth and power generally.

Paphitis wrote:Here in Australia, people are only doing what they have to, and push the envelope for as much as they can get away with. Chy-na Virus has become a complete joke in these neck of the woods.

Here where I am we are way ahead of you. Ahead in terms of number of days with ZERO new infections and ahead of you in terms of official relaxing of measures and way ahead of you in terms of many people just ignoring what the rules are anyway.

Paphitis wrote:What's better, is that more and more people are question things and looking for alternative sources to find the answers.

By watching and declaring the likes of David Icke as 'experts to be listen to' you mean ? The source is not the problem or a solution if you do not have the will or ability to distinguish a ragging nutter talking bollocks from someone sane with a valid point to make. The problem is not the media. The problem is YOU paphitis. The problem is not a lack of different voices and views. the problem is your inability to sort wheat from chaff amongst them.

Paphitis wrote: A lot believe that this is all about control of the masses and have become very cynical and suspicious. Most people are now not buying anything the media tell them.

Are any of them starting to wonder to what degree could or is 'five eyes' a system that enables totalitarian authoritarian surveillance of anyone who might question authorities ?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 07, 2020 6:41 pm

Are any of them starting to wonder to what degree could or is 'five eyes' a system that enables totalitarian authoritarian surveillance of anyone who might question authorities ?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Thu May 07, 2020 7:32 pm

Ohh dear dear. So much self glorification by Turkey of being the "humanitarian nation" for nothing!

Exclusive: All 400,000 PPE gowns from Turkey found to be 'useless'

It was nicknamed "Air Jenrick" – a Royal Air Force plane left waiting at a Turkish airport for a vital shipment of medical gowns.

The UK's severe shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) had descended into farce, with officials scrambling to secure the equipment needed to keep front line NHS workers safe.
Now The Telegraph can reveal that the mission ended in disaster.

Every one of the 400,000 gowns brought back from Turkey last month has been impounded in a warehouse outside Heathrow Airport after inspectors found the gear was "useless" and fell short of UK standards, senior sources said.

Most of the gowns were produced by a Turkish firm that switched from making tracksuits and T-shirts after coronavirus began to spread across the world in January. ... 50809.html

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 07, 2020 8:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:Ohh dear dear. So much self glorification by Turkey of being the "humanitarian nation" for nothing!

Exclusive: All 400,000 PPE gowns from Turkey found to be 'useless'

It was nicknamed "Air Jenrick" – a Royal Air Force plane left waiting at a Turkish airport for a vital shipment of medical gowns.

The UK's severe shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) had descended into farce, with officials scrambling to secure the equipment needed to keep front line NHS workers safe.
Now The Telegraph can reveal that the mission ended in disaster.

Every one of the 400,000 gowns brought back from Turkey last month has been impounded in a warehouse outside Heathrow Airport after inspectors found the gear was "useless" and fell short of UK standards, senior sources said.

Most of the gowns were produced by a Turkish firm that switched from making tracksuits and T-shirts after coronavirus began to spread across the world in January. ... 50809.html

These are not the 'aid' PPE shipments, these are the same purchased ones talked about earlier re 'delays'. UK Ministers, in their rush to try and be seen to try to do something about PPE shortages, orderd these goods from a private company In Turkey without seeing any samples, paid for them and then announced publicly that they would arrive the next day, when it turns out neither they or the company had started the export paperwork process. A balls up from beginning to end but the blame for this particular shipment lies with those UK ministers involved.

I am not defending Turkey btw I am just defending truth and accuracy.

Maybe from private company maybe not ... f220fc1e09

The 'aid' shipments were earlier, the ones covered in Turkish flags and poetry and to the best of my knowledge these did meet UK standards and have been used by front line workers. It was also much less, I think two deliveries of 14 tons each vs 80 odd tons in this later balls up delivery ... ipment-uk/
Last edited by erolz66 on Thu May 07, 2020 8:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 07, 2020 8:34 pm ... 34636.html

Tiny tiny numbers so far but I find this quite worrying. One to watch.
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