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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 05, 2020 3:55 pm

erolz66 wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Where have I ever said I know what the R number is. ?

Yet another Straw Man ErLolz...? :roll:

You didn't, nor did I claim that you did... :wink:

You said...

erolz66 wrote:We can not know R number with any certainty for obvious reasons.

And I pointed out that Sweden’s public health agency had calculated it to 0.85, with an error margin of ±0.02pts. :wink:

Straw Man and obfuscation.... :roll:

You are just missing the point I am making. We can continue to play 'my expert is better than your expert' endlessly just as we did with Brexit before. I see little point. When you play the 'my expert is better than yours' with a number that everyone knows "'the R' is not a known number. It can only be guessed at, because the actual number of infections can only be guessed at." this is even more pointless and futile than ever.

I am NOT claiming that MY guess is better than Sweden's guess at R. That is YOUR straw man argument. I am saying that any guess at R is a GUESS because that is just fact that everyone accepts, including your Swedish experts. You are just playing the game that 'their guess is more likely to be right than mine' yet I am not making ANY guess.

Look at the numbers that ARE known and knowable and hard is a much more useful exercise if what we are doing is really trying to understand for ourselves and not just 'pushing our side regardless'.

Why will you not just look at the simple numbers and work from there ? Is it BECAUSE they do not fit so well with the side you have chosen ? That you chose back when there were practically no numbers at all on which to base a judgement. ... -in-europe

Ministers and experts have warned against international comparisons, saying the figure for excess mortality – the number of deaths from all causes that exceed the average for the time of year – is a more meaningful gauge.

I have been saying this from when these numbers were being used by you to show 'the reaction to the virus is too extreme' all the way up till now. I have always used these numbers as my 'starting point'. Not uised a starting point of 'find numbers that support my side'.

I also support this kind of thing from same article, because it makes sense to me when I look at the hard knowable simple numbers and think for myself.

Prof David Spiegelhalter, chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at Cambridge University and a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, said: “Well over 3,000 [of the excess deaths] weren’t labelled as Covid. So nearly a third were from something else


Prof James Naismith, director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute at the University of Oxford, called for an urgent review into deaths caused indirectly by the virus. “We urgently need to identify the cause of these deaths. There are many plausible theories as to their cause, however, we need real data on this urgently,” he said. “As we go forward, we want to minimise all deaths, not just those tagged as Covid-19.”

We DO need to get better numbers on how many of the massive increase in excess deaths are not from covid but from lockdown. We need to do so so we can make the best judgements we can on how to move forward, without hindsight, which we do not have. I have no agenda of continuing lockdown if it doing more harm than good. I think there are those who have an agenda for getting rid of lock down reggardless of how much harm it is or is not doing vs the virus itself.

and over all from the prior 'expert' this also chimes true based on looking at the hard known simple numbers we do have

“We are not doing very well and it’s been another very bad week. I really don’t like this league table of who’s top and who’s not, but there’s no denying that these are really serious numbers.”

All I see is a lot of over reaction and fear mongering at this point and I am not convinced at all or buying in all the doomsday reactions.

I have no doubt Chy-na Virus exists. But how bad is it? I am sure it can be serious for a small percentage of people who catch it and that it can be quite serious in the worst case scenarios, but if we don't know the full extent of actual carriers, then as far as I am concerned that could very well be correct and there are thousands of carriers out there who don't even know it. Heck, some of us could have caught it and not know it.

I stopped listening to the so called uncensored "experts" and I am not buying anymore. There are so many more experts out there who are being censored because they are not playing by the rules or abiding by the accepted narrative or agenda. I smell a rat. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if this Virus was man made either, or that big Pharma (who fund WHO) have their grubby hands in the pie. Of course, that could be wrong as well. I don't pretend to know. Just have a very open mind and see many unexplained inconsistencies.

I am however very pleased with the way Australia has handled the situation, and feel very safe in public and going about my business. Chy-na Virus doesn't stress me anywhere near as much as most people.

Why am I not looking at the numbers? Well I am, and it doesn't take a mathematician to work out something isn't quite right. There are so many inconsistencies. Australia is for instance experienced an extremely low mortality rate. Much lower than the common flu.

Other countries are reporting a mortality rate of 15%. From one extreme to the other.

Some countries like Chy-na somehow miraculously prevented the Chy-na Virus from spreading to all parts of Chy-na, and yet it has spread to every country around the world virtually.

Some countries have reported recovery numbers exceeding 80% whilst others are still counting cases that were reported 3 months ago as still being active.

The way I see it, there should be well under 1 million active cases worldwide - hardly a friggin crisis.

And the funny thing is this. Places like New York could be having the last laugh. There was a report from a so called expert who claimed to have done antibody tests who claimed that more than 20% of New York's population has been infected and that the testing process is just catching up. Well, I don't know if that is true, but if it is, New York might as well go for herd immunity and come through the other end.

Whereas, all of you locked down in your houses are becoming miserable sods and destroying your bodies immunity system.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Tue May 05, 2020 5:51 pm

Paphitis wrote:All I see is a lot of over reaction and fear mongering at this point and I am not convinced at all or buying in all the doomsday reactions.

You need to look back over some of your own posts historically. You were a fan of refusing Cruise ships to be allowed to dock even to let of citizens, even as Trump himself allowed such on the basis that to not do so would be inhuman. You advocate retaliation by Australia against China that will have severe economic consequences for Australia, all because a virus that is 'not that bad and not really dissimilar to flu' originated there and you do not think China did enough to stop it spreading outside China ? To me the contradictions in your shifting position are clear and present.

Paphitis wrote:I have no doubt Chy-na Virus exists. But how bad is it?

Bad enough to start putting up massive trade barriers with Australia's largest trading partner in terms of imports and exports ? Bad enough for you to start trying to 'de China' your entire life ?

Paphitis wrote:I stopped listening to the so called uncensored "experts" and I am not buying anymore. There are so many more experts out there who are being censored because they are not playing by the rules or abiding by the accepted narrative or agenda. I smell a rat. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if this Virus was man made either, or that big Pharma (who fund WHO) have their grubby hands in the pie. Of course, that could be wrong as well. I don't pretend to know. Just have a very open mind and see many unexplained inconsistencies.

Do you understand how a 'third party' might have doubts about your ability to find and identify non MSM media experts that are being censored because they are speaking truths that the powers to be do not want spoken, when you present David Icke as one such expert ? Saying 'anything is possible' without any critical effort to gauge to what degree it is probable is not being open minded. It is just abdicating any responsibility to have to think for yourself.

Paphitis wrote:I am however very pleased with the way Australia has handled the situation, ...

And you still maintain that Australia's response can fairly be described as essentially the same as Sweden's with the only material difference being closing of Bar's and Restaurants in Australia ?

Paphitis wrote:Why am I not looking at the numbers? Well I am, and it doesn't take a mathematician to work out something isn't quite right. There are so many inconsistencies. Australia is for instance experienced an extremely low mortality rate. Much lower than the common flu.

Other countries are reporting a mortality rate of 15%. From one extreme to the other.

Can you hear or understand anything I say ? Can you understand that some numbers are 'hard' and some are not ? That some numbers represent known, indisputable things - like if someone is dead or not. You do accept that is pretty clear cut right ? A pretty hard number ? Can you understand that some numbers represent things than can not be known yet, can only be guessed ? Even by experts. Is that concept understandable to you ? Numbers that can only be guessed atm include R rate, the specific mortality rate of this virus and things like how much and for how long infection provides immunity from subsequent infection. Can you understand that the 'hardest' numbers we have are total deaths, followed by numbers of known tested positive infections to date. Or is all this to complex for you ?

So I say again why not start with the hard knowable know numbers and work from there ? Why does it seem you can only see numbers that suit a given position, even when they come pretty much exclusively from the 'unknowable, best guess category' and seem to just ignore the knowable hard numbers ?

Paphitis wrote:Some countries like Chy-na somehow miraculously prevented the Chy-na Virus from spreading to all parts of Chy-na, and yet it has spread to every country around the world virtually.

Does China have ultimate authoritarian control over what goes on within China and to Chinese citizens ? Can it sequester them, restrict their movements in and out of different regions, prevent them from leaving the country. Prevent others from entering it ? Enforce testing. Enforce track and tracing with the effectiveness of a police state with such mechanism already in place ? Does it have such outside of China and can it or could it have places same strictures on non Chinese citizens that were in China before and as the virus outbreak became apparent ?

Paphitis wrote:Some countries have reported recovery numbers exceeding 80% whilst others are still counting cases that were reported 3 months ago as still being active.

As you yourself point out - this is yet again just another 'soft' number meaning by definition you will get vast differences at the best guesses of this number from country to country. These variations are inevitable and to be expected with such soft numbers. That is why it is best to start with the nard numbers we DO have.

Paphitis wrote:The way I see it, there should be well under 1 million active cases worldwide - hardly a friggin crisis.

You think that is the final toll then ? That not only has the world peaked but it is all but done and dusted as far as final death total goes ? cyprus47300-1190.html#p896400

Paphitis wrote:Whereas, all of you locked down in your houses are becoming miserable sods and destroying your bodies immunity system.

Where I am, I can now go out and about as I please anywhere except for Sundays where some restrictions still apply. Pretty much everything is open again except restaurants for eat in, they are opening up for take out as they are certified by authorities and their staff tested, and bars and casinos and large sporting event arenas. We have had twice now several continuous days without any new positive even as testing continues and increases, something that Australia has yet to achieve I think. I am not miserable. If anything the temporary 'break from routine' has been positive for me in many ways and at many levels and any frustrations are now rapidly diminishing as restrictions are reduced. I do not think my immune system has been affected in any way. Could it perhaps be that your guess as to what life has been like for 'others' is not as accurate as it might be and is seriously coloured by you wanting to believe that you are doing great and everyone else is doing shit by comparison, regardless of if that is the case or not ?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Tue May 05, 2020 7:20 pm

encouraging for Cyprus even with all the caveats ... ore-study/
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 05, 2020 7:23 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:All I see is a lot of over reaction and fear mongering at this point and I am not convinced at all or buying in all the doomsday reactions.

You need to look back over some of your own posts historically. You were a fan of refusing Cruise ships to be allowed to dock even to let of citizens, even as Trump himself allowed such on the basis that to not do so would be inhuman. You advocate retaliation by Australia against China that will have severe economic consequences for Australia, all because a virus that is 'not that bad and not really dissimilar to flu' originated there and you do not think China did enough to stop it spreading outside China ? To me the contradictions in your shifting position are clear and present.

Paphitis wrote:I have no doubt Chy-na Virus exists. But how bad is it?

Bad enough to start putting up massive trade barriers with Australia's largest trading partner in terms of imports and exports ? Bad enough for you to start trying to 'de China' your entire life ?

Paphitis wrote:I stopped listening to the so called uncensored "experts" and I am not buying anymore. There are so many more experts out there who are being censored because they are not playing by the rules or abiding by the accepted narrative or agenda. I smell a rat. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if this Virus was man made either, or that big Pharma (who fund WHO) have their grubby hands in the pie. Of course, that could be wrong as well. I don't pretend to know. Just have a very open mind and see many unexplained inconsistencies.

Do you understand how a 'third party' might have doubts about your ability to find and identify non MSM media experts that are being censored because they are speaking truths that the powers to be do not want spoken, when you present David Icke as one such expert ? Saying 'anything is possible' without any critical effort to gauge to what degree it is probable is not being open minded. It is just abdicating any responsibility to have to think for yourself.

Paphitis wrote:I am however very pleased with the way Australia has handled the situation, ...

And you still maintain that Australia's response can fairly be described as essentially the same as Sweden's with the only material difference being closing of Bar's and Restaurants in Australia ?

Paphitis wrote:Why am I not looking at the numbers? Well I am, and it doesn't take a mathematician to work out something isn't quite right. There are so many inconsistencies. Australia is for instance experienced an extremely low mortality rate. Much lower than the common flu.

Other countries are reporting a mortality rate of 15%. From one extreme to the other.

Can you hear or understand anything I say ? Can you understand that some numbers are 'hard' and some are not ? That some numbers represent known, indisputable things - like if someone is dead or not. You do accept that is pretty clear cut right ? A pretty hard number ? Can you understand that some numbers represent things than can not be known yet, can only be guessed ? Even by experts. Is that concept understandable to you ? Numbers that can only be guessed atm include R rate, the specific mortality rate of this virus and things like how much and for how long infection provides immunity from subsequent infection. Can you understand that the 'hardest' numbers we have are total deaths, followed by numbers of known tested positive infections to date. Or is all this to complex for you ?

So I say again why not start with the hard knowable know numbers and work from there ? Why does it seem you can only see numbers that suit a given position, even when they come pretty much exclusively from the 'unknowable, best guess category' and seem to just ignore the knowable hard numbers ?

Paphitis wrote:Some countries like Chy-na somehow miraculously prevented the Chy-na Virus from spreading to all parts of Chy-na, and yet it has spread to every country around the world virtually.

Does China have ultimate authoritarian control over what goes on within China and to Chinese citizens ? Can it sequester them, restrict their movements in and out of different regions, prevent them from leaving the country. Prevent others from entering it ? Enforce testing. Enforce track and tracing with the effectiveness of a police state with such mechanism already in place ? Does it have such outside of China and can it or could it have places same strictures on non Chinese citizens that were in China before and as the virus outbreak became apparent ?

Paphitis wrote:Some countries have reported recovery numbers exceeding 80% whilst others are still counting cases that were reported 3 months ago as still being active.

As you yourself point out - this is yet again just another 'soft' number meaning by definition you will get vast differences at the best guesses of this number from country to country. These variations are inevitable and to be expected with such soft numbers. That is why it is best to start with the nard numbers we DO have.

Paphitis wrote:The way I see it, there should be well under 1 million active cases worldwide - hardly a friggin crisis.

You think that is the final toll then ? That not only has the world peaked but it is all but done and dusted as far as final death total goes ? cyprus47300-1190.html#p896400

Paphitis wrote:Whereas, all of you locked down in your houses are becoming miserable sods and destroying your bodies immunity system.

Where I am, I can now go out and about as I please anywhere except for Sundays where some restrictions still apply. Pretty much everything is open again except restaurants for eat in, they are opening up for take out as they are certified by authorities and their staff tested, and bars and casinos and large sporting event arenas. We have had twice now several continuous days without any new positive even as testing continues and increases, something that Australia has yet to achieve I think. I am not miserable. If anything the temporary 'break from routine' has been positive for me in many ways and at many levels and any frustrations are now rapidly diminishing as restrictions are reduced. I do not think my immune system has been affected in any way. Could it perhaps be that your guess as to what life has been like for 'others' is not as accurate as it might be and is seriously coloured by you wanting to believe that you are doing great and everyone else is doing shit by comparison, regardless of if that is the case or not ?

Yes! Refusing these cruise ships was a no brainer. At the time, about 30% of all our cases were from 2 cruise ships, and we had already closed our borders to international visitors at the time. Government had declared a State of Emergency.

For our citizens, our Navy was already mobilized and we even had our Hospital Ship ready to receive them. they were to be air lifted by Sea hawk Helicopters. Our navy was also prepared to accept any critically ill passengers on humanitarian grounds but the ships were instructed by our Navy on orders from Our Government to turn the ships around as Australia was closed to international arrivals and tourists.

I advocate for a thorough investigation over Chy-na's handling. That too, is a no brainer. I am very suss right now not only over Chy-na's handling of their "crisis" but am also quite suspicious that they may have (and I mean may have) either developed this Virus in a lab in the name of research, or as a bio-weapon, or accidentally had an accident thus causing an outbreak in Wuhan. I am not ruling out the possibility that it was indeed from the Wuhan Wet Markets either. I simply do not know. It needs to be investigated. I am also wanting an investigation because Chy-na allowed international flights for a whole week after it had isolated Wuhan from the rest of Chy-na, thus making the situation very bad for the entire world.

Australia is taking action by leading calls for this investigation. These calls have received support from EU Countries like Germany, Netherlands, Austria, UK, and also US, Canada, NZ, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea. Australia has also taken action by revoking VISAS from Chy-nese nationals, and is also re-assessing its economic ties with Chy-na as we speak and also looking at ways to nationalize key industries such as Pharmaceuticals. This has wide spread support from the Australian People. We are lucky in that we are resource rich and it is very easy for us to replace Chy-na for other markets such as India and Russia who are begging to buy stuff from us.

As for our economy. It has already been affected. It is pure lunacy to not investigate Chy-na because of this as they are the root cause. And that could be as a result of nefarious intentions in which case, we can probably do without their business at the worst case scenario.

In the end, Australia probably is the best placed country to overcome any economic hardship far more quickly than most, because we are a primary producer of energy and export a lot of resources and valuable metals.

No I am sorry but the numbers do not represent indisputable facts as to whether someone died from Chy-na Virus. It only confirms that someone died of something. I am more inclined to trust the reported numbers from Australia. They are probably accurate enough more or less. However, I can not say I am trusting the numbers on Chy-na Virus globally. The reason I don't trust the numbers is very simple. They are inconsistent. It seems to me the Virus behaves differently from one country to the next. How can that be if we rule out lack of medical resources that some countries may experience? I believe the death numbers are grossly exaggerated. If someone dies in a car crash, and they have Chy-na Virus, they are counted as a statistic to Chy-na Virus. I also believe the number of active cases is by far exaggerated. What I do believe is that this virus has a very low mortality rate.

In Australia, we have over 3000 suicide deaths every year. We have only had 80 Chy-na Virus deaths. And right now, we only have 25 patients in ICU. These to me are the facts.

And sorry, but I am not finding the variance from country to country to be normal. I believe there are inconsistencies in the reporting from one country to the next. Even Australia was at it when they too had over-inflated active cases statistics until one day they reported that they had about 1200 recoveries in one day. So in other words, they were clearing the back log. What I believe is that for some reason, authorities in many countries are withholding information.

Oh and yeh, Chy-na is one of the most authoritarian States in the world. Not just authoritarian, but also a brutal regime, that violates the human rights of millions of people, such as the Uyghars. Maybe as a result of that, they have also achieved great success, but I do not for one second have any faith in the reported numbers coming from the Chy-nese Authorities.

Plus, you don't have to be an Authoritarian State to have success. Australia isn't an Authoritarian State and has had enormous success with containing Chy-na Virus. Not just Australia, but other countries like South Korea, Greece and Cyprus.

As I told you. I am very suspicious. I have a very open mind. I am in no position to rule anything out at this stage. I believe there are many possibilities, from bio weapon research, just plane medical research into bats, and even Big Pharma conspiracies. I will always look at all the cues, read and do my research into the various scenarios in a very analytical way.

Nope. i am not thinking this is the final toll and that there will be no more victims. I am by no means convinced we are dealing with the kind of crisis that is purported by the MSM. AND, I don't have any expectation or will to strive to save every single human being on the planet. Some people are going to die. Well too bad, so sad. I am not a supporter in killing off the economy in a futile attempt to save 10 possible deaths in Australia by having the entire population locked down, and killing the economy in the process and then see our suicide rate go from 3000 per year to 6000 per year. That is what the MSM are not taking into consideration. The cost to families, workers and who knows what the other costs are in terms of lives lost. it is a proven fact that during times of economic hardship and despair, mental health issues are on the rise, and there are more suicides.

But da! Let's lock everyone down and cause more harm. save a few Chy-na Virus lives, and lose more to suicide.

You live in a place about the size of a provincial town in Australia. Something like Newcastle - population 350,000.

Australia is a country of 25 million. Much harder to get zero cases here compared to your little backwater.

But some states have had zero cases for quite a number of days. I think South Australia (population 1.8 million) has had zero cases in the last 7 to 10 days. I think Western Australia, ACT, and Northern Territory may be the same. Most of our cases are in NSW which has over half of all cases. I think right now, Australia and South Korea lead the world by a long way. If we were cocky, we can just about come out and say we have really stopped Chy-na Virus in its tracks. But I'm not cocky about it because it could change. But at 860 active cases out of 25 million, it is sometimes difficult not to be over confident and even complacent. Bottom line is, I am more worried about how cold it's going to be in the morning.
Last edited by Paphitis on Tue May 05, 2020 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Tue May 05, 2020 7:48 pm

You can try and lead the donkey to water but you can not make them drink.

No I am sorry but the numbers do not represent indisputable facts as to whether someone died from Chy-na Virus.

Which is why I have been saying week after week after week, the numbers to look at , to start with are total deaths from all causes. Over and over and over I have made this same simple point. And still you come back with 'cause of death is not indisputable'. Sigh. Is it disputable if someone is dead or not ? Think about it.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 05, 2020 7:52 pm

erolz66 wrote:You can try and lead the donkey to water but you can not make them drink.

No I am sorry but the numbers do not represent indisputable facts as to whether someone died from Chy-na Virus.

Which is why I have been saying week after week after week, the numbers to look at , to start with are total deaths from all causes. Over and over and over I have made this same simple point. And still you come back with 'cause of death is not indisputable'. Sigh. Is it disputable if someone is dead or not ? Think about it.

Of course not. Every day, thousands of people die due to so many things.

What is disputable are the death statistics due to Chy-na Virus. Not going to convince me anytime soon, that these statistics are accurate.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Tue May 05, 2020 8:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You can try and lead the donkey to water but you can not make them drink.

No I am sorry but the numbers do not represent indisputable facts as to whether someone died from Chy-na Virus.

Which is why I have been saying week after week after week, the numbers to look at , to start with are total deaths from all causes. Over and over and over I have made this same simple point. And still you come back with 'cause of death is not indisputable'. Sigh. Is it disputable if someone is dead or not ? Think about it.

Of course not. Every day, thousands of people die due to so many things.

What is disputable are the death statistics due to Chy-na Virus. Not going to convince me anytime soon, that these statistics are accurate.

Yes every day and week lots of people die from all causes. We have been counting these numbers efficiently with tried and tested systems for decades. So in any given week you can easily and quickly see if the number that died that week is higher or lower than the average over say previous 5 years or any other number of years you like. These are all hard solid indisputable numbers. The ones for the UK have shown massive rises in the numbers dying over and above previous 5 year averages. Higher even than the worse spike for the worst flu spike years and for more weeks than those spikes and they are STILL going. The latest two week numbers are over DOUBLE the five year average in these UK figures. They may have finally plateaued but we do not yet know how long this massive indisputable increase in weekly mortality will continue for yet. This is where any sensible attempt to understand how serious the virus is should start. Of course if your objective is different from seeking such understanding, then these numbers should be ignored entirely if they do not suit that objective.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 05, 2020 8:36 pm

erolz66 wrote:The ones for the UK have shown massive rises in the numbers dying over and above previous 5 year averages. Higher even than the worse spike for the worst flu spike years.

I doubt if this was less than the spike for the 1968 Hong Kong flu that claimed up to four million lives globally, but the figures don't go back that far.

Once you have to start raising the same point again and again with the same person and they consistently ignore it, you realize that you are running up against some kind of cognitive dissonance that is preventing that person from seeing the point, and you are thus banging your head against a brick wall. Anyway, let me repeat the exercise in futility once more. Yes, the death figures and five-year averages for the weeks ending 17 and 24 April are - averages in brackets - 22,351 (10,497) and 21,997 (10,458). However, there is a glaring anomaly if you adopt the glib assumption that all the deaths above the average were due to Covid, because the same source also provides the number of Covid deaths in another table, which for these two weeks are 8,036 and 6,342. Even leaving aside the way that Covid deaths are inflated by the way people with serious underlying health problems are recorded as having died of Covid when they actually died with it, the increase above average is well above the number of deaths in the same week officially attributed to Covid. This means there is another factor that is causing a lot of extra deaths. So what do these figures actually reveal? There are those who argue that the lockdown is itself causing deaths and claim they are vindicated by these figures.

I had decided not to waste my time posting links to any more material that people will ignore, but the following two hour and twenty-minute interview with Robert Kennedy Jr containing a damning exposure of how big pharma works and how it exploits the way vaccination is implemented for big profit at a cost to people's health, and touching on the current Coronovirus panic, is absolutely unmissable in my opinion. Of course, it is your prerogative to miss it!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue May 05, 2020 8:49 pm

Time to admit it ErLolz...

erolz66 wrote:Where have I ever said I know what the R number is. ?

You are the King of Straw Man arguments and bizarre obfuscation ... :lol:

Nothing else you post can be taken seriously... :roll:

And I won't... :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Tue May 05, 2020 9:16 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Once you have to start raising the same point again and again with the same person and they consistently ignore it, you realize that you are running up against some kind of cognitive dissonance that is preventing that person from seeing the point, and you are thus banging your head against a brick wall. Anyway, let me repeat the exercise in futility once more. Yes, the death figures and five-year averages for the weeks ending 17 and 24 April are - averages in brackets - 22,351 (10,497) and 21,997 (10,458). However, there is a glaring anomaly if you adopt the glib assumption that all the deaths above the average were due to Covid, because the same source also provides the number of Covid deaths in another table, which for these two weeks are 8,036 and 6,342. Even leaving aside the way that Covid deaths are inflated by the way people with serious underlying health problems are recorded as having died of Covid when they actually died with it, the increase above average is well above the number of deaths in the same week officially attributed to Covid. This means there is another factor that is causing a lot of extra deaths. So what do these figures actually reveal? There are those who argue that the lockdown is itself causing deaths and claim they are vindicated by these figures.

I have never said all these excess deaths are due to covid. I just posted an 'expert' making that very point, their best guess was that around 1/3 rd of them were not covid. If that is right then I think we are still at the point where the response is not worse than the virus. But we are back to guessing again. In those previous flu spike years you also get extra deaths that are not directly the result of flu but are result of overloaded health care systems. Not to same extent as with this but to some extent. What the hard total death numbers that we have so far show to me is that this is NOT comparable to flu epidemics of previous 20 years in the UK. Is that an unreasonable conclusion from these numbers Tim ? Something significant is going on here and unlike the previous spikes we can compare with it is not yet over. That is what I am saying.

Tim Drayton wrote:I had decided not to waste my time posting links to any more material that people will ignore, but the following two hour and twenty-minute interview with Robert Kennedy Jr containing a damning exposure of how big pharma works and how it exploits the way vaccination is implemented for big profit at a cost to people's health, and touching on the current Coronovirus panic, is absolutely unmissable in my opinion. Of course, it is your prerogative to miss it!

I am no fan of big pharma. I probably have as much history of railing against them historic as most. I am not saying they are totally benign entities with no agendas and are and will do nothing to exploit the current situations to their benefit. They will do these things. They have always done these things. Yes they have a vested interest in pushing vaccines that are potentially massively profitable for them with much less investment than developing new drugs. I think these issue should be talked about and addressed. Before covid, during it and after. But that does not mean vaccines are bad generically. They can do and have saved billions of lives. We could develop and produce them in not for profit ways and no one would be bigger fan of such moves than me. We could always have done this but we did not.

However the logic that because big pharma is bad that means that covid is not as bad as most people think , especially when they dismiss hard numbers when making these arguments, is to me fundamentally flawed and is really just the same mantra of 'the public is too stupid to understand' - one I rejected in Brexit debates and one I still reject today.

Imagine the argument that Brexit happened because it was in Big Pharmas interests for to happen. They were behind fooling the stupid public into voting for Brexit. Then you might get some notion of what I am trying to say here.
Last edited by erolz66 on Tue May 05, 2020 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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