repulsewarrior wrote:https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/health-science/fauci-sees-hope-in-results-from-remdesivir-drug-trial/2020/04/30/f4afa566-16c9-4ad8-8100-ac85338313f2_video.html
..a drug shows promise.
Get Real! wrote:
erolz66 wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/health-science/fauci-sees-hope-in-results-from-remdesivir-drug-trial/2020/04/30/f4afa566-16c9-4ad8-8100-ac85338313f2_video.html
..a drug shows promise.
Paywalled. I assume its referring to remdesivir and yes this is looking promising as a treatment for those with the virus.
erolz66 wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Indeed, the number of weekly deaths as per the official figures have been well above average for a couple of weeks.
The following chart helps to put things in perspective, showing that similar peaks have occurred in the past:
Your image link is broken. take the s out of https to fix it.
The provisional official figures have shown dramatic rises in the last three weeks not couple, as you say. With slight increase in the week preceding those (week 13). The last week, week 16 is up to the 17 April, so two weeks lag. No one hopes that next weeks figures, week 17 , week ending 24th April they start to decline again but it seems unlikely to me. So yes there have been 'spikes' in the past but you are comparing the past with the middle of something 'unfinished' it seems to me. Oh and your chart only goes up to week 15, total 18,516. We now have week 17 with total 22,351 which is higher than any previous peak in your chart going back to 1993.
Tim Drayton wrote:John Kirby has done another hour-long interview with epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski, who was head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years (and does not, to the best of my knowledge, believe that the world is ruled by extraterrestrials):
https://williambowles.info/2020/04/30/w ... interview/
Tim Drayton wrote:Fair point. I accepted the chart at face value. Actually, looking at the figures for 2015 I see a spike of 16,237 for 9 Jan, which does not seem to be reflected in the chart. The point is there have been epidemics before and, sadly, deaths spike during them. Nature is cruel. We are not immortal. We will all inevitably die of something. There is nothing new about such spikes.
Your argument seems to be premised on the dual straw man that anyone who does not buy into the alarmist, exaggerated narrative the media is now devoting its entire resources to pumping out, or questions it to any degree, is denying that people are dying and believes the world is ruled by extraterrestrials.
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