The place was practically deserted !

We registered and waited for about an hour and in that time saw very few people coming in or going out. Never seen so little traffic! When the Neurologist arrived we spent an hour and a half with him and my wife had all her checks done, prescription written out, referral for blood test and a long chat. We left and he had no other patients waiting outside.
We were home by 11am after stopping of the fill the prescription.

The only comment I would make was that the Mask/Gloves requirement was very lax, but not just the people who were coming through but the staff as well. Most nurses were wearing gloves but at least 50% were not wearing masks and of those that were many had them only over their mouths and were breathing through their noses.
Another observation was that the outside of the hospital was littered with discarded masks and rubber gloves. What is it with Cypriots and their discarded rubbish .... it seems out of sight out of mind, is the general attitude. They dump rubbish just anywhere they feel like it! We bought a small plastic bag to put our used masks/gloves in and put it in the bin when we got home.
I believe the Island now has 49 cases confirmed.