Paphitis: I will not reply to your post but you appear to be of the opinion that Assange is getting just what he deserves? A common view if you only rely on the MSM for opinion. Personally .... I don't like him very much as a person but I think he has done what he did for the right reasons and admire him for that alone. A real David and Golliath situation!
So let me ask you a purely
hypothetical question?
Q. By virtue of your job you found out, initially by accident and then by more investigation, that your employer was breaking the law and keeping it all hidden away. Let’s be silly and say you found out he was using second hand tyres and spares from the local flea market? You realised this was putting your aeroplane in danger and risking your life as well as the lives of your passengers.
What would you do?
A) Ignore it and look for another job as a pilot before you became a ‘
accident statistic’ ?
B) Go to your line Manager, or maybe The Executive management directly with your evidence and express your concerns ?
C) Go directly to The Aviation Authority with your evidence and findings ?
D) Pass the evidence to a reliable contact in journalism that you would trust and who was in a position to expose the crimes but at the same time was able to keep your name out of it ?
If you chose A) then it does not say much for your respect for the Law or the health and safety of others.
Either B) or C) would expose you as a brave individual who was prepared to face-off with The Company (
any Company) to serve your conscience and your indignation when you felt your employers are doing something you believed was wrong. This of course would make you a marked man in the '
industry' with a reputation for poking your nose into matters that should not concern you and then making trouble. Thus your reputation would precede you when you put in for promotion or tried to get another job.
Now D) would allow you to serve your conscience without actually putting yourself (
and indirectly your family) in the firing line, as your contact would take the flak, present the evidence but keep his mouth shut as to his source(s). You would now be a whistle blower but for a very good reason. You would have revealed something that others should be aware of as it was proven to be illegal and was putting lives at risk. You had done what your conscience told you to do but without damaging your reputation or that of colleagues or family members.
Or some thing else?