Here is a very interesting analysis of TMT. Unfortunately it is in Terggggsi like.
The three men were Hambis Zacharia, Michael Hiletikos, and Lazaris Demetriou. Zacharia was convicted of killing a man with an axe in a Limassol vineyard in September, 1958. The other two were jointly convicted of the murder of a man outside a Limassol cabaret last year.
repulsewarrior wrote:
...just over two hours long; there is a lot of information to consider.
Turkey’s colonization of Cyprus is a half-century old but while American and European diplomats may view the Cyprus conflict as frozen, Turkey’s recent development activities suggest Ankara seeks to thaw the frozen conflict into something far hotter. Turkey may believe it can revise the status quo gradually to gain ground on Cyprus, but its efforts to reshape the occupied zone in its own image and subordinate indigenous Turkish Cypriots to Turkey’s interests ultimately should force the United States and Europe to stand up and recognize the broader context: What Turkey now does in Cyprus is not limited to the island, nor are its roots in the 1974 Cyprus conflict; rather, Turkey’s violations of the Cypriot status quo have much more to do with its revisionist behavior and demands in the Aegean, northern Syria, northern Iraq, and Armenia’s Zangezur corridor.
In Cyprus, we have been experiencing for some years now the deterrence of fascist beings - within or outside parties - who suppress all kinds of reactionary "theories" alongside fascist and racist attacks against both "foreign" workers and "everyone who disagrees with them" and "has different" view of society or life itself! And this is being carried out through their countless fake profiles they create on Social Media, with an outbreak of hate rhetoric and fascist phraseology and hybrids!
And despite some attempts have been made in recent years to create a platform of action against fascism and racism and in all its expressions, we CAN NOT consider the action and presence of this Platform to be sufficient in addressing the existing problems and action and behavior of the fascists. Where citizens, groups, parties, those who stand against fascism and the fascists of the "creatures" - and leftists and non-obviously have a duty of rallying against the upcoming maniac by all kinds of decisions being projected and promoted by centers - like "Planetarch" Trump and his supporters!
Cooperation between groups of forces and citizens to address this situation, which has now been normalized and strengthened by the policies of Trump and his likes (which were found in both his swearing-in and his .. applauded or expressed their agreement with him) he should gain a priority and another dynamic in political action.
In this effort, I consider AKEL-Social Alliance and the People's Movement Organizations and factions (ALL "Progressives" - teachers, professors, students, etc.) that support it, to be the protagonists in this struggle and together with the issue of Cyprus (which is also affected by the action of fascists) to gain the campaign against fascists dominant and primary positions.
Parties, Groups, Movements, citizens that stand against the apparent escalation of the coming fascist riot cannot have the right to remain silent and inaction!
By Christina Valanidou
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