Nobody has suggested returning to the 1947 UN proposal. I suggested that the independent State of Jerusalem suggestion could be implemented and extended from the Jordon to the Med! That would create a neutral buffer and give Israel the larger Southern area and the Palestinians the Northern part as their State.
The United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state and was presented in late 1947, but the Arabs rejected it. In May 1948, Israel was unilaterally declared as an independent state by and with, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, as the prime minister. Israel had already planned out what was going to be Israel and such things as agreements, negotiations did not feature in the plan.
The Zionists unilaterally declared the State of Israel in May 1948 and displaced 750,000 Palestinians that already lived there and without that displacement there would have been no Israel. The Israeli’s created their Israel on land mostly occupied by others ...... how would you feel if that happened in Australia and the Aboriginals rose up and with the help of China declared 78% of Australia belonged to them? (Now about 85% I believe.)
Sorry but why the heck would Israel accept the 1948 UN peace plan. Have you seen the map of the plan. Israel will be virtually wiped out.
It was
NOT a peace plan! Israel did not exist at that time. It was a UN plan to divide The Palestinian Territories between a New State of Israel and the Palestinians that already lived there and had done for hundreds of years. It was drawn up to
CREATE Israel. It was Palestine that has been virtually wiped out!
IMO: The UN plan was unworkable crap from the start.
There would be 3 Palestinian zones, one on the Egyptian Border (Greater Gaza), one being a Greater West Bank + Jerusalem (all of it), and another zone on the Lebanese Border connecting the Palestinians to Hezbollah. And 3 very narrow corridors which can be easily invaded to unite the 3 areas, cutting the Israeli state into 3 parts. It also gives a large chunk of Israel to Lebanon (dream on).
Jerusalem (all of it) Palestinian” ???? ..... that is not true.
That bit WAS Lebanon before 1967, the Israeli’s stole it in an act of war. They did the same with the Golan Heights. BTW: Hezbollah was not created until the late 80’s as a defence force against the IDF and after the Israeli’s invaded Lebanon, the IDF was created from the former Israeli Terrorist groups upon the declaration of its creation.
That equates to total destruction - but I guess that is what you want.
It was/is what the Israeli’s wanted, the total destruction and annexation of the Palestinian Territories to create what they now call The Jewish State of Israel.
Israel will not accept this and it isn't on the table. What is on the table is West Bank and Gaza, but no east Jerusalem.
East Jerusalem was originally occupied by Jordan I believe. The UN Proposal of 1948 was that Jerusalem should be owned by no single State but something on the lines of The Vatican State but administered by the four religions that recognised the various Holy sites. But Israel’s intention from before 1948, was to make Jerusalem the ‘UNDIVEDED’ Capital City of the Jewish State of Israel. With Trumps help they have made that move.
If that isn't acceptable, then its ok. Honestly, do you really think the Israelis are stupid? The Arabs lost the 1967 war - remember the war that was to drive the Jews into the sea?
The Israeli’s started the 6 Day war! The bit about ‘....
driving Jews into the Sea’ was a story which the Mossad started. It started with a pre-emptive attack on the Egyptian Air Force and I believe, also the Syrian and Jordanian air forces and it was a very well planned attack on the Arab armies, who were totally unprepared. (
You should read it up.) It was a brilliantly planned campaign but it was never a response to an attack by any of the Arab forces ..... only in as much as the Israeli’s claimed ‘
Intelligence’ the Arabs were planning one! Nothing changes eh ..... the same excuse is used to this very day! Every Israeli attack is inevitably claimed by Israel as a response to a perceived threat!
It's not as if they didn't start it all off to begin with.
If by
‘they’ you mean the Arabs ..... that is not true!
But what gets me is this. Why you think Israel is stupid enough to accept such a proposal plus give all of Jerusalem to the Arabs.
That was NEVER the plan!
Jerusalem is part of the Jewish State. It belonged to them long before the Arabs rocked up in the area. Sorry, but the 1948 map is laughable and ceased to be relevant after the 7 day war in 1967 which the Arabs started thinking they had the upper hand because of Egypt
Did it belong to them? ...... just because their God said the Jews were his chosen people and the Land belonged to them? Australia belonged to the Aboriginals ‘.....
long before the Europeans rocked up in the area.’ How far do you want to go back? Cyprus belonged to Turkey before the British annexed it, it had never been a State in its History!
98% of those who call themselves Jews and live in what is called Israel have no historic links to the region. Most are Ashkenazi Jews and originate from Eastern Europe/Russia. The Arabs didn’t start the 6 Day war ...... Israel did! (
It is a matter of record.)
The only relevant maps now are the 1967 maps.
The post 1967 maps show the results after the 6 Day war and have now changed out of all recognition. It no longer represents the situation.
The only bad part of the deal which makes it unfair in my opinion is the fact that the Israeli settlements in the West Bank will become protected. I have a much more hardline approach against the Israeli settlements in West Bank as I believe them to be illegal, and what kind of Palestinian State will it be with Israeli zones in that area, presumably under Israeli control?
I agree with you! How can it be Palestinian lands when it is littered with (
Armed) Jewish Settlers backed by the IDF? Those brown roads on the map in the recent proposal by Israel, cannot be crossed by Palestinian’s without a permit and only at manned (IDF) crossing points. These are frequently closed and permits can take days to get. Are you also aware that the settlements, in many cases, discharge their sewers directly onto the Palestinians farming land and that the Palestinians are ‘
allowed’ just 2 hrs of water a day but the settlers run irrigation systems for their gardens? The same happens with electricity. It is a very unfair situation and I am sure very few people on here would have been content if the Turks had taken more of the Island and treated Greek enclaves in the RoC in that way?
I believe these Israeli settlements must be bulldozed and destroyed and the Israeli settlers there to be relocated into Israel proper for their own safety, and to allow the Palestinian State to move forward without these Jewish Settler?.
I agree but why not move the settlers out instead and let the Palestinians move into the settlements? Call it partial reparations?
If Palestinians in Israel proper wish to relocate to the West Bank as well, then they should be free to do so (maybe into the settler's houses), even though their human rights in Israel is protected and safeguarded since they can even elect politicians into the Knesset.
Arab/Palestinian Israeli’s are second class citizens and have nowhere near the rights and privileges of Jewish Israeli’s. This is why by most people Israel is regarded as an apartheid state.
So in affect, a population exchange. Israeli settlers and Palestinians to be adequately compensated for their land and houses as well, through an international fund.
But in the original land theft, the Palestinian refugees never were compensated! They were driven out and have all been denied the right of return. There was no population exchange then (1948) or since, it was an influx of Jews from all over The World. Israel take what it wants!
Such an outcome in my opinion would be a very serious proposal.
I think you lack a lot of the background to the problem, which goes way back before 1948 and is extremely complex and not quite as simple and straight forward as you portray it.
This is a good site for facts on the Israel/Palestine conflict and will keep you busy for weeks. At the end of your studies you will be more aware of the facts behind the conflict. forum I frequent, has a special Palestine/Israel section. It started in 2009 and was restarted in Apr 2012 after the moderators froze it for several months, after it got a bit out of hand ([i]before my time) but since 2009 it has now 161 Pages, 36319 views,3207 replies and is still going strong but with more moderation. So not an easy topic to discuss .... certainly not a subject for this forum! [/i]