repulsewarrior wrote:And what is wrong with Constituencies, if as Constituencies "they" recognise as majorities holding an Agenda, that minorities do have special needs, that they should be recognised and respected, by providing for their needs, as well.
Wouldn't it be nice if in Jerusalem, religion, that is to say the religious, demonstrated the unity that God commands, that we should love one another, to be loving; is that not the Golden rule?
A Jewish state is possible in Israel, so too an Arab state, and even one Christian; yet, all these Persons, as a People and as Individuals, still need representation as such: a State based on Principal and Law that is universal, without further distinction or discrimination.
...fancy tunnels and bridges, frankly, reminds me of the wall, a frail thing which is mostly for show. ... -dwindles/
Israel is better than this plan, it appears as though Netanyahu like Trump forgets their roots.
In 1948 had Israel been created as a State without that State driving people off their lands to create that State, then there would have been a relatively peaceful transition. There can be no argument that the Israelis are far better organised and had all people benefitted from being Israeli, rather than just Jewish, the State would have grown by the will and democratic vote of the people surrounding Israel, as they saw Israeli' citizens lives improve, Citizens of all Faiths and backgrounds .
Annexing the land from Arab owners and driving them out is the primary cause of all the troubles.
Crimea was annexed from a fascist State of Ukraine by the choice of the people into a State of their choice? This could have been applied in the Palestinian Territories through the will of the people. By ZIONIST's choosing it to be a Land only for 'God's chosen people' The ZIONIST's, not Jews per se, created a Jewish Only State and stole all the Palestinians lands, which was the intent from the very inception of the project in the late 1800's.