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What is going on with CF?

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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:21 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Our sailor friend has just passed away, which will be a relief for himself, even though he has been unconscious for the past few days.

As for my Turkish friend, I was asked to visit him tomorrow instead of today since he had visitation by the nurse and hospice and that he was feeling very tired. Tomorrow is another day and I am hopeful to see him. Then I will go and spend two nights in Napa Valley at ex girlfriend’s home, whom herself needs care by helpers almost 24 hours a day at home. When she has her good moments, she is great, which then I will take her to a nice restaurant Saturday evening. Parkinson’s disease is a terrible illness to have. I hope to visit one or two wineries while up there.

Sunday I will be back in the Bay Area to enjoy the Super Bowl game on the large screens and the crab feast at our little humble yacht club which has a full bar and a very large kitchen at our marina by the Bay. I will have few other friends who will be visiting me and enjoying the game and the crab feast together. Normally my Turkish friend and his wife would join me for different events at our yacht club, but not this time I am very sorry to say.

Very sorry to hear this Kicks. May your friend RIP. I hope your Turkish friend doesn't suffer too much. Take care Kicks and god be with you and your loved ones.

Thank you my friend,

These are the realities in life and it is best to accept them and live on as normal as possible until our turn comes, which may well be much sooner than we would like it to be. We don’t know. Prepare your loved ones that when our turn comes that they too should live the rest of their lives as full as possible when we are no longer here. We only have so much time here on Earth, so make the best of it while we can.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:24 pm

Thick fog blankets the whole Bay this morning. Sitting having my coffee at our humble little yacht club, I can barely see the boats in the marina just 50 meters away.

I had to go to downtown San Francisco the other day to take care off some tax and banking matters. As much as I love San Francisco, I don’t think I can live here again. Comparing quality of life in Switzerland to here, it is no contest for me, which Switzerland wins hands down. I can sense the level of stress so much higher here from construction, noise, road works, bad roads, dirty streets, homeless, traffic, police, ambulance and fire truck sirens blaring every few minutes and on and on. I drive so much more here just to get to from A to B, since public transportation is so limited once outside the city limits. There are many things I love about California and America which I like coming here whenever I can, but living here is no longer an option for me.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:23 pm

I had finally met my Turkish friend yesterday who is very ill from pancreatic cancer. It was very emotional meeting, but also it was very open and very frank discussions where I did not needed to be walking on “eggshells” of being incentive. He and his wife made that happen by discussing about their plans in the near future and after death, as to be where to be buried, which now seems to be in Turkey. Options are should he travel to Turkey now and die there so to give his extended family visit him one last time as they are not all able to visit him in California. The arguments against that plans are, he is really too weak to make the trip , secondly, if anyone knows the Turkish culture, their emotions gets very dramatic in displaying grief and they will keep on coming every day which my friend won’t be able to have any piece and rest which he needs. In the end, it was decided he remain here at home then send his body to Turkey for burial at a family plot.

Last time I has seen him was few months ago last September, which he has lost more weight since then. He has also stopped all treatments as it had made his quality of life almost non existent, so now, despite his illness, he was in a much happier place without chemo and radiation treatments. He wanted his remaining time to be less “unhealthy” so that he can enjoy it better with his family and friends, and it showed, as he was more alive, so we were able to joke and laugh at times from some of our past experiences together. He is just few years younger than myself. He also wants to come to our humble little yacht club tomorrow for the Super Bowl and the crab feast if he is up to it, which made me very happy. We have many time sailed on the Bay with other friends despite not being a sailor himself.

Unfortunately, my friend in Napa Valley did not feel well yesterday for me to go there last night, so will call her soon to see if she is better today for me to make the 2+ hours drive to get there. Monday I will be visiting another old friend for lunch who has his own health problems, but his are only old age related problems being 86 years old.

The sun is just now rising over the Bay. So beautiful.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:39 pm


...the sun is rising over the bay.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:39 pm

Kikapu wrote:I had finally met my Turkish friend yesterday who is very ill from pancreatic cancer. It was very emotional meeting, but also it was very open and very frank discussions where I did not needed to be walking on “eggshells” of being incentive. He and his wife made that happen by discussing about their plans in the near future and after death, as to be where to be buried, which now seems to be in Turkey. Options are should he travel to Turkey now and die there so to give his extended family visit him one last time as they are not all able to visit him in California. The arguments against that plans are, he is really too weak to make the trip , secondly, if anyone knows the Turkish culture, their emotions gets very dramatic in displaying grief and they will keep on coming every day which my friend won’t be able to have any piece and rest which he needs. In the end, it was decided he remain here at home then send his body to Turkey for burial at a family plot.

Last time I has seen him was few months ago last September, which he has lost more weight since then. He has also stopped all treatments as it had made his quality of life almost non existent, so now, despite his illness, he was in a much happier place without chemo and radiation treatments. He wanted his remaining time to be less “unhealthy” so that he can enjoy it better with his family and friends, and it showed, as he was more alive, so we were able to joke and laugh at times from some of our past experiences together. He is just few years younger than myself. He also wants to come to our humble little yacht club tomorrow for the Super Bowl and the crab feast if he is up to it, which made me very happy. We have many time sailed on the Bay with other friends despite not being a sailor himself.

Unfortunately, my friend in Napa Valley did not feel well yesterday for me to go there last night, so will call her soon to see if she is better today for me to make the 2+ hours drive to get there. Monday I will be visiting another old friend for lunch who has his own health problems, but his are only old age related problems being 86 years old.

The sun is just now rising over the Bay. So beautiful.

Wow Kicks, you must be devastated with all that's happening around you. I hope your friend doesn't suffer too much and will pass away peacefully. 2 things I would like before my time comes and those are a peaceful resolution to the Cyprus problem and a cure for cancer. take care my friend and may I take this opportunity to wish you, all CF members and their loved ones the best of health.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:23 pm

I did go to Napa Valley on Saturday to visit my friend and stayed overnight, but was unable to take her to the restaurant as she had one of her frequent Parkinson’s disease attacks, which prevents her from walking, despite taking her medication of several tablets per day. After few hours she was “fine” again. She has deteriorated in her quality of life each time I visit her. I will drive up one more time this week to visit her again.

This is not the best time to visit Napa Valley as there are no grapes on the vine and the valley looks deserted. Best time to visit is from July on. Harvesting takes place in September/October period, which is also the best weather to visit San Francisco.

San Francisco lost the Super Bowl yesterday, but it was great watching it at the yacht club with about 50 fellow members and guests, enjoying unlimited amount of crab to eat. I managed several. Unfortunately, my Turkish friend was unable to come, so I will visit him again sometime this week. I offered to cook Molohiya and Tarana soup for him as he and his wife has not eaten it before. Yes, I had brought the Molohiya and Tarana with me after I had purchased them on my recent visit to London, because I too keep a large supply for myself in Switzerland.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:53 pm

...good thinking; what would be better than rich dark greens and gruel, so to speak so good that characters from a Dickens novel would dream about it: indeed Cypriot food is good food and good for you.

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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:55 am

CBBB wrote:I look in now and again, but it is not the fun it used to be.

I think it is time for Milty to tell us about when he first arrived in the UK again!

Hi rabbit! Have Voltaire and Archimedes been in touch? :mrgreen:
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:11 am

Admin wrote:
Jery wrote:With regard to the topic, I have been unable to post on CF, I could not log in so I re-joined by dropping an "r" in my name. I then introduced a new topic but it never appeared, I thought "what's the point"

Apologies. Looking back, your post was mostly a single link so probably I assumed it was spam. The forum receives a lot of spam so new users are not allowed to post without having their first posts approved to ensure that they are not spammers. Unfortunately I no longer have the time to properly go over the pending posts so sometimes legitimate posts are not published.

You can request a new password for your original account here: ucp.php?mode=sendpassword

Although I have no profits from the forum the cost of keeping it online is low so the forum isn't going anywhere. That said, my time is far more limited now than it was 18 years ago so proper moderation, upgrades etc is not something I have the time for. Wait a couple more decades for me to retire, then, assuming I am still alive, I might find some more time for the forum ;)

Hi Admin. :mrgreen: Need a moderator, just ask. :lol:
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:42 am

Tesla shorts lose $8 billion. Tesla’s (NASDAQ: TSLA) share price surge has burned short sellers, who have lost a combined $8 billion since the start of January. Tesla’s gain on Monday alone translated into losses for short sellers by an estimated $2.5 billion. As of Tuesday, Tesla’s share price was trading at about $850, almost double what it was at the start of the year.

...just threw this in here; i can't remember who said what about Tesla months ago but i thought it is good grist for the mill.
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