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What is going on with CF?

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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby miltiades » Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:49 am

Talking about adventurers did I have on pn Friday last, Jan 24th !! Will tell you about it when back from !!
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:04 am

miltiades wrote:Talking about adventurers did I have on pn Friday last, Jan 24th !! Will tell you about it when back from !!

Did it involve a young East-European blonde? :shock: :wink: :lol:
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby miltiades » Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:06 pm

Londonrake wrote:
miltiades wrote:Talking about adventurers did I have on pn Friday last, Jan 24th !! Will tell you about it when back from !!

Did it involve a young East-European blonde? :shock: :wink: :lol:

Friday Jan 24th, I came home rather early from my daily fishing on the Enaerios Peer not feeling that good
I could feel my heart racing and it wasn't due to some...blonde, palpitations I thought, never had before apart from fleeting moments. I On my way home I stopped at my ...kid brother's home- he is almost 72-
Knowing that he possessed a gadget for measuring blood pressure and heart beats. I has no chest pains just a rapid heart beat. He took my pulse and it showed 138 bpm. Rather high, the average being 60- 75. He suggested I ought to have checked at A&E but I refused and made my way home and straight to bed. Palpitations continued at an increasing level, 10 minutes later brother arrived where again he measured my Heart beats.
181 !! Get dressed he commanded I'm taking you to the hospital!!!!....
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Jery » Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:52 pm

Hope you are ok Milti.

With regard to the topic, I have been unable to post on CF, I could not log in so I re-joined by dropping an "r" in my name. I then introduced a new topic but it never appeared, I thought "what's the point"

I also believe that with the colonisation of the north almost complete many Cypriots have have given up the struggle, they know that Turkey has won and the north is for all practical purposes part of the mainland. Carpetbaggers are saying it's not the same there, some are looking to move away and seek other cheap places in the sun.

Nobody is going to help Cyprus, even a civil war in Turkey would probably have dire consequences for the island, one of the warring factions would probably take the whole island as a stronghold and the EU would do bugger all to help because its members have invested too much cash in Turkey.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:24 pm

I arrived at San Francisco late afternoon yesterday from Zurich after almost 12 hours in the air, and a very bumpy ride for about 30 minutes over Greenland, which was pure white by the way as always. How did this land get the name “Greenland” I will never know! The flight went quick as I had a length talk with my fellow passenger as we had few things in common, like she too left San Francisco and moved to live in Switzerland 30 years ago (15 years ago for me), then went through very quick passport and customs control, and was outside in less than 30 minutes. SFO is not a very large airport. Shortly got picked up by a friend, went to the marina where my sailboat is, then we went to eat very nice calamari and glazed Brussels Sprouts for starters with Gin & Tonic, which the waitress screwed up and brought just Gin in a small glass. :lol: After letting her know the error, the barman came over to see what idiots would just order only gin without the tonic. Once explained the error by the waitress, everything was put right. :D

Well, after eating the calamari and the delicious glazed Brussels Sprouts (first time for me in this way) there had to be a decision to be made to order the burger with fries as our main meal or go straight to dessert because there would not be space for both. This is America at it’s best when it comes to food and lots of it. I went for the cheesecake, one of the best there is to eat enough for 3 people if served in Europe, should one be lucky to find such quality cheesecake in Europe.

I have been up early this morning Jetlag playing a big part and have been sitting in our little yacht club having my coffee and watch the daybreak over the bay as there is no sun this morning. Big preparations are in the works at the club for coming Sunday’s Super Bowl with lots to eat and drink, especially since San Francisco’s 49ers are in the final.

My two weeks here is to see some friends who are “young”and not so young from my past life living in SF. Some who are healthy and some not so healthy. Some I may never see again once I leave. This trip is mainly to catch up with friends again despite having been here only few months ago last September, but in life, we never know what cards we are dealt, which some have it better than others, and some worse than others. I have experienced both, therefore I can relate to most of my friends presents situations and they know, that I understand their predicaments first hand. At times, life isn’t really fair and somethings are not in our control, but that is life.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:33 am

...bonne vacance Kiks. Looking forward to the travelogue, if you have the time to write one; and milti, don't leave us hanging.

...but, i am curious though, speaking of readers, "what is going on"; how many of you writers read the, Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism), thread?

(It would be nice if once in a while, more often, someone else demonstrated "Cypriotism" as overtly)

...CF is not on life support, there is no other Forum like it, it is the first and the last, it is on auto-pilot, and it has readers, even under these conditions, despite the mostly tripe that's served not necessarily for informative and/or interesting reading.

We are lucky in Cyprus, being in the world's navel so to speak, as such i imagine we can do so much better for ourselves as writers, and, for Cyprus.
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:03 am

miltiades wrote:Friday Jan 24th, I came home rather early from my daily fishing on the Enaerios Peer not feeling that good
I could feel my heart racing and it wasn't due to some...blonde, palpitations I thought, never had before apart from fleeting moments. I On my way home I stopped at my ...kid brother's home- he is almost 72-
Knowing that he possessed a gadget for measuring blood pressure and heart beats. I has no chest pains just a rapid heart beat. He took my pulse and it showed 138 bpm. Rather high, the average being 60- 75. He suggested I ought to have checked at A&E but I refused and made my way home and straight to bed. Palpitations continued at an increasing level, 10 minutes later brother arrived where again he measured my Heart beats.
181 !! Get dressed he commanded I'm taking you to the hospital!!!!....

And?? :shock:
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 29, 2020 7:54 am

Arrived at the Hospital just before 11am, no sooner did we enter A&E , a nurse had me laying on a bed, stripped to my waist and an EG carried out, it showed 157, immediately I was wheeled into a ward where within seconds two doctors had me laying down , an injection was administered and was immediately put on a drip which apparently would bring the heart to it's normal levels. Oxygen was given , a tube on the nose, and another EG carried out, this remained on , I was able to watch and saw the heart beat showing around 150.

It would take around 90 minutes for the heart to return to normal levels, in the meantime the doctors fired questions at me, such as, any chest pains, has it happened before and many more about my health history.
I must say I wasn't that concerned since I had not experienced pain what so ever. Kid brother remained with me until around 3pm . By that time the heart had begun functioning within the average limits reaching 67 BPM.
I thought to my self, that's it I shall be returning home in no time !!
In the meantime my brother had rung my daughter, she was concerned, I re assured her that all was well and not to worry.

I was soon taken upstairs to see the cardiologist. My turn came and in I went. A kindly looking man in his early 40s, I thought, who spoke perfect English also. He begun with another EG and making notes of the answers given to the questions posed at me.
I felt a sense of being in good hands, the thorough way he went through the check up left me rather impressed.
He then attached me to an ultra sound machine, electrodes attached and carried out a full check up.

This took around 20 minutes, and when over the specialist says, your heart is good, what caused palpitations was perhaps exertion of some sort
Well, on Sunday my older brother was arriving from the UK and I was a little busy preparing the family appartment where he and his son would be staying. Took a couple of gas cylinders, and just general tidying up.
I was rather relieved that nothing out of ordinary was affecting the old ticker. More than all I was so so pleasantly surprised at the excellent care I was given, preconceived notions about hospital treatment in Cyprus were immediately ditched, this care was SUPERB and only cost ...10 euros !! I'm now considering transferring from the UK my treatment for diabetes and check ups on prostate cancer. The Hospital is superb, the doctors so professional.

By the way, I told the cardiologist if a bottle of red a day could have some sort of repercussions !! Try half a bottle he responded!!
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Admin » Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:40 am

Jery wrote:With regard to the topic, I have been unable to post on CF, I could not log in so I re-joined by dropping an "r" in my name. I then introduced a new topic but it never appeared, I thought "what's the point"

Apologies. Looking back, your post was mostly a single link so probably I assumed it was spam. The forum receives a lot of spam so new users are not allowed to post without having their first posts approved to ensure that they are not spammers. Unfortunately I no longer have the time to properly go over the pending posts so sometimes legitimate posts are not published.

You can request a new password for your original account here: ucp.php?mode=sendpassword

Although I have no profits from the forum the cost of keeping it online is low so the forum isn't going anywhere. That said, my time is far more limited now than it was 18 years ago so proper moderation, upgrades etc is not something I have the time for. Wait a couple more decades for me to retire, then, assuming I am still alive, I might find some more time for the forum ;)
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Re: What is going on with CF?

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:43 am

Admin wrote:Wait a couple more decades for me to retire, then, assuming I am still alive, I might find some more time for the forum ;)

You’ll just about be ready then. :D
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