Hey I didnt bring "religion" into it

, I was just stating even though you are Christian and we are Muslim at the end of the day our societies are not so different, generally speaking, family is seen as very important, marriage aswell, to have many kids

, a degree of conservatism, protecting our daughters, thinking our sons are mini-Lion mega Arnold Swarzneggers who will be taught the arts of fighting (jus kiddin)
While we actually may be the most sex crazed people on Earth, our socities frown upon letting especially there family and daughters do such things, also the moral codes prevent it from reaching epidemic proportions like in the West, I mean you have Aphrodite and in Turkey they sell this statue in most Medditerranean Tourist results of some guy called God Bes who has a huuuuuuge u know wat
Anyway I think our societies being like this is better, generally speaking when I look at the West its sad to see society has been broken down, family means nothing, woman are treated very badly and given no respect its jus sex and get lost lol, I think we should always keep our values and culture its something great to treasure.
Really when it comes to our societies were not that different.
You speak Greek, we speak Turkish, we go to Mosque you go to Church, you eat Pork we dont

thats about the main differences.