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Poll ended at Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:27 am

Total votes : 19

Postby pumpernickle » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:14 pm


Tell you what, knock down the cabarets and give women some rights in the work place and we'll have the moral high ground discussion again.

o be fair, Turks are secular in general, so the Muslim tag is largely misleading. If you were talking about Saudis or Iranians, then yes, they treat them like sh1tzer.

But Turks are alright from what Ive seen.

My GC compatriots however, need to get the old act together regards to treatment of women. Stuck in the home, expected to fight over the same pool of peasant idiots who indulge in adultery like Saddam did in Quality Streets. I could go on.

I am, however, a gentleman of the noblest order, as my better half will testify. So I proudly boast that I am beyond reproach.

I thaaaank yeeeouuw.
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Postby bacardi » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:39 pm

Sadly there's no place to vote for those of us with an English other half and seeing as Ive not dated either of the above, I cant comment. However I will say that Cypriot blokes I know are all a little challenged in the height department - or are they just short here in Paphos? I'm glad Im not single, Im taller than most of the men that live here!
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Postby bg_turk » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:42 pm

Piratis wrote:
in Muslim society woman are generally very empowered

Sure sure. :roll:

Turkish woman could vote in 1930, when did Greek woman obtain the right to vote?


Ironic isnt it? :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Postby lady marmalade » Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:59 pm

yes its ironic itself in TURKEY. :?
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Postby lady marmalade » Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:05 pm

Piratis wrote: Turkey and the courts are even lenient towards what they call "honor crimes".

If Turkey was just the western coast of Asia Minor then you could be right. But this is not the case.

its is not called as''honor crimes ''anymore its called''murder'' and theyare jailed for many years for that after all with new law Piratis
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:23 pm

lady marmalade, have you heard the latest reports from EU that talk about lots of law changes but very little implementation in Turkey?

The facts about woman empowering etc can be found here: ... 05_HDI.pdf

No need to waste more time to say the obvious because some people want to live in the dream world. There are the facts go read them yourselves.

Overall, Greece is in the position 24, Cyprus 29 and Turkey is ... 94!!!

Yes, Greece and Cyprus are just average European countries and they have to improve but Turkey is so far behind that a comparison can be made only as a joke.
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Postby tcklim » Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Get off your high-horse man...... it is obvious to every single visitor I've had here that the Southern population has a close influence from the middle east, denying this is ridiculous. Don't forget, that not even 30 years ago Cyprus was also just a big village. It's rapid growth was strongly spurred by foreign investment, and I still remember when I first moved here the HUGE arabic community around the island setting up offshore companies. You could have seen the similarities instantly.

I've been to many an arabic persons house as a kid growing up in Cyprus and until now and have lived in a Muslim country for 6 months and can safely say they treat their woman just as well as "Europeans" The fact that in general the woman tend to stay home and take care of the family doesnt mean they arent empowered. Don't forget the Greeks and Cypriots were like this as well not too long ago.

Stop stereotyping all the time... do you live to come to this forum and spew out insults? It seems that's the only way you can add meaning to your life.... so sad
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Postby lady marmalade » Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:30 pm

Greece and Cyprus will never be the top 10 members of the EUROPEN UNION even they are in theory .they will always remain trouble makers for EU.ı guess this is same for turkey .cos these 2 nations are the least educted nations in EU.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:50 pm

What is sad is that people don't like the truth. The stereotyping here was by our friend Lala, not from me. How comes and you didn't tell him that his thread is stupid?

I have never made any stereotyping. I talk about averages and the undeniable facts and the only way to accuse me is by putting words in my mouth, like that I supposedly denied that Cyprus has influence form the middle east.

The rapid growth of Cyprus is due to the fact that we gained independence just 46 years ago and we are here today even if within this period we suffered a Turkish invasion that caused 1/3rd of our population to become refugees and the loss of 37% of land and over 50% of the resources of our island.

About women empowering etc, I gave you the facts. Go read them Mr. "know it all" and stop making ridiculous claims.

The only way for a country to progress is to realize its position and to set aims. If Turks keep denying the truth and lying to themselves, then very little progress should be expected.

At least now Turkey has the EU pushing them to make some reforms since by themselves they wouldn't do much.
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Postby bg_turk » Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:11 pm

Piratis wrote:lady marmalade, have you heard the latest reports from EU that talk about lots of law changes but very little implementation in Turkey?

The facts about woman empowering etc can be found here: ... 05_HDI.pdf

No need to waste more time to say the obvious because some people want to live in the dream world. There are the facts go read them yourselves.

Overall, Greece is in the position 24, Cyprus 29 and Turkey is ... 94!!!

Yes, Greece and Cyprus are just average European countries and they have to improve but Turkey is so far behind that a comparison can be made only as a joke.

What you have quoted is the Human Development Index ranking,
The human development index (HDI) is a composite index that measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth; knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools; and a decent standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars.

Women empowerment plays a very llittle role in this index.

There are 2 turkish women amongst the worlds most powerful women in Business: ... 4/8360704/

GÜLER SABANCI, Chairman and Managing Director • Sabanci Holdings • Turkey • 2004 rank: 20

Her $8.6 billion family-owned conglomerate is the second-largest in Turkey.

IMRE BARMANBEK, Deputy Chairman • Dogan Holding • Turkey • 2004 rank: 22

The No. 2 exec at this $5.7 billion conglomerate, Barmanbek, 63, took it into the energy business.

In politics there are not quite that many powerful Turkish women.

But lets not forget Tansu Ciller, Turkish Prime minister from 1993 to 1996. (Has greece ever had a female prime-minister or a president?).
Tansu Ciller was prepared to go to war with Greece over the Kardak crisis. I am sure in your eyes that would be enough to prove that she was powerful.
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