We meet at the same location as the first time, the Salisbury Pub in central London at 12pm, and after couple of double drinks of choice, we moved to have a light lunch 100 yards away at Pasta Brown, an Italian restaurant, sitting outside on the pedestrian way enjoying wine, garlic bread and mussels in fine creamy garlic sauce.
I thought our meeting would end there at about 4pm, but not to be. MR asked if I had time to stay longer because he had made reservations for a dinner at a fine steak restaurant, the “HAWKSMOOR” at Covent Gardens, just 10 minutes walk from Pasta Brown’s. Got another fine drink at the bar there before being seated at our table at 5pm. Well, the choices of different steaks and cuts were many to choose from with side dishes, starters and desserts.
Steaks were cooked to perfection, a very fine bottle of Amarone Italian wine being taken care of by a fine, young and beautiful Italian waitress with the accent to go with, making us two “mature” men feel young again. We savoured every moment of her company, the meal, the wine, the dessert, and the best, of each other’s company. It was a fantastic day, finishing at about 8pm as we rode together on the same underground train until I got off two stops before MR’s.
My only complaint would be that MR insisted on paying for everything at our time at the HAWKSMOOR. His generosity is always second to none and was very much appreciated....again! Next time we meet I will need someone to lift his wallet until I pay for everything before giving his wallet back to him.

Thank you for a very memorable day my friend, MR.