Robin Hood wrote: A reference to a Government as The Government is unbiased; a reference to government as The ‘Regime’, shows bias.
No, it isn't/doesn't. It's a statement of fact.
A regime is authoritarian governance, by a small group or individual, without meaningful influence from the people. Democracy is entirely different. It's government by an individual and/or group regularly subjected to a serious election process involving the population. Whilst you could argue Trump's an authoritarian the reality is he'll be history after next November 3rd or, if he wins another term, by mandatory Constitutional decree 4 years later. Conversely, Russia is a regime. There, Vladimir Putin has held absolute power (however it's dressed up) for 2 decades. For the same reason, Khamenei, Kim Jong-un and Maduro don't need to give a rat's arse about their populations' opinions. They are all, pure and simply, dictators.
Robin Hood wrote:Oh ..... and I suppose you are completely the opposite? But I compare both sides of the story ..... you don’t! So your bias is dictated by reading one side of the story, you never consider there to be a more credible view of a situation.
No. I acknowledge that in many respects you and I are alike. Although, I don't seem to have had anywhere near as many of the problems you've encountered interacting with people on forums over the years. To say you've been a pariah at times wouldn't be an exaggeration. Here, there's an element of anti-British view by some, so you tend to get a more sympathetic ear for your venomous postings. If you were a Cypriot though and slagged of your country like you do the UK I suspect you would have been shown the back door long ago.
No, again. You often pay lip service to your supposed impartiality, "I read Haaretz every day" but it's bullshit. You've never written a post supportive of Israel in your life. Recently you posted that you had read all 53 pages of the JLM's report on Labour's alleged antisemitism. Supposedly in order to impress. I saw it for what it was though. You will have done such a thing with a preconceived, totally unshakable view (just like all of your views are), whatever it said. Your reading it claim was meaningless.
Of course your favoured fringe sites are "very credible". The credibility you talk about comes from people like yourself. Again, meaningless. The others I/you mention are platforms stuffed with anti-West/Israel articles. You will never find anything critical of the likes of Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela. Yet, you still maintain that they're "independent". Clearly, to any rationally objective individual they're anything but.
Robin Hood wrote:Poor you, are you that desperate? I just find a subject that looks interesting and read that or watch a film!
Well, my earlier post ended in what here on Earth is called a joke. You'd think I'd know better by now. Yes, everyday you spend time reading your "independent" sites, in essence self-radicalising yourself. But apparently I'm the one with a personality disorder.

Happy with all this? Clearly, it has a higher priority for you. Enjoy.