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The war against Iran

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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:41 pm

Londonrake wrote:I think I’ll give it a rest actually. Because, again from very long experience, I appreciate more than most it would go on-and-on and far beyond the realm of any OP. As demonstrated in your recent plethora of links and many references to totally unrelated matters. Bludgeoning.

Your normal perception being that this in some way constitutes my being “shot down”. The reality is different though. It’s founded on the certain knowledge that there never is any debate element in discourse with your good self. You’re a sermoniser. Which is why, on the whole, you get very few responses of a contrary nature. People are normally quick to learn that it’s pointless (a good show :D ). Come back Lordo, all is forgiven! :lol:

Have a good one. :wink:

So .... as so often before when asked can't provide an 'independent' source? :roll:
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:54 pm

Robin Hood wrote:So .... as so often before when asked can't provide an 'independent' source? :roll:

There you go. Happy to oblige:

Lunch break? :D
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:34 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:I think I’ll give it a rest actually. Because, again from very long experience, I appreciate more than most it would go on-and-on and far beyond the realm of any OP. As demonstrated in your recent plethora of links and many references to totally unrelated matters. Bludgeoning.

Your normal perception being that this in some way constitutes my being “shot down”. The reality is different though. It’s founded on the certain knowledge that there never is any debate element in discourse with your good self. You’re a sermoniser. Which is why, on the whole, you get very few responses of a contrary nature. People are normally quick to learn that it’s pointless (a good show :D ). Come back Lordo, all is forgiven! :lol:

Have a good one. :wink:

So .... as so often before when asked can't provide an 'independent' source? :roll:

There are plenty of independent sources (none of yours are) and plenty justification for the US sending Iran a reminder and a warning.

There is even a multinational naval task force forced to escort all Western Shipping. Even Greek and Cypriot Flagged ships are escorted by warships from this task force before they enter the danger zone where Iranian Patrol Boats are known to make a nuisance of themselves in International Sea Lanes.

So here are the facts. The US didn't decide to send this reminder for the hell of it. They did it in part because of this harassment, but also as a reprisal for the attack of the US Embassy in Baghdad from Shia Militants.

Fair is fair. From our perspective, the US is within its rights to protect its own diplomats from terrorists. It doesn't have to start a war to send that message.

Now it's up to the Ayatollah whether he gets the message. I know Iranian people are smart and nice people. I know many but I don't know a single Iranian who is supportive of the Ayatollah. All the Iranians I know are living in Australia, aside from a couple of students I met and most, if not all were highly educated as either engineers or medical professionals, and in other white collar areas. I always ask them the same question. Ayatollah or Shah, and all of them say Shah!

So yeh, they are not stupid. Oppressed yes, but not stupid. But Iran's actions are not up to them. Iranians can do stuff all about how Iran will respond.

So, there will be millions of Iranians celebrating. At least behind closed doors.

Those in Australia, are much more open about it. That's because they are in a free country unlike their brethren in Iran who do not enjoy the same freedoms through no fault of their own obviously.

In the end, Iran is safe. The US will not do anything more than what it has done as long as Iran takes in the message and alters its behavior. If they don't learn from this, the next responce will be more severe.

Consider the incident a minor slap in the face. A bit of a warning.
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:15 pm

There are plenty of independent sources (none of yours are) and plenty justification for the US sending Iran a reminder and a warning.

There is even a multinational naval task force forced to escort all Western Shipping. Even Greek and Cypriot Flagged ships are escorted by warships from this task force before they enter the danger zone where Iranian Patrol Boats are known to make a nuisance of themselves in International Sea Lanes.

So here are the facts. The US didn't decide to send this reminder for the hell of it. They did it in part because of this harassment, but also as a reprisal for the attack of the US Embassy in Baghdad from Shia Militants.

Fair is fair. From our perspective, the US is within its rights to protect its own diplomats from terrorists. It doesn't have to start a war to send that message.

Now it's up to the Ayatollah whether he gets the message. I know Iranian people are smart and nice people. I know many but I don't know a single Iranian who is supportive of the Ayatollah. All the Iranians I know are living in Australia, aside from a couple of students I met and most, if not all were highly educated as either engineers or medical professionals, and in other white collar areas. I always ask them the same question. Ayatollah or Shah, and all of them say Shah!

So yeh, they are not stupid. Oppressed yes, but not stupid. But Iran's actions are not up to them. Iranians can do stuff all about how Iran will respond.

So, there will be millions of Iranians celebrating. At least behind closed doors.

Those in Australia, are much more open about it. That's because they are in a free country unlike their brethren in Iran who do not enjoy the same freedoms through no fault of their own obviously.

In the end, Iran is safe. The US will not do anything more than what it has done as long as Iran takes in the message and alters its behavior. If they don't learn from this, the next responce will be more severe.

Consider the incident a minor slap in the face. A bit of a warning.

First understand the difference between 'independent' and 'biased'!

independent - adjective = free from outside control; not subject to another's authority.

Does that description fit any of your sources? There is clearly a difference! There is bias which ALL sites have, and pure propaganda, which is what your post consists of because it contains no links and only your opinion not fact. Now explain what your sources are to support your 'totally unbiased opinion' ? :roll:

Most of the 'news' sites I use are merely news platforms i.e. publishing 'houses' ...... they post mainly articles by INDEPENDENT journalists and Authors, the owner has no editorial control, no shareholders or advertisers to satisfy and all the sites meet the actual description of 'independent'. You soon learn which have credibility and those that lack it! If you wanted to post an article on them ..... you can submit it for posting on the platform but you would need the skills of a Journalist, which you clearly lack ..... you can't even spell correctly! :roll:
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:00 pm

Ohh, what a load of tosh. You’re “independent”, have no editorial control/owner/shareholders/advertisers but you are VERY certainly not unbiased. Far from it. In fact you’re no less unbiased than our dear departed comrade Lordo. I would go so far as to say you are an extremely prejudiced individual with very myopic and predictable views. You run on rails. After all this time I could do most of your posts while you were on holiday. Nobody would be able to tell the difference. :D

Sites like blacklistednews, informationclearinghouse and even Mr Alabama are only independent in the same sense as yourself. How is that a virtue? What interests me is, where do these people source their information? Do they have correspondents or people on the ground/inside/actually involved in events, as many news agencies do? Of course not. Some of them operate sitting at keyboards in US offices. Ohh, the hypocrisy! There, harvesting “feeds”. What’s the source of some of those feeds? No! Surely not? Heaven forbid! :shock: :roll:

To suggest that the entire MSM, in all it’s huge diversity, must be discounted, because they’re part of some gigantic (Jewish) conspiracy is totally bonkers. Moreover, it’s also a way for you to attempt to move a debate ( :lol: that’s a joke) onto territory which suits your personal agenda.

“First, understand the difference” ? :lol:

I know, I know! But outside it’s raining hard, cold, 40mph winds. About as bad as it gets around here. So, I thought “ **** it!” Might as well have a row with Hood. :D :wink:
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:54 pm

...all news sources are important; you judge for yourself.

Frankly, it is yialousa i count on for news, what between all the crap he's posted, he is likely to crack a story like this, as he has done for Syria in the past.

...talking of crap and assholes, put it on a binomial curve; i guess 70% of us at any given time fit that profile well: who would have the Grace to say that they were never assholes, or deliverers of crap? It is the world we live in, chaos, and yet reasoned; pick a side if you want to, there are thousands, yet only a couple or a few have a meaning that all will consider, foundational if you will, material on which to build on, in separating lies from Truth.
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:05 pm

Ohh, what a load of tosh. You’re “independent”, have no editorial control/owner/shareholders/advertisers but you are VERY certainly not unbiased. Far from it.

I believe that was a point I made when I said Bias and independence is not the same thing "There is bias which ALL sites have,......”. . Being independent can be confirmed, as you have done, but bias is something less tangible. A reference to a Government as The Government is unbiased; a reference to government as The ‘Regime’, shows bias.
I would go so far as to say you are an extremely prejudiced individual with very myopic and predictable views. You run on rails. After all this time I could do most of your posts while you were on holiday.

Oh ..... and I suppose you are completely the opposite? But I compare both sides of the story ..... you don’t! So your bias is dictated by reading one side of the story, you never consider there to be a more credible view of a situation.
Sites like blacklistednews, informationclearinghouse and even Mr Alabama are only independent in the same sense as yourself.

Well done you are beginning to get the picture! The first two are just platforms ..... they have no opinions, it is Journalist’s and Author’s that are independent with their articles. MoA is again a ‘one-man-band’ just like an independent journalist. MoA has a very high credibility rating according to the sites that determine that sort of thing and he is extremely well informed.
Do they have correspondents or people on the ground/inside/actually involved in events, as many news agencies do?

Bollox! That’s just it, they don’t have people on the ground. Had you read what I posted you would have realised why! There are only three main sources of most of the information for you to rely on. MoA gets some very credible information and the site is well known for it.

The Journalists that ICH and others post articles for are quite often resident in the region they discuss or have historic connections you and I would never get to know about. But, time and time again MoA comes out being pretty accurate.
I know, I know! But outside it’s raining hard, cold, 40mph winds. About as bad as it gets around here. So, I thought “ **** it!” Might as well have a row with Hood.

Poor you, are you that desperate? I just find a subject that looks interesting and read that or watch a film! :roll:
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:35 pm

Robin Hood wrote: A reference to a Government as The Government is unbiased; a reference to government as The ‘Regime’, shows bias.

No, it isn't/doesn't. It's a statement of fact.

A regime is authoritarian governance, by a small group or individual, without meaningful influence from the people. Democracy is entirely different. It's government by an individual and/or group regularly subjected to a serious election process involving the population. Whilst you could argue Trump's an authoritarian the reality is he'll be history after next November 3rd or, if he wins another term, by mandatory Constitutional decree 4 years later. Conversely, Russia is a regime. There, Vladimir Putin has held absolute power (however it's dressed up) for 2 decades. For the same reason, Khamenei, Kim Jong-un and Maduro don't need to give a rat's arse about their populations' opinions. They are all, pure and simply, dictators.

Robin Hood wrote:Oh ..... and I suppose you are completely the opposite? But I compare both sides of the story ..... you don’t! So your bias is dictated by reading one side of the story, you never consider there to be a more credible view of a situation.

No. I acknowledge that in many respects you and I are alike. Although, I don't seem to have had anywhere near as many of the problems you've encountered interacting with people on forums over the years. To say you've been a pariah at times wouldn't be an exaggeration. Here, there's an element of anti-British view by some, so you tend to get a more sympathetic ear for your venomous postings. If you were a Cypriot though and slagged of your country like you do the UK I suspect you would have been shown the back door long ago.

No, again. You often pay lip service to your supposed impartiality, "I read Haaretz every day" but it's bullshit. You've never written a post supportive of Israel in your life. Recently you posted that you had read all 53 pages of the JLM's report on Labour's alleged antisemitism. Supposedly in order to impress. I saw it for what it was though. You will have done such a thing with a preconceived, totally unshakable view (just like all of your views are), whatever it said. Your reading it claim was meaningless.

Of course your favoured fringe sites are "very credible". The credibility you talk about comes from people like yourself. Again, meaningless. The others I/you mention are platforms stuffed with anti-West/Israel articles. You will never find anything critical of the likes of Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela. Yet, you still maintain that they're "independent". Clearly, to any rationally objective individual they're anything but.

Robin Hood wrote:Poor you, are you that desperate? I just find a subject that looks interesting and read that or watch a film!

Well, my earlier post ended in what here on Earth is called a joke. You'd think I'd know better by now. Yes, everyday you spend time reading your "independent" sites, in essence self-radicalising yourself. But apparently I'm the one with a personality disorder. :lol:

Happy with all this? Clearly, it has a higher priority for you. Enjoy.
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby CBBB » Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:39 pm

I must check-in here more often, I am missing too much!
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Re: The war against Iran

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:42 pm

CBBB wrote:I must check-in here more often, I am missing too much!

Hey! Long time I know but.................................. it's your bloody fault! :evil:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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