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elections in the illegally occupied territories

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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:12 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...elections delayed due to the COVID epidemic; Oct. 11 ... irus-fears

Still no words of sick people there? Should they start calling themselves "PRNC"?
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:36 pm

..what with all the success both regimes have had in containing the pandemic, i would have imagined that such a feat would have been used to demonstrate to tourists, Cyprus is open for their business, Cyprus is safe.

...obviously this is not the case for Mr. Tatar and Mr. Ozersay; they have no interest in any Cypriot life, Turkish or Greek. Their political agenda, that of "Turkishness", it seems does not include providing for the needs of their electorate in their everyday lives. They have a dream, for "purity" where those not "them" are excluded, including those subject to their vision. is not hard to understand, elections are coming, they do themselves no favours if they think that Cypriots living in the occupied territories are few. In any case, the elections will be for something more than whether Turks want to be "Turks" or not. ... asperated/ much confusion, Tatar and Ozersay cannot demonstrate confidence in their own government, and "People".
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:44 am

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
...a reply to MMMMamouth ... volvement/

...indeed, Mustafa Akinci may win, again; how will the "Cypriot Turk'' feel?

All Cypriots know that this time of impasse is coming to an end. Silenced in this debate of "Greeks" and "Turks", they have nothing to loose if at that moment of their choosing, they stand together, and united, under the Flag of Cyprus, expose those who treat it as a rag: "them".

Indeed, it is not Akinci that can betray a "Cypriot Turk", if he does not become one, if he wins; he is Turkish Cypriot. Erdogan may betray them though. What are they to him in any case, parasites, servant-slaves, as he said, in the past, and often presently, that they have failed to demonstrate the capacity to be self-sustaining.

The Cyprus Problem is much bigger than Cyprus, it is Turkey's Problem. As such the Problem extends as far as Libya linked to oil and gas exploration, "safe zones" linked to Syria, Island Rights linked to the Aegean Sea, (never mind his ambitions in the Black Sea for the moment). The problem is that the Problem in Cyprus has been reduced to a problem in a bigger problem, no one dares to call, The Problem because it is confusing.

And it is the Treaty of Lausanne, his gripe, not Cyprus per se, but around which all his ambitions, beyond it, revolve. What would he give to be heard, to be listened to, by the rest of the world, but the "Cypriot Turk", who in fact are more illusion anyway.

It is not hard to imagine him giving the water from the "Peace Pipe" to Cyprus, so too, the electricity, if it were to be linked to the infrastructure that Cyprus is building with her neighbours, European, and toward Africa, and the Middle East. (That could pay a lot of reparations). I can see him returning Famagusta, to great International esteem.

It is not hard for me to imagine Erdogan saying, one Cyprus, like Turkey, one Country, because in Turkey itself the country torn as it is over the same dogma, "Turkishness", (what tears Turks and "Turks" apart), also needs the same Hope.

I can imagine a Cyprus, a Republic, and i can imagine Cypriot Constituencies where distinct Cypriot identities are promoted at a second level of Government, of Persons, where they demonstrate as a Majority their conscious recognition and respect as a self representing body, toward their Minorities' special needs, as well; this is a BBF.

Not Akinci, but Cypriots may provide, as Cypriots the way, in Turkey.

...not the other way around.

He has only to demonstrate his conviction to his Flag, if he is a Cypriot, for crowds.

...and if he dares to win.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:36 pm

The ignorance among the GCs regarding the electoral system in the occupied and who gets the REAL power reigns supreme.
And this ignorance is not only among the average man on the street, it's also among top politicians, including Anastasiades himself-at least during the first half of his Presidency.
Just yesterday the spokesman of DEKO said "the ones who rule in the occupied are those puppets appointed by Ankara like Tatar and Ozersay"!! As if it was Ankara who appointed Tatar as PM, who in turn appointed Ozersay, and not Akinci himself-simply because otherwise he could not form a "government"

I have taken the time in the past to explain everything in these 3 posts:

In short:Unless the elected "President" in the occupied has enough power in the "Paraliament", and unless both him and the PM he is going to appoint are pro unification and not pro partition, don't expect anything regarding solution to the Cy Problem.
The Akinci era was just a paradox, an oxymoron, that had no chance to ever lead to anywhere.Remember Ozersay (a partitionist) was his chief negotiator!!
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:01 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
...indeed, Mustafa Akinci may win, again; how will the "Cypriot Turk'' feel?

What if he wins?? He has no chance to "rule as he wishes" considering he has to appoint a PM from the Parliament who in turn will have to appoint Ministers. In the Parliamentary elections of 2018 UBP triumphed winning 21 seats (up 7 from previous elections) compared to CTP winning 12 (down 9 from previous elections). The TC parliament today is by vast majority partitionists.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Maximus » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:40 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:The Akinci era was just a paradox, an oxymoron, that had no chance to ever lead to anywhere.Remember Ozersay (a partitionist) was his chief negotiator!!

Every era was the best chance and the last chance.

It doesnt matter who gets elected as the leader of the crypto Turkish Cypriot pseudo patriot regime in occupied Cyprus.

Their negotiating position is the same. A position embolden by Turkey to expect unrealistic, unworkable and illegitimate outcomes.

Akinci is no different than his predecessors,
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:17 pm

Bring in Greek and British troops to to replace the Turk troops... did Akinci really say this?
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:19 am

...allegedly, ... by-greeks/

(my comment to the article.):
...indeed, only few speak aloud, and yet after decades still, Cypriots win in Cyprus, Turkish or Greek. One would think that those for "Greekness" and "Turkishness" could do better, with all the energy they have put into their efforts. Silenced, and artificially divided, Cypriots have not been subjugated yet.

Mr. Akinci, i hope, will see what a powerful position he is in, with all eyes, in Cyprus, and Turkey, the whole world, upon him. he a "Turk", or Turkish, i suppose like many, i have to ask myself.

One thing is for sure, should he dare to stand beside his Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, he would not stand alone.

And representing Cypriots, who would he expose but those who treat it like a rag.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:06 am

Saturday, April 08, 2017
Cyprus: Lawmakers amend law ensuring peace talks restart ... 2ca6e51f7a

...a small minority had their day in the Legislature, and Mr Akinci was appalled.

...i remind the readership who elected these men, Mr. Anastasiades, and Mr. Akinci; certainly not the "Greeks" or the "Turks", they have their own Candidates, but, the other half, who do not have this compulsive need to deny as Cypriots, they are Cypriots.

It is clear who Mr. Anastasiades represents with his words and deeds, witness these efforts, something more than "Greekness". Will Mr. Akinci demonstrate the same courage against an opposition just as "Turkish", the same but not "Greek"; will he demonstrate to Cypriots something beyond "Turkishness", now?

I suggest from the day he was elected, with that angry phone call he got, that he has a lot to prove to have a lasting Legacy as a Cypriot. I dare him to stand beside the Flag of Cyprus for one thing (the "Greeks" have a Flag, the "Turks" have a Flag, and most certainly "they" both have an aversion to the Cypriot Flag), i dare him to go against that "Turkish" thinking, to state quite clearly, that such a Person exists, a Cypriot, Greek or Turkish perhaps (there are several Cypriot Constituencies), that such a State exists, in need of reform for many reasons, but where as Individuals, Citizens are willing to defend each other without any further distinction or discrimination.

...i remind the readership that the USA is a BBF, so is Canada, something the "Turks" should consider for their own reform, in Turkey.

Indeed, there are Cypriots they exist, let's not forget, them. It is up to Mr. Akinci, now, to demonstrate that he is a Cypriot.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:21 pm ... rus-203621

Identity, a society torn in two: those Turkish Cypriot, those "Cypriot Turk".

...worth reading.
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