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elections in the illegally occupied territories

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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:32 pm

...yes GR the world has moved on from 1963, and 1974, but the Problem grows and spreads, and the Cyprus Problem as you say has been left to become a problem among many.

Don't blame the EU for progress in this highly mobile world. And remember that Cyprus is the crossroad to three continents, Cypriots are facilitators of exchange. One can expect more "osmosis", now that the island is even less isolated, beyond planes with the internet. And in a world like this it is an oxymoron that Cypriots are unable to travel as freely, in their own country. All the more reason for a State, and not just representation as Nations. All the more reason to put this TC/GC question aside, or to have it integrated into our self-representation: a BBF where we are represented as Individuals without further discrimination or distinction, and at another level of government as Persons demonstrating Goodwill and Good Faith to the minorities living among them., are you happy with the way things are? Would you GR consider the island is just fine divided as it is? Cypriots "lost", according to the ''Turks'', now we are "Greeks" or an "other" who should accept this/"this"? Is that it?

I'm with the TC who stand up to "This", just like I am for Ukrainians who at present are fighting against "This" too.

Cypriots like Ukrainians have had their Basic Human Rights usurped from them, by "Them": this is the Problem, and it is no small problem to be dismissed if you ask me.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:37 pm

We had two chances RW one in 2004 and another in 2017 and messed up both times. It is now 5 years later and Tatar will be there for 5 years so no chance what so ever. Lets hope UN recognises this and stops this nonsense and allows a closure so people can claim what they had and move on one way or another.

It is over.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:22 am

repulsewarrior, are you happy with the way things are? Would you GR consider the island is just fine divided as it is?

It used to be divided but since you can go live and/or work there, it feels more like “sectioned” than divided.

All it comes down to is who controls it... but the masses have gradually stopped caring about who controls it as long as they can access it.

There’s no animosity anymore like there used to be, as both sides now understand better how it got to that point.

Also, many people from the past have died out from old age and are constantly replaced by youngsters who know nothing of the past and don’t seem to care.

Things are a lot more mellow now… there’s a lot more acceptance of the status quo and the once many organizations that demonstrated for change have gradually disappeared and gone silent.

The young TCs can’t wait for summer holidays each year to go party in Napa, and I’ll bet they can’t wait until their section is amalgamated proper with the EU.

They want EU wages/salaries that pay more, they want all the goods that are available at southern shopping centers, and they want to mingle with the more “liberated” EU mix.

Like I said, the EU has slowly but surely solved the CY problem by flooding the island with many more communities creating a culture cesspool that diminishes the rights of the original communities.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:45 am

The CyProb was like the squabbles between a cucumber and a tomato!

So the EU comes along and puts them in a salad bowl, adds another dozen vegetables and mixes them up into a fine salad!

So who is gonna argue with whom now over superiority?

Now there’s a dozen vegetables all living in the same salad bowl!

Problem solved! :lol:
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 02, 2022 3:53 am

...we are not far from the end, perhaps.

And while you see it as dismal Lordo, i do not...

Turkish Cypriots will not give up their last shred of dignity to the "Turks". (I think that the Turkish Cypriot is better than that.)
"Greeks" will fare no better corrupt as they are, Greek Cypriots are just as disappointed with "Them". (Greek Cypriots are not stupid either.)
Cypriots want their Identity, and they want their Basic Human Rights: they will stand united for them; as GR says, the demographics have changed.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:10 am

So the island is not divided, (or less divided) you say?

...and the Turkish Army?

I will agree on one thing GR, "who controls it", is the Problem.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Maximus » Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:50 pm

I agree RW,

GR's comments are not addressing the problem of Turkiyes illegal occupation and the insistence from the Turkiyesh speakers for apartheid on the island.

Doesnt matter how multicultural the island becomes, the problem is still there.

You still have a minority that speak another language, follow another religion, are assimilated in to another political sphere. Who are antagonizing the majority with the help of an illegal occupier.

Bordo, symbolizes the delusion of a whole community, committing mass transgression, while trying to portray itself as a victim, unrecognized from the outside and marching towards its own extinction.

Anyway, i am a believer that this will eventually come to pass and the problem will eventually be squashed.

But the TC will be no more.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:07 pm

...indeed, the Problem is becoming even greater, because Cypriots are evolving to include many Citizens of origins not Greek and/or Turkish. Think about it. Where is there a Government in Cyprus which represents its Citizens strictly as Individuals, whether their Personal identity is Gay, Atheist, or one of the Cypriot Constituencies (Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, (English), or Greek).

You still have a minority that speak another language, follow another religion, are assimilated in to another political sphere. Who are antagonizing the majority with the help of an illegal occupier.

...the "minority" you speak of is not a minority, they are the enemy of our State. So too the "Greeks" as a 'minority' seek the power and control of Greeks, our Constituency witnessed this with the coup, didn't we?

Cypriots, not as a majority but as a People, cannot vote for the change they want to make their own lives better; and until this Problem is solved, people such as "Them", given the opportunity will do what they do.
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Maximus » Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:17 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Think about it. Where is the a Government in Cyprus which represents it Citizens strictly as Individuals, whether their Personal identity is Gay, Atheist, or one of the Cypriot Constituencies (Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, (English), or Greek).

It is only the Repulic of Cyprus.

...the "minority" you speak of is not a minority, they are the enemy of our State.

They are a minority and an enemy of the state.

Unless I missed something, the official position of the Turkeyish Cypriots is to institutionalize systemic racism against the majority and impose apartheid.

Cypriots, not as a majority but as a People, cannot vote for the change they want to make their own lives better; and until this Problem is solved, people such as "Them", given the opportunity will do what they do.

The Turkeyish Cypriots will become extinct, we agreed on this much previously. There is no "saving" them, they are happier with Turkey than they are with the Republic of Cyprus. They will be diluted and assimilated as Turks. If you take their politics out of the equation, the Cyprus problem will just be a problem of illegal occupation and colonization by Turkiye.

Where is Bordo with all his virtue signalling and negativity towards the west, when his community has been playing foul in Cyprus for the last 50 years? :roll:
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Re: elections in the illegally occupied territories

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:15 pm

Maximus wrote:The Turkeyish Cypriots will become extinct,

We too will become a minority in the next 20 years. :roll:

And ours won't be illegals that you can ask to leave... they'll be permanent residents with CY passports.
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