Kikapu wrote:CG, you are not answering the question. If the UK will only allow skilled workers into the country who will meet the 70 point level, who will do most of the low skilled work whom will not qualify to meet the 70 point entry level? Automation is not the answer in the areas of work we are talking about. If you have a shortage in Labour, then the cost of hiring will rise to the employer, which will then be passed on to the consumer.
Fuck me, are you retarded or what?
You've ignored everything I have posted and repeated your original argument
specifically answered the point you made about McDonald's...
Yes, you are correct, if you reduce the supply of cheap labour then wages will rise as employers will have to compete for labour instead of picking it at will from an endless pool.
And yes, the labour will have to be paid for and the costs passed to the consumer.
But also, employers will innovate to reduce their labour costs
and remain competitive.They have already replaced the
'do you want fries with that?' person, do you think they can't make a burger flipping machine?
They can and they will, believe me. I was working on 'lights out' fully automated factories before I came to Cyprus nearly 20 years ago. A burger making machine is simple by comparison.
And farmers will invest in automated picking machines to keep their labour costs down as another example...