In all honesty. You people under estimate the British strength.
Everyone also said Australia will die with its war with Chy-na but the fact is, we are booming and finding new markets and can’t meet demands.
Growth is 3.3% in the last quarter.
Britain just wants to join the winning circle - CANZUK.
That’s where the future is.
It will rule the waves over the 5 oceans, and have a presence in North America, Asia Pacific, Pacific, Indian and Atlantic.
The EU is dead. It’s Japan, Australia, India, Canada that have their reign now.

Oh and Australia is having another war. It’s refusing to be held accountable by the Greenies and is going to the summit but it still hasn’t even ratified the Paris Agreement and has no intention of ratifying it because its exports a shitload of coal, and natural gas.
It’s excuse is, Chy-na. Trump still lives on people.
So there...