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Postby B25 » Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:If there is anything I can plead for Cyprus is to stay AWAY from China for your own sake.

Do business with anyone else but when the Chinese rock up to Cyprus, place as many obstacles as possible for your own sake because if they buy out, God help you all.

Whack massive taxes when the want to buy property, and even prohibit it.

Paphiti, The blame is squarely on the shoulders of the Australian government for permitting such development. They could just designate those places of special interest (Natura2000 type) and prevent any construction.

Many countries do not allow foreign ownership (usage yes), ownership no.

Blaming the Chinese is BS, it could easily have been a Russian company. Get your house in order before you start throwing stones.
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Postby Londonrake » Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm

When I was in Aus Jan/Feb the place was absolutely teeming with Chinese.

Mind you - our hotel was in Chinatown. :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:50 am

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:If there is anything I can plead for Cyprus is to stay AWAY from China for your own sake.

Do business with anyone else but when the Chinese rock up to Cyprus, place as many obstacles as possible for your own sake because if they buy out, God help you all.

Whack massive taxes when the want to buy property, and even prohibit it.

Paphiti, The blame is squarely on the shoulders of the Australian government for permitting such development. They could just designate those places of special interest (Natura2000 type) and prevent any construction.

Many countries do not allow foreign ownership (usage yes), ownership no.

Blaming the Chinese is BS, it could easily have been a Russian company. Get your house in order before you start throwing stones.

Very true. We got drunk on all the money.

Don't make the same mistake in Cyprus for God's sake. It's OK to do business with Europeans and the EU, and also America. They won't shut you down with a click of their fingers like the Chinese would.

China is like a POISON CHALICE.

We however in Australia, are seeing the light and also our Government is now starting to say that our relationship with China will have to go under review. they are looking to impose a lot of restrictions. There was even talk of a massive takeover of all Chinese State owned farms. Even a forced takeover. the Americans as well are weening themselves off by taking back all their manufacturing.

Just be VERY careful of China. We have seen how devastating this country is.

Russian companies are not really an issue like the Chinese.

In a free market, foreign capital is able to buy businesses but the Governments can control how much they are allowed to buy and forbid controlling stakes.

Right now, anti China sentiment in Australia is so rife, any Government who will blindly do business with China like in the past without strict control is asking for trouble. that is one of the saving graces of China Virus. Very sad that millions will be infected and many will die, but it's probably a lesson we needed to have for our children's sake. the old have and frail have lived their lives, we must do everything possible to help our children and their future and not sell THEIR property or country from under them.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:04 am

Londonrake wrote:When I was in Aus Jan/Feb the place was absolutely teeming with Chinese.

Mind you - our hotel was in Chinatown. :lol:

There is no problem with the Chinese. Well no problem with most of them apart from the CCP sleepers everywhere.

Our Chinese Community is experiencing a lot of coercion and many have been abducted just to disappear just like that. the over reaching arm of the CCP is extensive it would seem and we have been given a massive insight into their creativity when one of their top agents in Australia defected and asked for asylum.

Most of the Chinese are student VISAS as well. Right now, there are not as many Chinese walking the streets since the Government locked Australian borders to anything from China due to China Virus.

But we are very happy with our China Towns, Restaurants, and the Chinese Australians generally and their contributions to Australian Society at large. most of them are loyal to Australia.

This isn't a racially motivated thing like some would accuse.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:25 am

This is the modus operandi of the Chinese. let's say they buy all cattle stations in our country and as a result all Australian beef is Chinese Owned. EVERYTHING will get exported to China, leaving Australians with no beef. We will have to import our beef from the USA and Argentina. I kid you not.

Let's say the Americans or the Europeans buy all our cattle stations. The Australian market will still be supplied and whatever is left is exported.

That's the China First policy.

Recently, we have introduced tough measures restricting the Chinese and any Chinese takeover has to be approved by cabinet, but we need to do more.

Now they are talking about taking back ownership of all Chinese interests in Australia in key areas like Pharmaceuticals, farms, and other areas like Chinese Telco technologies are being restricted as well such as the 5G network and Hiawei because the CCP are using these technologies to track us.

They are a very clever people the Chinese. You got to give them that. And they are far more organized as well than any of us here in Australia, EU and USA. the CCP allows them more effectively to operate in China's interests whereas we are all free market and liberal democracies. I can not stress enough how sinister things are with the Chinese.

Also, our corporates are to blame as well because of their greed. Shifting all their manufacturing outputs to China. I ask everyone a simple question. would you prefer to buy a locally manufactured shirt, which is usually of superior quality for a couple of dollars more, or a Chinese manufactured shirt which is cheaper and of inferior quality but has a massive profit margin because it was manufactured by cheap Chinese labour? What if we actually realize and understand that by buying our own goods, we are investing in our countries, meaning jobs for our children and more tax revenue for the country to spend on health, education and infrastructure. So we need to reign in our greedy corporates as well.

Here is another one. We had an Australian Labor MP beating to the drum of the CCP. He even made public statements in support of China's South China Sea claims and the suppression of Hong Kong Dissidents and he also was anti Taiwan. His books were audited by the Australian Government and what they found were donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars into his campaign. The guy was a CCP mole. The guy even went on a trip to China and met with his boss, XI Jinping

He had to resign and his name was disgraced.

This is what is happening.
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Postby Maximus » Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:Here is another one. We had an Australian Labor MP beating to the drum of the CCP. He even made public statements in support of China's South China Sea claims and the suppression of Hong Kong Dissidents and he also was anti Taiwan. His books were audited by the Australian Government and what they found were donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars into his campaign. The guy was a CCP mole. The guy even went on a trip to China and met with his boss, XI Jinping

He had to resign and his name was disgraced.

This is what is happening.

You can get a pretty good feeling about who is corrupted and who is not by the way they talk and more importantly, act.

Unfortunately, this shit happens and it is so insidious that you have to be quite switched on to see it.

It exist at high and low levels, From politicians to NGO's to your average minion that might get indirect benefits and support whatever BS corruption it is.
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Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:51 pm

Hang onto your hat Milti ..... you aint seen nothing yet ............. :roll: This article is worth reading!

Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test - By Pepe Escobar

As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire cities, states and nations.

Those against it argue Planet Lockdown not only is not stopping the spread of Covid-19 but also has landed the global economy into a cryogenic state – with unforeseen, dire consequences. Thus quarantine should apply essentially to the population with the greatest risk of death: the elderly.

With Planet Lockdown transfixed by heart-breaking reports from the Covid-19 frontline, there’s no question this is an incendiary assertion.

In parallel, a total corporate media takeover is implying that if the numbers do not substantially go down, Planet Lockdown – an euphemism for house arrest – remains, indefinitely.

.... further on in this article ..........

That takes us to really explosive territory. A critique of the Planet Lockdown strategy inevitably raises serious questions pointing to a controlled demolition of the global economy. What is already in stark effect are myriad declinations of martial law, severe social media policing in Ministry of Truth mode, and the return of strict border controls.

These are unequivocal markings of a massive social re-engineering project, complete with inbuilt full monitoring, population control and social distancing promoted as the new normal.

That would be taking to the limit Secretary of State Mike “we lie, we cheat, we steal” Pompeo’s assertion, on the record, that Covid-19 is a live military exercise: “This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”

All hail BlackRock ......... and I thought they were just defence contractors! :shock:

So as we face a New Great Depression, steps leading to a Brave New World are already discernable. It goes way beyond a mere Bretton Woods 2.0, in the manner that Pam and Russ Martens superbly deconstruct the recent $2 trillion, Capitol Hill-approved stimulus to the U.S. economy.

Essentially, the Fed will “leverage the bill’s $454 million bailout slush fund into $4.5 trillion”. And no questions are allowed on who gets the money, because the bill simply cancels the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for the Fed.

The privileged private contractor for the slush fund is none other than BlackRock. Here’s the extremely short version of the whole, astonishing scheme, masterfully detailed here.

Wall Street has turned the Fed into a hedge fund. The Fed is going to own at least two thirds of all U.S. Treasury bills wallowing in the market before the end of the year.

The U.S. Treasury will be buying every security and loan in sight while the Fed will be the banker – financing the whole scheme.
So essentially this is a Fed/ Treasury merger. A behemoth dispensing loads of helicopter money – with BlackRock as the undisputable winner.

BlackRock is widely known as the biggest money manager on the planet. :o Their tentacles are everywhere. They own 5% of Apple, 5% of Exxon Mobil, 6% of Google, second largest shareholder of AT&T (Turner, HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers) – these are just a few examples.

They will buy all these securities and manage those dodgy special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) on behalf of the Treasury.
BlackRock not only is the top investor in Goldman Sachs. Better yet: Blackrock is bigger than Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank combined. BlackRock is a serious Trump donor. Now, for all practical purposes, it will be the operating system – the Chrome, Firefox, Safari – of Fed/Treasury.

This represents the definitive Wall Street-ization of the Fed – with no evidence whatsoever it will lead to any improvement in the lives of the average American.

Western corporate media, en masse, have virtually ignored the myriad, devastating economic consequences of Planet Lockdown. Wall to wall coverage barely mentions the astonishing economic human wreckage already in effect – especially for the masses barely surviving, so far, in the informal economy.

For all practical purposes, the Global War on Terror (GWOT) has been replaced by the Global War on Virus (GWOV). But what is not being seriously analyzed is the Perfect Toxic Storm: a totally shattered economy; The Mother of All Financial Crashes – barely masked by the trillions in helicopter money from the Fed and the ECB; the tens of millions of unemployed engendered by the New Great Depression; the millions of small businesses that will simply disappear; a widespread, global mental health crisis. Not to mention the masses of elderly, especially in the U.S., that will be issued an unspoken “drop dead” notice.

Beyond any rhetoric about “decoupling”, the global economy is already, de facto, split in two. On one side, we have Eurasia, Africa and swathes of Latin America – what China will be painstakingly connecting and reconnecting via the New Silk Roads. On the other side, we have North America and selected Western vassals. A puzzled Europe lies in the middle.

A cryogenically induced global economy certainly facilitates a reboot. Trumpism is the New Exceptionalism – so that means an isolationist MAGA on steroids. In contrast, China will painstakingly reboot its market base along the New Silk Roads – Africa and Latin America included – to replace the 20% of trade/exports to be lost with the U.S.

The meager $1,200 checks promised to Americans are a de facto precursor of the much touted Universal Basic Income (UBI). They may become permanent as tens of millions of people will be permanently unemployed. That will facilitate the transition towards a totally automated, 24/7 economy run by AI – thus the importance of 5G.

The article in full .... only an opinion but an informed one and it is worth a read!
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Postby Robin Hood » Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:08 am

Some 10+ years ago on this forum I raised this subject and the fact that Banks are not really our friends and only produce one thing .... DEBT. I pointed out they created ‘money’ out of nothing and condemned for that again by all those in the know when I pointed out that what was in your bank account wasn’t yours and wasn’t money anyway! I got attacked by all those in the know again and that I was a nut job conspiracy theorist. Well now look what is happening ...... and this was all obvious and with a predictable and inevitable outcome all those years ago.

The system is so badly screwed up those running it don’t have a clue how to dig their way out of the mess the system has created. If the people run out of money because they can no longer work for living the state will have to step in .... otherwise get ready for revolution.

Oil has dropped this morning to $ negative pb in the US. And before long the Markets will follow suit and shares will become worthless pieces of paper .......... which is what they always have been anyway.

But there is a grain of hope for the average family ..... they won’t starve as the UK Govt this morning announced giving an income to a million plus workers in the private sector. Of course the public sector already get this but giving pay outs (Universal Basic Income?) is a first in the UK. :roll:

Things are going to change ................

A Universal Basic Income Is Essential and Will Work - By Ellen Brown

A central bank-financed UBI can fill the debt gap, providing a vital safety net while preventing cyclical recessions.
According to an April 6 article on, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) on a long-term basis. Spain’s Minister for Economic Affairs has announced plans to roll out a UBI “as soon as possible,” with the goal of providing a nationwide basic wage that supports citizens “forever.” Guy Standing, a research professor at the University of London, told CNBC that there was no prospect of a global economic revival without a universal basic income. “It’s almost a no-brainer,” he said. “We are going to have some sort of basic income system sooner or later ….”

“Where will the government find the money?” is no longer a valid objection to providing an economic safety net for the people. The government can find the money in the same place it just found more than $5 trillion for Wall Street and Corporate America: the central bank can print it. In an April 9 post commenting on the $1.77 trillion handed to Wall Street under the CARES Act, Wolf Richter observed, “If the Fed had sent that $1.77 Trillion to the 130 million households in the US, each household would have received $13,600. But no, this was helicopter money exclusively for Wall Street and for asset holders.”
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Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:01 pm

On, and on, and fall over backwards!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:27 am

Tuesday April 21, 2020

In a historic first, WTI closed in negative territory on Monday, or -$37.63 to be exact. The decline comes as the WTI contract for May expires on Tuesday. Analysts differed over the significance of this development since the expiring contract becomes increasingly irrelevant. But on Tuesday, the June and July contracts began to collapse as well, deepening the crisis for the oil industry.

Trump calls for bailout. In a tweet on Tuesday, President Trump said: “We will never let the great U.S. Oil & Gas Industry down. I have instructed the Secretary of Energy and Secretary of the Treasury to formulate a plan which will make funds available so that these very important companies and jobs will be secured long into the future!” For now, it is unclear what form such government help will take, although a week ago, Bloomberg reported that the Department of Energy was considering a plan to pay shale drillers not to produce.

Saudi Arabia considers cuts sooner. Saudi Arabia may cut as soon as possible, rather than waiting for May, according to the Wall Street Journal. “Something has to be done about this bloodbath,” said a Saudi official familiar with the matter. “But it might be a little bit too late.”

Trump considers halting Saudi imports. The U.S. celebrated the OPEC+ deal a week ago, but with oil prices collapsing once again, the Trump administration may consider limits on imports. “We certainly have plenty of oil, so I’ll take a look at it,” he said.

Trump wants to fill SPR. On Monday, Trump once again pushed for filling up the SPR. “This is a great time to buy oil...Nobody's ever heard of negative oil before.”

Investor Alert: These are unprecedented times for oil markets, which means there will be unprecedented opportunities in the not-so-distant future. Make sure you are signed up for Global Energy Alert this Friday when our exclusive report on How To Profit From The Oil Market Crash is released.

Oil industry lobbying for Fed help. The U.S. oil and gas industry “has asked the Federal Reserve to change the terms of a $600 billion lending facility so that oil and gas companies can use the funds to repay their ballooning debts,” Reuters reported.

Alberta calls for help. The Canadian government announced a C$2.45 billion aid package for Canada’s energy sector last week. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said the province needs more. “More support is needed to deal with the crisis in Canada’s energy sector, but this is a great first step,” Kenney said. “Our energy sector is facing its biggest challenge ever, and we need to be sure that industry can access the capital it needs to survive and thrive in future years.”

Saudi oil stored at sea. At least one in 10 supertankers is storing oil at sea, and some of those cargoes originated from Saudi Arabia, according to the Wall Street Journal. “The kingdom is now facing a situation where they may have to shut parts in their production, likely from Ghawar and others because they don’t have buyers,” a senior Aramco executive told the WSJ. “The fact is buyers don’t have storage so regardless of whatever level of output you want, there won’t be storage for it.”

Canada cuts steam-driven oil projects. Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) oil projects in Canada are facing shut ins and the curtailment could cause permanent damage. ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) cut output by 100,000 bpd, while Husky Energy (TSE: HSE) and Cenovus Energy (NYSE: CVE) cut production by 15,000 bpd and 45,000 bpd, respectively. Total Canadian shut ins could total 1.5 mb/d, according to TD Bank.

Halliburton cuts $1 billion. Halliburton is cutting jobs, cutting capex by $1 billion and warning of a steep downturn. “We expect activity in North America land to sharply decline during [Q2] and remain depressed through year-end, impacting all basins,” CEO Jeff Miller said. “Activity is in free fall in North America.”

Oil industry loses 51,000 jobs. An estimated 51,000 jobs were lost in the oil industry in March, a 9 percent reduction that will surely grow much more severe in the weeks ahead. “We’re looking at anywhere between five and seven years of job growth wiped out in a month,” Philip Jordan, VP at BW Research Partnership, a research consultancy, told Bloomberg. “What makes it sort of scary is this really is just the beginning. April is not looking good for oil and gas.”

WoodMac: Non-OPEC supply to fall by 4 mb/d by end-2021. Wood Mackenzie updated its forecast for supply declines, noting that cut backs are happening faster than the firm thought just a few weeks ago.

India’s fuel demand plummets by 50%. India’s demand for all fuels fell by 50 percent in April.

Russia orders companies to cut 20 percent. Russia’s energy ministry told domestic oil producers to cut oil production by 20 percent from February levels, a sign that Moscow intends to follow through on the OPEC+ deal.

China doubles stockpiling. China doubled the fill rate at its strategic and commercial inventories in Q1 2020, with some 2 mb/d of oil not processed by refiners in the first quarter.

Whiting Petroleum gets delisting warning. Whiting Petroleum (NYSE: WLL) was given a delisting notice from the NYSE because its share price is in danger of trading below $1 per share for a 30-day period. Whiting filed for bankruptcy on April 1.

We invite you to read several of the most recent articles we have published which may be of interest to you:

Offshore Sector Reeling After Historic 300% Oil Price Crash
Flood Of Saudi Oil To Hit U.S. Shores As Prices Hit $10
Goldman: Don’t Expect U.S. Oil Prices To Recover Soon
What’s Next For Oil As Prices Go Negative?

That’s all from your midweek intelligence report, we hope you enjoyed it and we´ll be back on Friday, with your latest energy market update, industry intelligence and special report.

Best regards,

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