I must confess, I do not fully understand the workings of crypto currency and nor do I want to invest time to learn it. It may well be a generational thing, so I cannot say one way or the other whether Erol is on a winning ticket or not by investing in Bitcoin.
This is the third or the 4th time in the last 30+ years that my US mutual funds in an IRA accounts has hit rock bottom in a very quick spell for various financial black days, including 9/11, and each time the market has came back much stronger than before. I have neither panic sold nor bought on the dip because one does not know when the bottom is, and since it is a retirement account and that I have another 7 years before I must start making the required distributions to myself, I am not at all worried what has happened in the market the last few weeks.
Sure, had I known by looking at a crystal ball a month before the financial market would face a meltdown, I could have converted the mutual funds into cash in an IRA account without penalty and then re convert to funds when the market would make a turn that would have increased my fund holdings, but I never wanted to gamble with these long term funds, so I never bothered. Past financial black days comes handy in today’s realities with the stock market, that I can sleep well at nights despite the financial turmoil. Time is on my side. Let’s hope the next major black market day won’t happen for another 10-15 years from now.